Chapter 2
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There were numerous well-wishes and prayers in response to the ad Frank had done for dog Frank, but no one was stepping forward to take him and the week was nearly coming to its end.

With nothing else left to him, Frank took the adoption papers and filled his details on them. Emily looked at him with a soft smile on her lips as she did so. She was pretty, his colleague. With strawberry-blonde curls and lovely blue eyes. Petite features complimented her coloring. Honestly, she looked like a pixie to Frank.

So, he made it his duty to screen the men who came in the shelter before they had the chance to hit on her. Some of them were decent guys, of whom Frank approved. But others had families, and they still looked at Emily like she was a piece of meat. More interested in her than the animals who were in desperate need of a new home.

"Here you go, Emily. I think I filled everything up," Frank handed the form for the ownership of dog Frank to Emily and looked around. More than just the dog that shared his name needed his help, but they had more time. Surely, his next campaign would be successful?

"You can take him home after work," Emily said, and Frank regretted that the pooch needed to remain in the cage for another five hours. But, that didn't mean he couldn't go and chat with the dog, during his lunch break. "It is so nice of you to take him in. Do you know how to train a dog?"

Frank shook his head. Dog Frank was so well-behaved that the thought that he would need to train him had not even crossed the former weightlifter's mind.

"I have some pamphlets and can give you the link to some videos that you can watch," Emily took out a thin pamphlet and handed it over. Then, she typed something in her phone, and Frank's phone buzzed.

"Thanks, you are a lifesaver," Emily blushed at that, and Frank had to admit that the rosiness made her heart-shaped face even more lovely.

Frank went to the back and took out a bag with dog food. He placed it in a cart. Before the visit to the doctor, he would have simply slung that bag over his shoulders and not have had any problems with it. But, it was a twenty kilograms one, and he didn't want the pain to return. Hence, the cart.

He made the rounds, the dogs wagging their tails, now having gotten used to him. He placed 300 grams in each of their bowls, 150 for the smaller ones. Frank would need to make another round to get them water, and then he would feed the cats.

What Frank enjoyed the most about his job was the time he got to give the animals baths. They were so hilarious during that time.

The dogs tried to get out of the water at every opportunity, having that look on their faces like they wanted to be anywhere but in the washing basin.

The cats would clutch at the edges of the basin and meow like crazy. But, not even the most feral of them would try to scratch him. For which Frank was grateful.

After getting the water bottle in the cart, he made the water round. He stopped by dog Frank's cage and placed his fingers by the bars.

"Hey, buddy. Guess what, you are getting adopted," the dog stared at him like he was a small child, full of trust and an unconditional love for the person who came and chatted with him. Frank rummaged in his pocket and took out a rubber bone. Dog Frank wagged his tail.

"Here you go. I will get you more. Once I train you, I will bring you to a pet store, and you will be able to pick whatever you want," Frank pushed the bone inside the cage and dog Frank carefully took it in his mouth.

Frank grinned and continued on with his water round. He had some water left over from the dogs, so, he continued down the hall and began giving the reminder to the cats.

There was Snow, a Persian cat missing a part of his ear and having scars on his snout, who would purr as soon as he saw Frank. Aria, a cat that had been a Christmas back when Game of Thrones was all the rage and then abandoned. Unlike her namesake, the cat was a good girl. Sitting still on her back legs and staring at Frank with her bright-green eyes.

Frank's favorite must be Mittens, a small kitten that would stare at him with its big, golden eyes, and meow at him until Frank opened his cage and hugged him for a while.

The shelter also had a couple of hamsters and rabbits, and even one python. Frank didn't like giving the python baby chicks, but it had to be done. He supposed that the animal was not evil, per se, but it still unnerved him to watch it coil around the chick, only to eat the poor fluff ball hours later.

The python was getting transported to a zoo, a miracle possible because of Emily's efforts. Sure, the python had a bit of scarring on its head, and it had one missing eye, but Emily had still managed to convince the zoo to take him.

Frank was glad that, by this time next week, he wouldn't have to place baby chicks in the enclosure of the snake.

After the man was done feeding the animals, he took a broom and began to sweep. After he was done with that, he would need to clean the cages, give baths to the animals that were due for today, and, finally, feed them their second meal for the day and take dog Frank home.

Frank had gotten him a toilet and a bed, along with some toys. He sure hoped that the old dog could live off his remaining years in comfort. With countless walks and one-sided conversations.