Backyard Farming pt. 1
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By the end of the day Daniel’s face was aglow with delight he couldn't stop looking at his status page as he squirmed with sheer glee, apparently a single dark wolf whelp would drop 3 to 4 XP and since he killed three he was already halfway to level one and he got his first basic skill targeting which seemed to only apply to a few certain spells. 



Name: Azrakiel

Class: n/a

Lv: 0

Hp: 10/10

Sp: 15/15

Xp: 10/20

Bp: 0



  • Targeting (basic): allows a caster to lock onto a target and fire spells [applies to ATK and DEF spells]




  • Electro web [2 sp] [1 sec cooldown] ATK

2 dmg, -10% spd, 2 shock dmg per 10 sec [30 sec duration]


  • Crimson cocoon [1 sp] [3 sec cooldown] SUP

-20% spd, 2 dmg per 10 sec [30 sec duration]


  • Psycho drain [2 sp] [.5 sec cooldown] SUP

3 ft Knockback, Absorbs 4 hp from target


  • Righteous dominion [3 sp] [1.5 sec cooldown] SUP

Heals player for 4 hp every 5 sec [10 sec duration (if uninterrupted)]




Still content Daniel headed home wondering how he could level up faster seeing as he had no car to get around the city and he didn't want to go to the main farming spots where a bunch of people could stare and watch him flail around like a dork. Sighing he headed inside passing the kitchens screen door when out of the corner of his eye he saw a small white blur escape his vision. Snapping his head to the sight he saw a small white creature hop just outside his screen door. Moving the curtains Daniel stared in awe as his backyard was almost entirely littered with large white rabbits, each one looked like a blob of cool whip with pure white fur, long pointed ears, and scarlet eyes that shimmered almost like rubies.


Taking off his backpack Daniel opened the door stepping on to the grassy backyard watching as rabbits hopped away from the visitor they've never seen before, as Daniel peered at the rabbits, he thought of something and began climbing a tree to peer into his neighbor's yard. It was just as he suspected the neighbor's yard was also filled with rabbits, so was the one a house down, and another, and another until Daniel realized that the rabbits were in almost every backyard in the neighborhood. Beaming with excitement Daniel checked the rabbit closest to him seeing it was called an [albino sky hopper lv.1], a bit confused by the name Daniel shrugged it off and targeted the first rabbit he saw using electro web as a means to gauge how strong it was.


As soon as the rabbit got hit with the spell its fur immediately stood on end making its blob-like body resemble a sea urchin, and immediately as if on cue it made a large leap forward prepared to leap into the closed screen door but in a quick motion it hopped again landing on the roof far from Daniel’s spell range. Yet still, the rabbit flinched and kicked at its surroundings before falling over and disappearing into a single mote of golden light. As the light floated to him Daniel realized just how convenient this would be for him, if the rabbits respawned fast enough then he’d be able to jump through the leveling ranks in no time, and since they only had around 6 hp Daniel could basically do his homework outside while occasionally firing a spell or two. Enamored with his ingenious plan Daniel set to work but a problem quickly arose, with the sky hoppers now aware of his presence they began avoiding him quickly scaling trees, and the roof like a flock of birds but Daniel had a solution for this.




Knowing that at some point the rabbits will come back down Daniel simply sat on the grass of his backyard doing homework on his laptop and the moment he saw the rabbits begin to hop back to the ground he’d target using electro web before baiting the rabbit straight into the line of his crimson cocoon and as they died the stalemate would begin again. Over an hour or so passed and Daniel was about to just head back inside when a triumphant tone rang from his phone while in front of him a golden banner appeared saying “congrats you’ve leveled up”. Overflooded with joy Daniel hopped up from his spot and did a triumphant little dance around his backyard before stopping to look at his stats again.



Name: Azrakiel

Class: n/a

Lv: 1

Hp: 15/15

Sp: 20/20

Xp: 0/30

Bp: 0


Seeing his Sp increase Daniel couldn’t wait to begin getting more spell that is until he noticed something blinking to the side. Swiping the side bar he taped the box that had a bookmarked star symbol on it revealing a text box before him.



Congrats as of now you have unlocked:

  • Bounty board
  • Inventory
  • Bit bank
  • Community board
  • Item shop


For a second confusion dominated his mind Daniel wondered what all of these things could mean before realizing what it all truly was, quickly tapping the Bounty board he saw that there were three tabs labeled creature, player, and item. Nodding to himself he realized that now as a level one he’s an official player and out of the beginners' section, now with a better understanding Daniel was filled with determination to become the best supporter for his friends. Going over to the spell list Daniel scrolled for a bit before deciding to invest some spells in defense and at least two attack spells so he was left completely defenseless. In the end, he proudly looked at his four new spells desecrated dome, palm flash, charge burst, and spirit release satisfied Daniel went back inside closing the screen door behind him.


 As he entered his room he flopped on his bed with a satisfied tone before seeing the red blinking sign in the corner of his glasses. Folding them up he placed them on their black charging stand while he plugged up his phone scrolling through stories about awkward first dates. Suddenly he fell asleep his heavy eyelids shut letting his body rest while his mind kept firing ideas through his mind, yet before he truly fell asleep and an idea came to him an idea so brilliant that in that very moment he bolted upright in his bed and quickly scribbled it on the back of his notebook. Saddling himself in bed he couldn't help but grin at his brilliant idea.


What element do you think Jason should get
  • White- represents pure holy magic Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blue- represents water and mind magic Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Green- represents nature and earth magic Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Red- represents powerful fire magic Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black- represents death and shadow magic Votes: 3 50.0%
Total voters: 6 · This poll was closed on Sep 23, 2019 01:42 AM.