Chapter 8
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Like most of the prostitutes from Sadera’s slums, Mizari shed her old life to begin a new one. It boggled her mind that she could sustain a comfortable living solely with her handiwork, or that she could actually just stay at home and survive on the basic necessities.

Her friends and former colleagues were doing well, either living out their dreams of tending to their own lands, or serving in the Nexus enforcement, or even just being a happy housewife to a Nexus soldier. As far as she knew, none continued their old trade.

The Monarch herself didn’t think much of her paintings at first, simply attending the art classes out of curiosity as she figured out what she wanted to do. Then someone approached her with a hefty offer for her work, and Mizari found her new job.

She found out that artwork was a luxury highly sought after on the other side of the Nexus, and actually blushed when the appraisers gushed at how her work was comfortably above the average fare. The credits Mizari received for her work was almost ludicrous, just one quick painting netted her more than enough to live off for the next four months.

After selling more paintings to confirm that it wasn’t a fluke, Mizari found that she could lower her price in credits in exchange for other forms of payment. A reservation for the new line of dresses being released soon, a lifetime pass to the chain of cinemas being constructed across the (former probation) towns, and most amazingly, a private meeting with Sev and his Brides.

It was a stupid price to demand, she had thought. “Five hundred credits and it’s yours. Or give me an audience with Sev and I’ll knock it down to fifty.” An obvious joke that her prospective buyer was sure to understand.

“Hm… I’ll come back to you on that?”

Mizari didn’t recognize Curie until after the Bride had called her later in the day to agree on the alternative price. Then she was flown over to Alnus Hill, and was nervously sitting in a luxurious office opposite the ruler of the Nexus who was smiling at her from behind his desk.

“So, what can I do for you, miss…Mizari?”

Mizari had dealt with dangerous men before, but this one was different. Cruel gang leaders, callous noblemen in disguise, arrogant merchants… None of them intimidated her more than Sev did with his warm smile. This was the man who ordered the Obliteration of Sadera, who kept the emperor and his sons screaming. Mizari fought back her trembling as she offered her painting to Curie who stood beside her, who then admired the work and brought it to Sev.

He gave it a look and the smile beamed brighter. “Oh, so you’re the artist for those works. Glad we got one of your pieces at last… Now we’re part of the upper culture.” She felt no reassurance at all from his light chuckles, instead wishing for her opium pipe again. Maybe clearing her addiction to the stuff wasn’t a good idea…

Once more Sev’s voice spoke up, drawing her attention. “So, now that you’re here, are there any answers you’re looking for, any complaints or requests?”

Her mind raced to come up with a response, to drag words together and hammer them into some recognizable form. In the meantime, Mizari’s mouth opened and closed without a sound. If she could, she would be strangling herself now for ending up here.

Sev’s patient smile, and that Curie behind him, caused her anxiety to surge. They were waiting for a reply, so answer him damnit! In the self-created urgency, Mizari dragged out a random topic and pushed it out her mouth.

“Is it true you fuck your Brides every night until they’re broken and need the healing arches the next day?”

Oh shit. Mizari’s mouth snapped shut and her eyes went wide at the idiocy she had just committed.

The smirks on his and Curie’s faces did not help at all, and neither was it when they shared a glance and broke into soft laughter.

“It’s…exaggerated,” Sev explained.

Curie nodded and added, “Yes, seeing how much our bodies are fortified, healing arches aren’t required.”

Mizari blinked, gulped, and then nodded slowly as she screamed internally at herself. “I…I see… Tha-Thank you for answering?”

“No problem. Is there anything else?”

The words left her mouth before she could even grab the leash. “Could I try?”

The internal facepalming and raging distracted her for seconds before she noticed Sev was standing up with a wry grin. “For another painting?”

The Monarch found herself kneeling before the ruler of the Nexus in what felt like a blink of an eye. She might not be a whore anymore, but the skills she had learned remain with her, and Mizari’s hands expertly worked on the cock before her. Seeing it twitch right in front of her made her awoke her urges that were repressed ever since she left Sadera. Her mouth felt dry, yet she was holding back on drooling like an idiot.

Sev’s hands running through her hair brought a tingle of reassurance as she leaned in to give a soft kiss on the warm shaft she was massaging. Then her mouth opened and she lowered herself onto the waiting member, and the familiar feeling of a cock filling her mouth was almost welcoming. Mizari’s tongue rubbed slowly and firmly against it as her head began bobbing slowly, her hands still tenderly stroking and caressing Sev’s base and sack.

This was the ruler of the Nexus she was dealing with, and she had asked for it. She would have to really impress him.

“Mm….mmh…” As her face slid closer to his crotch, as his cock pushed closer down her throat, Mizari found herself enjoying the experience far more than she ever did. Her senses were no longer dulled from her pipe, and there was no drive to survive, to make it to another day motivating her now. She was sucking on cock, and she would hopefully be taking it up her moistening pussy, because she was simply curious about it and actually wanted to.

It was almost meditative, bobbing her head up and down Sev’s length, feeling it slide down the back of her mouth. Mizari kept her calm as her throat was plugged up, simply humming and running her tongue along the underside of the warm, pulsing member as she swallowed more and more of it.

She happily enjoyed the moment, almost getting lost in it if not for the grunts from Sev and Curie’s whispers into his ears. Mizari finished her indulgence by pulling out with an audible pop and gasp, her eyes looking up at Sev to meet his approving gaze.

Then Mizari was bent over the desk, her dress pushed up and her undergarment yanked off her legs. She gave Sev a pleading nod, and then groaned with blissful release as he held her by the hips and thrusted into her.

“How is it?” Curie asked lightly beside her, stroking her hair gently.

“So good…” Mizari moaned out in all honesty. The fucking Sev was giving her was far from anything she had been involved with. Even her favorites, the most attentive clients, couldn’t come close to the rush of pleasure that was causing her body to tremble towards a quick orgasm.

Was it the opium that had muted her past experience, or was this man simply that good?

A wordless cry left Mizari’s mouth as her climax disrupted her senses. She dimly felt her wings fluttering wildly as her whole body continued to quiver with aroused delight. Sev’s hips smacked against her rear at a constant, relentless pace, driving his throbbing cock deep into her over and over and over again.

Curie was saying something, but Mizari was too busy moaning and mewling as the pleasure rushed through her ears and flooded her brains. She barely knew that she was resting her cheek on the desk and that her tongue was likely lolling out as her constantly open mouth let out a stream of lustful noises.

A second orgasm hit, just as powerful and as blinding as the first. And a hazy brief eternity later, there was another. And then another. And then another.

Mizari’s mind almost broke from the intense, ecstatic lust hammering into her, but she had enough consciousness to register the wonderful moment when Sev gave a final grunt and buried his dick deep into her before he flooded her with his seed. She felt the warmth leaking out of her as he pulled out, though her limp body could barely move to even keep her eyes open and lift her head to look at him.

Then Sev’s face loomed into her fluttering view, with a grin that promised mischief. “So, how was it?”

She could only give a whimper of a noise as an answer, but Sev seemed to understand as he nodded.

“So, care for more?”

Mizari didn’t know how she remained alive after the next round of unfettered fucking. Sev picked her up and put her in new positions before pistoning his still hard, forever hard, cock into her. When she managed to moan out some coherent words, the ruler of the Nexus obliged her request and stuffed her ass as well. Mizari never felt so much like a mere sheath, like a limp and helpless object before.

In the moments where she wasn’t drowning in bliss, she got to appreciate how liberating it felt being fucked like this. There was no worry or care about bruises or cuts, no threats to be worried about, no belongings to keep an eye on; Mizari had the freedom to just enjoy the experience and give herself over to the cock that was thoroughly using her.

Mizari woke up the next day in her bed, naked and caked in dried bodily fluids. More spilled out of her sore holes and the Monarch had to crawl to her bath on weak and trembling limbs. It was the best fuck she would ever have, she knew as she slumped in her tub. After a good soak, Mizari cautiously walked on still wobbly legs to get her clothes, and found an envelope on her bedstand. Inside was a simple printed letter.

“Looking forward to commissioning more works from you.”

She would have to work on the painting for Sev quickly. For the sake of sating the resurging itch in her loins, for basking in such a mind blowing experience once more, Mizari immediately started working on her next piece. And the ones after that, just in case each work could be traded for future…meetings with Sev.