Side story 1: Info dump for anyone who cares
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Which of these should be Lily's Soul Weapon?
  • Scissors Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Whip Sword Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Wand Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Halberd Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Scimitar Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Double Pistol Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Bow Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Crossbow Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tribow Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Sniper Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Spade Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Chains Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Crystal Catalysts Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Orb Catalyst Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Soul Manifestion Environment Votes: 6 24.0%
Total voters: 25 · This poll was closed on May 2, 2022 04:22 PM.

(This is the conversation between Androgynous person and Lily in chapter 3 in 3rd person POV)

"So, why a girl?" Lily asks.

"It's uhh... cultural based identity protection spell?" Androgynous person doesn't seems sure about his answer.

"So you read Magical Girl stories?" (Lily)

"We researched everything in our capability to make the most convincing scenario. The 'Dungeon and system' thing in those Korean stories are good, too, but we don't have good enough programmers to make it, and the Monster Side aren't coming in cracks floating in mid-air, they must set up some kind of base first to build the portals, so, we chose the Magical Girl approach." (Androgynous person)

"You know you can just make everyone capable of fighting against the monsters right?" (Lily)

"No, we can't, you people have very low Soul Energy, so they just don't have enough mental strength to pull of feats the general monsters can. Soul Energy boost your mind and Magic Energy reserve, and constant exposure to Magic Energy will boost your physical capabilities, although not much. The Soul Energy can be translated to joules, with the conversion ratio to Magic Energy boost is ESoul (Joules*cubic nanometers)*VBody (cubic nanometers)=EMagic (Joules)." (Androgynous person)

"Do I have to learn Physics all over again?" Lily groans, Physics was a pain in high school.

"...Perhaps..." (Androgynous person)

"Нееееет!!!" Her hope was smashed in pieces.

"What?" (Androgynous person)

"Russian." (Lily)

"Ah, I see. Well, any questions?" (Androgynous person)

"Tell me about your civilization." (Lily)

"Well, we're an inter-galactical body of multiple galaxies, which should translate to a city when translated to your civilization size. A cluster  usually consist of 20 to 30 groups of galaxies, which is the equivalent to a country here, and a cluster is a continent. A supercluster should be your entire 'Earth'. We have four main factions, with many clusters with similar culture, technology and biology take part in one. Well, calling them factions would be wrong, they're more like culture groups, Unions, yeah. So the Monster is the one we're currently fighting, they're individuals who has lost themselves to their lust for power. Then there's the Mystic Cluster, which has sadly... fallen..." (Androgynous person)

"You don't need to talk about that if you don't want to." (Lily)

"Sorry. After that is the UCM, with the most advanced technology between the three allied Unions. Then there's us, the Fae Galaxy..." (Androgynous person)

"Your galaxy is alone?" (Lily)

"It's a big one, almost half the size of a cluster. Although we're called Fae, please keep calling us the Magical Girl Side, we didn't tell the others contractors yet, you're a special case." (Androgynous person)

"Speaking of contractors..." (Lily)

"The Fae, or the Magicas to be exact, are the special force of our Galaxy, we 'make contracts' with other's is in fact just linking the soul of the Magica and the contractor, boosting their Soul Energy since we Faes do have a lot of them, and things tends to go from high to low." (Androgynous person)

"Ok, why am I special?" (Lily)

"We'll talk about that later. You should not know about this yet." (Androgynous person)

"Anything else?" (Lily)

"Well, that basically it." (Androgynous person)


Oh hello there, didn't see you there.

Yep, this is me, Not Human.

I'll put even more info dump here for anyone who cares, if you don't want spoilers then you can move on to the next chapter.


You're still there? Ok then.




Any species without the ability to tamper with the Soul. These entities look can varies, from human, humanoids (yes, including demons), animals, mythology creatures, anything, they can use Magic Energy, but cannot use Soul Energy.




Entities with the ability to make Soul Contracts. Shaped like mortals. In their culture, naming is a sacred thing and can only be done by the parents, and changing name is taboo, though codenames or nicknames are fine.




Entities with the ability to utilize Soul Energy conversion and can have control over Soul Energy like mortals over Magic Energy. However, they can't use Magic Energy and their Soul deteriorate over time after death. They can create Soul Energy from consuming other types of energy. Shaped like mortals. In their culture, when someone dies, that person needs to find a suitable being to leave behind their Soul Energy. The Inheritor is determined with these criteria: Good at Magic control; Not corrupted; Won't be corrupted; Resonate with you. It is also advised that the mystics should find their Inheritor before they die.




Entities of any classifications above whose Soul Energy was corrupted. They have the ability to "eat" the Soul Energy and get stronger in the process. Shaped like mortals. They only care to consume and how to increase their chance to consume Soul Energy. There are also involuntary monsters who turned into a monster by mistake. Some of them retain their sanity, suppress their urge to "eat" Soul Energy and can stay safely in their society.


Soul Energy:


Also called Vitality, Soul Energy is the necessary energy that every living beings have. It makes the mind stronger, albeit too slight to notice normally, and increase the Magic Energy reserve. Stored in wave form, every abilities regarding the soul has an unique signature wave form, so if the wave clash with each other, it will get messed up and stabilize as a certain form, which in most cases is the corrupted form, thus creating Monsters. Mystics can prevent this from happening with their control, but their culture require one to find an entity that checks all the criteria in a list to give Soul Energy to.


Magic Energy:


A type of energy that can be controlled intentionally by one's mind and can affect the world noticeably.


Magic Energy reserve:


A stronger mind means more accurate Magic Energy control. Magic Energy is stored as sub-atomic particles, specifically mana. The stronger the mind the more mana the body can hold effectively.




An elementary particle with similar properties with gluon but can be controlled intentionally by one's mind. Once controlled by someone, it will not stop until it has done it job, specifically creating a phenomenon in the space intended relative to the caster.




Your consciousness. Contain all of your Soul Energy.


Soul Contracts:


Contracts that links the souls of the involved entities. It is unbreakable unless both sides agree or all the terms were completed.


Soul Link:


It just works okay? This is a fantasy world so just deal with it.


Fae naming:


When the parents Faes name their child, they are basically making a contract but a parents-child one instead of a partnership one like the "Magical Girl contract". This kind of contract will ensure that the child won't die before the parents by transferring Soul Energy via the soul link from both the parents to the child. This will also help the child develop their Magic Energy reserve. When the contract is made, it is required that both the parents agree on the name, then their Soul Energy will be transferred to their child almost instantly, thus inducing nausea and fatigue. In this process, half of each parents' Soul Energy will be given to the child, when the parents get older, the rest of their Soul Power will slowly be transferred to their child with some loss in the process. This way, the next generation is guaranteed to be stronger than the previous one, but less fertility. To increase the fertility again, the Fae must get more Soul Energy, usually from Mystic Legacies.


Magical Girl contract:


A partnership contract developed by the Magicas to reinforce Earth Humans' defense against the Monster's invasion. It shares the Soul Energy between the two, boosting the human but weakening the Magica. The contract also make the food consumption of both human and Magica increase to make up to the loss of Soul Energy of the Magica.


Mystics Legacy:


A cultural activity of mystics where they transfer all their Soul Energy to an Inheritor after death. One Inheritor can inherits from many mystics.


The Supercluster War of Waora:


Year 1243 B.C. Earth time, the Monster Empire Mozism dictator Artov Hedrel declared war on the other Unions for "Cutting off their food source".

Year 1242 B.C. Earth time, the Magica was established by Vrademol Olak Rilan.

Year 950 B.C. Earth time, the Anti Monster Union was established, the Monster Empire started attacking.

Year 924 B.C. Earth time, half of the Mystic Cluster was occupied by the Monster Empire.

Year 142 B.C. Earth time, the president of the United Clusters of Mortalica Abrohamster Lean was assassinated by a Mozist terrorist group.

Year 1320 A.C. Earth time, under the lead of Windstone Tignerd Sponsor Church Hill, the Mystic Cluster regain most of their galaxies lost to the Mozis.

August 28th, 2023 A.C. Earth time, the Monster Empire did a mass attack on the Mystic Cluster, every mystics there was killed, luckily, their soul escaped towards the Virgo Supercluster.

August 29th, 2023 A.C. Earth time, the Mozis chased the mystics to a star system. It seems the mystics has chosen a random citizen of this star system to be their Inheritor.

That was longer than I anticipated.

Edit: All "Nyet"s changed to androgynous person for consistency.