Act V – They’re Right, Actually
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Me, Lily, and a number of other girls assembled outside the school building. Lily had been texting on her way out, as she is one to do. “Sorry about that, Miranda.”
“Sorry about what?” I was a little confused.

“Dan. He had been getting bothersome for a while, but that was really uncalled for. You alright?” She was rather compassionate.
“I… yeah. Thanks.”
“Say, how exactly did it go down? How’d you suddenly become a girl?” asked one of the other girls sitting with us.
The sudden shift to a causal topic threw me off guard. I didn’t hesitate: “Well, I kind of just woke up like this. I don’t know why, it just happened exactly as you said: I suddenly became a girl.”
Some giggles were had. “So yesterday you weren’t sick at all.”
“Yeah. I was busy getting clothes and stuff.” I was already feeling better.
“I didn’t know your mother had that fashion sense, though! Can I meet her?” a different girl asked.

From behind us came a familiar voice: “Don’t give her credit for my work. What happened, Miranda?” It was my older sister.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“Well, Lily told me to come down here because something went down in class.”
“Not much, I only put Dan in his place.” Lily proclaimed, as if being the official title holder of Smuggest Girl in The World.
“Put in his place?”
“He said that guys were better than girls. Lily’s verbal beatdown was amazingly glorious. Not to mention brutal.” I added.
“Heh! Sounds like that’s something that would happen.”
“So, Miranda, can I have your number?” asked the first other girl.
“That’s right. You’re a girl now, we should exchange numbers!” Lily exclaimed.

I was in no position to argue. Five contacts were added into my phone.

“Why do you want me to have your numbers, though?” I asked.
“There’s more to a girl than just herself. Can we crash Miranda’s house tonight?” Lily asked my older sister.
“I’ll ask.” she replied, as she went to call my mother.
“So, now you’re a girl. Do you still want a girlfriend?” asked Samantha, who was the one who originally asked how I became a girl.
“Don’t put her on the spot like that!” Lily said.
“I… you know, come to think of it, there are some pretty handsome looking guys…”
I was embarrassed to say it, but it was honestly true. Maybe my preferences changed with my gender.
“Hey, don’t go stealing my boyfriend!” Samantha complained.
“Don’t you dare try to date Dan.” Lily added.
“I’m not going to steal your boyfriend, Samantha. I don’t even know who he is. Why would I want to date Dan? He’s a total asshole. Plus he’s your boyfriend.”
Ex-boyfriend.” Lily corrected.
Ouch. “Let me correct myself then: I’m not going to date Dan, he’s a total asshole. He deserves to be single.”
“Wow. You’ll make one heck of a girl, Miranda.” Samantha said.
“I… thanks.” I wasn’t sure what kind of a complement it was, but I took it anyway.
“What kind of pizza do people want?”
My sister’s question was asked loudly, and it caught me off guard. It felt completely out of place at the time to me. The others didn’t feel the same way, as they started naming types of pizza. “Hey, Miranda, your sister said sausage on your pizza, right?” asked Samantha.
“Eh? Where did this come from?” I was lost.
“We’re going to your place!” Samantha replied.
Well then, that explains it.
“Not going to fight this one I guess…”
My sister came to face me. “You’ve wanted friends, here they are. Enjoy it, little brot--”
She stopped herself and grew very red in the face. I giggled. “It’s alright. Shall we get going?”

Lots of fun was had that night.