Chapter 6: The happenings before Bobby’s attack
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Heh, enough messing around, I'll go ahead and mess with Bobby now.

<Do you even know where he is?>

[Ctrl+F {Bobs Bobby the II}]



<Wouldn't it be boring if you just, you know, kill him before he can do anything?>

Yes, but what if I just put him under an illusion of someone playing Not going to give you up constantly somewhere near him, occasionally interrupted with silence and a little bit of fear inducing aura? Wouldn't that be... annoying?

<So you're gonna traumatize him with Riggie roll?>

Heh, whatever you say. I'm just letting him listen to an iconic song for free, then sometimes boo him a little.


Alright then, how should I do this? Hmm... Hmm...

[Illusion {Bobs Bobby the II} {type:sound{Not going to give you up},interruption:{interval:random,filler:illusion{type:fear{ammount:random({someone watching},{someone attacking from behind})},duration:random(0.01s,1s)}}} Soul]

There, hope it works.

<*Sigh* somehow I pity him.>

Welp, Imma go home now, it's late and I'm not passing the opportunity to lie down and relax.

*It's back bitches! Smooth transition!*

*5am next morning*


So what now?

<What do you mean?>

I'm bored... Oh well, let's play some Shape Run.

*She beat like 14 extreme demons in one attempt each.*

Hmm... great, so now let's make an ads to win gacha sandbox anime game.


Oh, it's time to "go" to school.

I'm still thinking that the timetable is flooded with Math.

*Smooth transition*

*Some time between the classes*

|Haa~ I just wish that there's something else other than Math.|

"*Cough* what was that?"

<I don't know and I'm too afraid to know.>

Hmm... fine.


*It seems like she's ready.*

(See, I told you the moment you decided to give her that much Soul Energy.)

*Koff- no comments. Smoot-*

(You're not going anywhere!)


(Now give me back the time skip panel.)

*Haa~ here.*

.Stop arguing guys..

(You can speak for the ones who can't participate.)

.Title said she doesn't care if she's ready..

1I don't really either.

*You know, if someone don't talk with you, people won't even know you said something right?*

2Welp, that's just who I am.

.Should we talk to her?.

Wait a bit more.


|Hat-chuuu!!! Haa~ if it's already this dusty now, then it'll be just that much dustier in the future.|

"Why do I feel like your voice is different?" (PSpooder)

|No idea.|

(Bobby II's POV)

Hmm... this song is kinda nice, almost as nice as that slap.


"*High pitched scream*" (Bobby II)

(1 month later, Lily's POV)

No one seems to notice my change of gender yet, probably because we're still learning through Vroom.

*Pa-ching3Messenger messege.*

(Layla) 'hey D*BEEEEP*, r u learning in ur MG form'

'yea' (Lily)

(Layla) 'ur gonna use that name irl?'

'y not' (Lily)

'been living in that shell 4 2 long' (Lily)

'now that i have the ability 2 change my gender' (Lily)

'ill do it' (Lily)

(Layla) 'understandable'

(Layla) 'u came out w ur parents yet'

'i did' (Lily)

(Layla) 'gud 4 u'

|Haa~ still don't know what's wrong with my voice.|

It's "reverbing through space and time" as PSpooder and Nyet said.

It's like a fact of the universe they said.

Like I'm speaking directly into their memories they said.

Like I'm that powerful.


Am I?

Koff- anyways, let's see what's for lunch.

(1.5 months later)

"Ahem, testing, testing."

Finally, I can stop speaking like a fucking nexus being with a vocal power. Just slap a few seals to suppress the information and we're done.

<You should understand that your magic increase in efficiency proportional to your Soul Energy, and your voice increase proportional to the 4th root of that. That shows just how much Soul Energy you have.>

How'd you know that?

<Dunno, just know it.>


Anyways, the day we come back to school is drawing near. Actually it's today. So...


I'm rushing to school in stopped time.



(In class, 3rd person POV)

*Class noises*

*Door slam open*

|Am I late?|

|Koff- I mean...|

"Am I late?" (Lily)

"Who are you?" (Guy4Yes, that's his name.)

"Wait, that backpack color..." (Reed)

"*Collective gasp*" (Everyone present)

"D*BEEEEP*?!" (Pearl)

"I told you, I'm fucking trans! Wahahaha!" (Lily)

Suddenly, a hand slap on her shoulder.

"Lily... really?" (Layla)

"Yes." She deadpans.

'SHE KNEW!' (Others in class)

(Later, Lily's POV)

Everyone was surprised, as expected. They flocked to me during one of the break time to ask what the hell happened. Of course I told them I'm a Magical Girl... kinda... anyways PSpooder freaked out when I said that, but calmed down immediately, probably remembering how strong I am. The teachers, well, they were pretty worried about my family since I revealed my identity, but I assured them, saying that even if a black hole appeared beside my parents or house, they would be able to survive both the gravitational pull and the explosion of the black hole dying.

The weeks pass by normally while I study for the exams and wait for Bobby to strike.