Chapter 9
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As a volunteer from her village, Tuka Luna Marceau was conscious of being a representative of her people. It would have been a nerve-wracking thing, but the casual air of camaraderie that quickly infected all who took up arms for the Nexus easily tore down any sense of formality or rigidity.

With Kowan Village, and the entire Koan Forest being under the Nexus’ protection, Tuka and several others willingly journeyed to the Nexus to offer Sev what services they could as a means to repay his generous, practically free aid against the dragon.

Despite their arcane weapons and artifacts, the human soldiers from the other side of the Gate were quick to welcome her and the other grateful volunteers from Kowan Village, freely sharing what they could with the elves and earnestly appreciating their talents. In exchange, the elves were awed by weapons of light that did not require casting, and armor made of material that made ancient dragon scales seem like thin planks.

Tuka was there for the demonstration, and like the other volunteers, her jaw dropped at watching the beams of light punch a clean hole through the salvaged scales of the flame dragon.

“It’s strong stuff,” one of the soldiers said far too casually, hefting some scales in one hand. “But we’ve got better.”

Then the elves were trained in the Nexus’ ways, and their natural agility and skills made each elf an expert marksman practically overnight. Instead of resentment or envy, the soldiers of the Nexus celebrated the achievement and introduced their new elven comrades to the fare from the other side of the Gate.

Tuka didn’t know what was in her food or drinks, but it all tasted delicious. Every elf paused to gape when the dragon steaks were brought out though. It was supposed to be slices from the flame dragon that was so easily felled. And after a tentative bite, it tasted absolutely sublime.

The elven volunteers were incorporated as guides and scouts for the Nexus Companies, particularly to lead ventures into heavily forested regions where the mysterious supposedly ‘eyes in the skies’ had trouble discerning threats. Tuka also got to work with other races of her world, most of which she was encountering for the first time.

Warrior Bunnies, Cat Folk, Volradens, Sirens and more, the mixed groups of the Nexus’ native forces served alongside the elite Companies, dressed in the same gear and wielding the same weapons as the Sardaukar troopers. It was strange to see such trust given to outsiders, but 1st Company Commander Edward waved it off with little concern.

“Sev does not turn away good help. Besides, nothing we have can be turned against the Nexus.”

Which meant that somehow, the Nexus’ tools of war were enchanted or cursed… But none of the magically adept were able to find the faintest hint of how that might be accomplished. With no reason to do so, nobody was an idiot enough to try finding out.

The native guides led the Nexus soldiers through less traveled paths to visit the former vassals of the Empire. Most opened their castle or city gates without needing a herald to announce them. For the majority of these, Tuka got to sit in to witness how the Nexus extended its influence. The only price Sev wanted from them were their criminals consigned to death, a complete and immediate disbandment of slavery which was sworn to be upheld, and a simple oath of loyalty. The newly emancipated slaves were also offered a new home within Nexus lands.

She didn’t know much about politics, but the other demihumans had been surprised at the low price of subservience towards the Nexus.

For two of the welcoming realms, Tuka had followed after the troopers as they raised their weapons and rounded up the ruling nobility. For reasons unknown, they were deposed and a new ruler was assigned as a replacement.

As to those that kept their gates closed to the arrival of the Nexus, these made the soldiers grin darkly, unsettling Tuka. The first time a fortified city had rained arrows on the team leader who had walked in to announce himself, Tuka and the other guides simply watched as the chuckling Sardaukar raised their weapons and brought the stone walls down with sweeps of white light. Rebecca, the team leader, did not budge from her position as the arrows pinged harmlessly off her, and she blasted down the gate with a few well placed shots.

Then an order was given, and Tuka stood in horror as the cloud of Sentinels descended from the heavens to blot out the city. It took little time for them to devour the settlement and its surroundings, stripping it of stone, wood and glass, leaving only a terrified populace wailing and shrieking in fear as everything else around them was gone.

Keen elven eyes picked out just how thorough the monstrous cloud had been; she could see patches of loose dirt where grassy fields used to be, and a damp trench marked the stream that used to run by the city. Within the barren earth that was the city itself, the people were wandering and flailing in panic after literally everything but the clothes on their back had vanished.

New terms were announced, and the Nexus added most of the populace to its lands. Only a few people remained, the foolish nobles and merchants who had ruled the city supposedly. Their families were allowed to follow the exodus after renouncing all ties to them.

Tuka witnessed the same thing twice more, and after that news must have spread enough that every city or castle they encountered had gates unbarred and wide open.

As they were planning on finishing up on the last few realms, the order came to recall all forces back to the Nexus. Puzzled, the teams nonetheless returned to Alnus Hill with all due haste, and on the flight back Tuka noted the Nexus’ borders being more clearly marked out by the increased numbers of Obelisks of Light.

Strangely, the mood in the base was a mix of grimness from the natives of the world, alongside an excited anticipation from the soldiers of the Nexus. Those who were recalled were sent to watch a recording of an apostle of Emroy, and then it became clear.

The Nexus was preparing for war.

Soon after, the elves, Warrior Bunnies and other native guides were gathered onto a field where Sev appeared before them on stage. Tuka felt his gaze as it swept through the assembly, heavy with deliberation.

“Hopefully you’ve all been informed of what had happened four days ago.” His voice echoed from the eyebot constructs hovering above the crowd so that his words reached everyone in the field. Tuka wondered if he was also speaking through the radios in his people’s homes.

“Simply put, the gods in this world, all of them, do not take kindly to the Nexus’ presence, especially in sharing our advancement with the people here. We have been…asked to keep our technology to ourselves, and withhold any further aid in uplifting the people of this world.”

Murmurs of disbelief rose amongst the crowd. Even Tuka felt torn between her faith and the generous protection of the Nexus, especially after listening to the damning words from Emroy’s apostle.

“To get straight to it, the Nexus has several options: We could withdraw back to our side of the Gate, and any natives of this world who wish to follow will be welcomed. The Gate would then be closed, and this world would be free to return to its old normal.”

The sharp gasps and whispers of shock floated around the room this time, and an undercurrent of panic coursed through the assembly.

What of their family and clan members still beyond the Nexus’ borders? What would happen to the lands under the aegis of the Nexus?

“Option B, our presence remains on this side of the Gate, but we comply with the request of your gods.” Tuka felt Sev’s distaste and disdain in the last words. “Which would also mean we might have to roll back some of the improvements that has been treated as necessities within the Nexus lands.” He frowned and let the murmurs die down. “It’d be hard for everyone, and I’ll admit I’d rather leave these lands than compromise the laws and rights of the Nexus.”

Which made some sense. Sev was a benevolent tyrant, but a tyrant nonetheless. It was taken as fact that the Nexus controlled relatively little of its people’s life compared to other human kingdoms, and that its laws were unyielding and unforgiving to any who defy them, just as it was generous and just to those who accepted them. To bend and acquiesce now might cause a crack in the monolith that was the Nexus Severalty.

Sev spoke up once more, his expression becoming far more grim. “The last option: The Nexus remains here and the Nexus does not accommodate the request of divine idiots. We will freely aid those who come to us to the best of our abilities, and share the bounties of our technology evenly, regardless of which side of the Gate our people reside in. Should war come as a result, the Nexus will defend itself in the way it always has.”

Something stirred in the air. There were concerns about defying the will of the gods, yet there was also agreement with Sev’s words. Tuka herself felt conflicted between her devotion to Lunaryur and the obviously callous will of the gods.

Sev raised his hands to calm the growing mutterings and whispers. “As this would affect all of those on this side of the Gate, a vote will be taken in a week’s time. Go back home, discuss amongst yourself which path you and your friends and family would prefer enduring. Keep the discussions and debates civil. And once the voting begins, do not let your choice be tainted by the wishes and wants of others. The Nexus Severalty will abide by the results of the vote.”

They dispersed after that and over the next few days, nothing but the vote was on the minds of everyone. Only those from the other side of the Nexus remained above it all, sworn to silent neutrality on the matter. This would strictly be a choice decided by those truly affected by them.

Tuka listened in to the many speeches and arguments held in parks and over the radio and televisions. She pored over the public terminals with other elves from her village for further information. Full protectorates like Kowan Village were also given the rights to vote, and it was quickly becoming a topic that fought

Rory Mercury had returned to witness the vote according to the news, and she had arrived with several other apostles of other gods, who happily confirmed her recorded claims on screen. The gods were uncharacteristically unanimous in this, they did not want the Nexus to bring further improvements to this world at such a fast pace.

Even if it meant bypassing the fatal pitfalls and collateral that a slow and divinely ‘guided’ development would bring, the mage apprentice Lelei argued over the radio. Even if it meant that the peoples here would endure stunted advancements and the consequences of such things.

By the end of the week, the Nexus lands fell quiet for the whole day as its people carefully pondered over their choices before casting their vote. Each voter received a copy of their vote in the terminal database for reference.

Even before the votes were tallied on the next day, everyone had a feeling of what the result would be. Tuka and the elves of Koan Forest began preparing for it. And when the results came out, the only surprise felt was that there were actually people voting for the other options. It was a significant landslide of a victory, almost unanimous.

Sev appeared on the screens and was heard on the radios as he declared the inevitable result. “The Nexus will remain here, and we will not accept the will of the gods. Should it come down to it, we will be ready to fight for our right to aid the peoples of this world.”

The exodus of Kowan Village into the Nexus was undertaken after that, aided of course by the transports of the Nexus. Tuka Marceau would fight to defend the Nexus with her brothers and sisters, and the soldiers of the Nexus who had protected and welcomed them when the gods themselves had been uncaring.