Chapter 9. Return of the Count 3
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I returned to the mansion after welcoming back ceremony completed. I now stood at behind the army in one of the viewing platforms. I wondered why didn't I was standing in the main platform with the Count, my mother and his followers. Count either seemed to not care about me or whether he didn't want to have the son, who didn't participate in the war, be a part of victory speech. 

Shortly after, The Count, began his speech. "The Redmond's army has defeated the demons." A loud cheer erupted from the crowd. "We have shown them what it means to attack the mankind. We shall mourn the glorious dead who gave their life to protect the human world. We shall exalt them for their deeds as well those returned victorious." Another loud cheer rang out in support of Count, martyrs and soldiers." There will be a buffet held in this castle today. Eat all you can and drink your fill. All the Rewards will be given in the capital where king has declared a week long celebration festival in lieu of our victory. Do bring your families to the capital as Redmond House will arrange both transport and stay in the capital. We shall set to capital tomorrow. " 

Another loud cheer erupted from the crowd in acknowledgement of The Count's generosity. As soon as the speech finished, all the servants of the mansion came out with massive vessels which contained the contents of buffet. Shortly after distribution started and to my surprise Count stood at the start of serving line and started to serve evryone. This was new to me, So I asked Ellyn  what count is doing is custom here. She affirmed it as soon as I asked. As the line slowly came to the last of the men, Ellyn guided me to the buffet to have the meal.