Chapter 24
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Emily didn't know why she was here. She had told Rebecca about the pottery class that Frank never took, and the raven-haired woman had roped her into helping her talk him into going. And Frank had demanded that they both come with him, for support.

So, now her hands were around clay as her foot worked the pedal. Her vase was crocked and looked on the verge of falling apart. To her relief, Frank's didn't look that much better, either.

"Nice try," Frank teased, and Emily frowned at him.

"I did my best," she murmured. Frank chuckled and tried to right his clay, so it could be straighter, but the tip of the throat of his vase fell off.

"Don't worry about this," their instructor said. "It happens to all of us."

Frank nodded and took his clay off the stand. Then, he went and took a new batch from the table and came back with it. By then, Emily's vase looked like abstract art.

"You both need to move your hands, not keep them in one place," came from Rebecca. Her vase actually looked like a vase. Even if there was a slight bump around the throat.

"Yes, but how do we make the throat?" Frank asked, and Rebecca placed her fingers around the throat of the vase and applied some pressure.

"See?" She asked and both nodded. Frank sat back in his seat, between the two women, and placed his next victim on the stand. Hours later, only Rebecca had anything worth drying. Rebecca turned to Emily and gave her a hug.

"Emily, would you like to come over tonight for dinner and a movie?" She asked. Emily raised an eyebrow at that.

"I don't want to intrude," she mumbled, but Rebecca was having none of that.

"You are Richard's auntie. You have to spend time with him, even if he is not born yet," Emily sighed and nodded. Rebecca beamed at her and hooked her arm around hers.

"We could watch a classic. How about Home Alone?" Rebecca suggested. Sure, Christmas was far away still, but that movie was timeless.

"The original two are nice," Frank agreed. Back at the house, Emily and Rebecca went to chat in the living room as Frank began to make the dinner. Rebecca's belly didn't let her maneuver comfortably in the kitchen and Emily, no matter how much she wanted to help, was not invited.

"So, the ultrasound results came. Richard will be a bit bigger than normal," Rebecca gushed. Emily noticed that, despite the bulging stomach, Rebecca was still rather lean. She couldn't imagine her being able to give birth easily with such narrow hips.

"C-section?" Emily looked at the raven-haired woman with worry. She had heard horror stories about c-section.

"No, an induced birth a week before he is due," Rebecca replied. Then, she placed a hand over her stomach. "He grows as fast as the mushrooms he loves so much."

Just as she finished saying that, Frank came out of the kitchen, apron clad, and sat down on the couch.

"The dinner is in the oven. In half an hour it will be done," both women nodded and then Rebecca grinned.

"Emily, I am arranging a baby shower soon. You are invited," Emily grinned at that. Then, she wondered what she could gift little Richard, considering his mother had made him all his clothes. A toy, perhaps? Or a stroller?

"When?" Rebecca pulled out her phone and showed the marked date on the calendar to Emily. Emily pulled out her own phone and marked the date in her own calendar.

"Who are you going to invite?" Frank asked. He needed to know how many people were going to come so that he could know how many snacks he should buy.

"Well, Patricia and Emily, of course. My mother, Lenore, Samantha and a bunch of toddlers. The ones who walk little Alex every day. I will invite him too, so he could spend time with his father," Frank's eyes softened. Alex had grown into a wonderful, healthy, dog that was the darling of the children of the town.

His eyes found the dog Frank, who was sleeping in his bed. Every night, dog Frank would bring his bed in the bedroom so that he could be there with them as they slept.

Frank didn't know who gave comfort to whom, but he enjoyed falling asleep to Rebecca's and dog Frank's soft puffs of breath. Some nights, he bent down and scooped up the dog and placed him between himself and Rebecca. Speaking of, today was as good a day as any to spring the surprise on Rebecca.

Frank pulled out a small box and went on one knee. Had he looked at Emily, he would have seen how ashen she was getting.

"Rebecca, you are the mother of my son," Rebecca placed a hand on her mouth, a single tear falling down her cheek. "And, you may call me old-fashioned, but I believe the kid should be born to married parents."

Rebecca remained silent, and Frank's eyes widened.

"Don't you want to marry me?" Emily hoped that Rebecca said she didn't want to, that small glimmer of hope that stubbornly made itself known in Emily's chest made her sick, but it was there.

"You forgave me?" Rebecca murmured, a hand resting on her stomach.

"I haven't," Frank admitted. For, what she had done had been too selfish to forgive in such a short time. "But I want us to have a chance. For Richard."

Emily saw how Rebecca's eyes became saddened. The strawberry-blonde woman fought off her envy and placed a hand on Rebecca's shoulder.

"I am sure you two will wash away the bad memories with a lifetime of good ones," Emily said, and Rebecca reached out a finger for Frank to place the ring that Emily wanted for herself. Emily forced a smile when the ring was placed, and her eyes teared up. Rebecca hugged her, mistaken the misty eyes as a sign of joy.