Extra: CNN interview
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📌 This part chronologically continues after the epilogue. 

After a rather peaceful month, Ben reminded me of his little lottery where....wait, you don't know about that? 

Well...it all began when Taegen and I returned to Earth from the Solis space station which orbits our home world Shalna. The Admiral had already asked me to be open minded about providing some goodwill here and there, to "smoothen relations with Earth." Once Ben heard that the Admiral was fine with my appearance on national "TEEVEE" as she called it, I shuddered. There was no way out of this..but I still managed to delay my appearance until after Earth was admitted to the Empire.

According to Ben, the now former president, this was the perfect occasion for my appearance on TV. The world has gotten used to the existence of "aliens," and people have been asking for me to appear in public for ages. The idea was that the winner would have their five minutes of fame and spread the word that the Shalna are real and that most of us are actually nice people.

He pulled some strings here and there and asked the current president of the newly formed Earth government to make sure that there was no way out for me. Do you know what they did?

They held a national lottery. All US citizens were in the race to win, and guess what the price was?
Yep, you guessed it...me!  I asked Ben why only US citizens were allowed and only got a vague "it was a matter of national security" as reply. I don't believe that for a bit, but I just want to get it over with a.s.a.p.  

Organizing the lottery took some time and once the winner was announced, I was already three months pregnant with my third. Who won the lottery, you ask? The lucky winner is Alicia Harper, a sixteen year old student and..no, I won't say it. Have fun watching the interview and have mercy with me. I desperately want to forget this. 



Hello everyone, I am Martha Hunt and I welcome you to another meet and greet on CNN Today Live. 

In today's meet and greet we have two very special guests visiting us here, and I'm sure you are as eager as I am to finally see them live. We have the winner of the national lottery, Alicia Harper, and Ayanna Vohali, the Shalna ambassador to Earth. Did I pronounce your names correctly?

Both Alicia and I nod cautiously, still both a bit nervous about appearing on live TV.

🔹Martha: Good, let's start with you first Alicia. How old are you again?

🔹Alicia: ehh. I am sixteen years old.

🔹Martha: Only sixteen..anyway.  How did you feel when you won the lottery? 

🔹Alicia: Well, I was like OMG! I must have checked the results a hundred times, it was so freaking unreal!

🔹Martha: hahaha, looks like you still can't believe it.

🔹Alicia: Yeah, it is pretty incredible alright. My friends wanted to join me, but they weren't allowed. 

🔹Martha: Of course, only you won the lottery, so that is to be expected. Can you tell us about your day with Ayanna? 

🔹Alicia:  Of course, in one word...amazing! I was first picked up at home by a huge black limo and then I was flown like a VIP in a real air force helicopter to the airport. From there two bodyguards were assigned to me, Bob and Jim. They helped me to get aboard Airforce One.

🔹Martha: Really? You were allowed to enter Air Force One? The President's plane?

🔹Alicia: Yeah really! It was amazing, people were so nice to me, I had no idea where to look first. That plane is, like, really huge. They flew to an airfield near Cheyenne Mountain or something like that.

🔹Martha: Ah, you mean Cheyenne Mountain Complex, where NORAD is located?

🔹Alica: Wow, you have heard of that place too?

🔹Martha: haha, yes it is hardly a secret. Then what happened?

🔹Alicia: Well, they sent another limo to pick me up and drove me to the entrance of that eh, Complex building. 
There were military people all around me and one of them gave me my very own badge! 

🔹Martha: Did they need to take a photo? 

🔹Alicia: no, they already had everything prepared! They helped me to clip the badge on my t-shirt and lieutenant Connely escorted me into the mountain! She was soo nice to me!

🔹Martha: Amazing, then what happened?  

🔹Alicia: We walked past a huge metal door, like really really thick and freakin huge, and then we walked inside the building. 

🔹Martha: You mean the blast door?

🔹Alica: yes, yes, exactly! That's what they said. Looks like you know more about that place than I do!

🔹Ayanna: Alicia, tell them what happened next.  At this point I could barely stop a facepalm. Get to the point already! But patience Ayanna...patience, she is only sixteen. Martha winked at me.

🔹Alicia: Ah, sure Ayanna. Then we met Ayanna here. She was waiting for me right next to that huge door.

🔹Martha: What was your first impression of her?

🔹Alicia: Honestly?

🔹Martha: Yes, people at home are anxiously waiting for that. Only you were there, remember? Now please tell us!

🔹Alicia: ah, yes. My first impression was...she's very pretty but OMG so tall!! But she has been really nice to me from the start. 

🔹Ayanna: ha ha, yes, I remember the expression on your face. You definitely looked scared for a second.

🔹Alicia: No way! I wasn't scared at all! <pouts>

🔹Martha: ha ha, then what happened?

🔹Alicia: We then went into a meeting room where I needed to wait for a few minutes. Guess who came in then?

🔹Martha: Who? I don't know. Who was it Alicia?

🔹Alicia: It was the former president, Mr. Benjamin Marshall!

🔹Martha: Really? You got to meet the president? WOW, now that was unexpected. Is he a nice man?

🔹Alicia: Like totally. Such a nice man. He congratulated me on winning the lottery and gave me a huge flower bouquet! 💐  

🔹Martha: Did you talk some more, or did he have to leave? He is a very busy man of course.

🔹Alicia: We talked for about fifteen minutes. We talked about the lottery, but also why I was in this specific building. He said this is where he and Ayanna first met, so it was an important place in history. And he then told me what else I could expect for the day.

🔹Martha: There was more? Not only meeting Ayanna and the president, but more? 

🔹Alicia: Much, much more! I was already overwhelmed with everything, but this was only the start of everything, right Ayanna?

🔹Ayanna: Very true Alica. Now, don't keep people waiting. 

🔹Alicia: Ah, sorry yes. After meeting the former president, I had some time to talk with Ayanna. But not in the meeting room, but in a real alien shuttlecraft!!

🔹Martha: You what? You stepped into an actual alien shuttle?

🔹Alicia: Yes, a real one! Ayanna arranged to have us picked up and transported to the escort ship in orbit. The IS....ehh..

🔹Ayanna: We had a delivery of supplies by one of our escorts, so we could visit it. It was the ISF Alphira. 

🔹Alicia: Yes right, I remember now. While we were leaving the planet and going through actual space, Ayanna told me that there were some surprises waiting. She helped me to calm down, because I was a bit afraid.

🔹Martha: Well, I can only imagine. No human has ever traveled in an alien shuttle before. Did you enjoy the view?

🔹Alicia: yes! Especially the view of Earth on our way back, but we are not there yet. When the ship came into view, it was an awesome sight! It was like HUGE, really really huge! And the shuttle slowly landed inside and Ayanna guided me inside towards the bridge.

🔹Martha: What were your impressions when you were inside of that spaceship?

🔹Alicia: Well, I felt so little! Everyone was soooo tall. But as we walked through the corridors, many people in uniform smiled at us. They were all so nice to me.

🔹Ayanna: Humans are generally shorter than us Shalna, so they probably thought you were my little sister. (winks at Martha)

🔹Alicia: No way!  (blushes)

🔹Martha: awww, that would be cute. But Alicia, Ayanna is just teasing you. Tell us what happened next.

🔹Alicia: We then entered the elevator. Amazing! There were like a dozen alien symbols on the buttons. I couldn't understand a thing.

🔹Ayanna: That didn't stop you from pushing all of them at the same time! Within half a minute we were surrounded by a security team, don't you remember?

🔹Alicia: ahhaa, yeah,..sorry about that.

🔹Ayanna: What did the security officer tell you? 

🔹Alicia: noooo....do I have to tell them?

🔹Ayanna: Oh yes you do. Everyone wants to know now!

🔹Martha: Yes, we sure do!

🔹Alicia:  (mumbles)

🔹Martha: What was that? I didn't understand.

🔹Alicia: They told me that little girls shouldn't touch things they weren't supposed to. Then he patted my head! It was so humiliating.

🔹Ayanna: hahaha, yeah but it was funny! Oh..c'mon, stop pouting. He meant well and it really was your fault in the first place. But we had some fun after that, right?

🔹Martha: How were you able to understand the people on board?

🔹Alicia: Ah yes. They gave me a smartwatch or something.

🔹Ayanna: No, it was a comm.device. It has a translator built in. But I have to admit, it looks a lot like a smartwatch.

🔹Martha: Then what happened?

🔹Alicia: Eh..we then stepped onto the bridge. OMG there were like thirty aliens sitting in front of view screens!

🔹Ayanna: Alicia, now now, that is not a nice thing to say. 

🔹Alicia: What do you mean?

🔹Ayanna: Do you think of me as an alien or a person? We like the term people, not aliens.

🔹Alicia: ahh. yeah, I didn't think of that, but you know I didn't mean anything bad, right?

🔹Ayanna: Of course not. Now tell them what happened next.

🔹Alicia: I got to meet the captain, and other officers! It was like in the military. They are so organized, it is scary. They really are impressive in their uniforms! They showed me some pictures of Ayanna's home world, really amazing!

🔹Ayanna: Don't forget who else you met..

🔹Martha: Yes, tell us!

🔹Alicia: Ahhaa, I met Ayanna's boyfriend, Taegen.

🔹Ayanna: You mean my husband, don't you? He arrived right before us. I blushed of course, because that is what I do.

🔹Alicia: ahah, yeah...sorry. But he was sooo nice to me. And they are really in love, I could tell!!

🔹Martha: Maybe we should move on, I don't think Ayanna likes this topic very much.

🔹Ayanna: I would welcome another topic, yes.

🔹Martha: Where did you go next, Alica?

🔹Alicia: We visited the alien canteen and forests with a view into outer space too!

🔹Ayanna: You mean the ship's mess hall and the arboretum, don't you?

🔹Alicia: That's what I said, right?   She looks confused.   

🔹Martha: yeah..maybe not quite. Did you taste their food?

🔹Alicia: You are not going to believe this.

🔹Martha: Then tell us already! Don't you know that we can't wait anymore? Tell us!

🔹Alicia: ahaha, sorry, I was only teasing you. Yes, we ate real alien food! And it was tasty! But then....ah nevermind.

🔹Martha: oh no no no, tell us!  (her eyes are sparkling from anticipation)

🔹Alicia: The canteen lady gave me a plush toy because she thought I was a child.

🔹Martha: Did you accept it?

🔹Alicia: Of course! It was humiliating for me, but the plush, whatever it is, is still super cute!

🔹Ayanna: I think that lady was just teasing you. And that toy was a baby Mopir, something that looks like a cat.

🔹Alicia: Right, looks just like a cat.

🔹Martha: awww, then what happened?

🔹Alicia:  We then went back to Earth in the shuttle, but we visited another place this time.

🔹Martha: Don't tell me...

🔹Alicia: Oh yeah. The shuttle landed right in front of the White House, on the perfect lawn!

🔹Martha: You actually visited the White House? 

🔹Alicia: Yeah, really! They gave me the grand tour and of course some little treasures. An expensive looking pen and notepad, and some other small things. All with the logo of the president!

🔹Martha: ahaha, I see. I can imagine you would treasure those. And then?

🔹Alicia: then...something unexpected. In a meeting room of the white house, we met the scientists who sent the first transmission to the aliens. Eh, the Shalna I mean.    I was glaring at her.

🔹Martha: For viewers at home, you mean the people who used the atom-communication device that sent the first message ever outside of Earth?

🔹Alicia: Yes, those people! They explained it to me, but it was too technical for me. 

🔹Martha: I can imagine. Then what happened?

🔹Alicia: Something serious. The current president came to get us so we could attend a memorial. It was really, really sad.

🔹Martha: What memorial?

🔹Alicia: ah, of course you don't know about that. Many people were gathered outside on the premises of the White House. Many people were in uniform but there were also relatives of people who died on the ships.

🔹Ayanna: Let me explain a bit, Alicia. There was a yearly memorial for the people who lost their lives on the USS Portland and our vessel, the ISF Arbella. It was a very emotional moment for all.

🔹Martha: I can imagine that. To the viewers at home. The people on the USS Portland were the first victims of the Groknac, and the ISF Arbella crashed on Earth after defending all of us against another Groknac attack. We at CNN here want to express our deepest sympathies to the relatives but also show our well meant gratitude. Now tell me Alicia, what happened next?

🔹Alicia: (smiles again)  You are so gonna like this. We took the shuttle again....and it landed right in front of my home! The whole neighborhood came out to see us, being surrounded by Shalna guards! I felt like a real VIP!  Then Ayanna gave me a little statue of their goddess as a goodbye present. She said it was a symbol of hope and protection. Of course I was happy to receive it, but I felt sorry that I had nothing in return. That is when my mom came to us and invited her for dinner!

🔹Martha: so...you had dinner with your family and Ayanna?

🔹Alicia: Yes, and her guards too! Of course not all of them, as some were guarding the shuttle.
I had to teach Ayanna and her guards that they were called french fries and hamburgers. It was THE most amazing day of my life!

🔹Ayanna: (winks at Martha to indicate that this was not the first time seeing french fries)

🔹Martha: Wow, what a story. Believe me when I say that many of us are jealous of you.

🔹Alicia: Yes it was amazing. So...while I still can. Ayanna...thank you!

🔹Ayanna: It was our pleasure. And you and your family were really nice to us, so thank you as well.

🔹Martha: awww.....



🔹Martha: Now....Ayanna. Let me ask you some questions. 

🔹Ayanna: Sure, that's why I'm here after all!

🔹Martha: To the people watching, Ayanna is the Empire's ambassador to Earth. She helped to coordinate our defenses with theirs so we could fight the Groknac together. First of all, on behalf of the people of Earth, thank you for helping us in our moment of need! 

🔹Ayanna: And on behalf of the races united in the Galactic Empire, it was our honor to help. Taking care of one another is the core principle of the Empire.

🔹Martha: But Earth wasn't part of your Empire then? Not that I want to sound ungrateful...

🔹Ayanna: not at all. Let me explain. We are not allowed to intervene in other worlds' affairs, unless they send an emergency request for help. And that is what Earth did. The president told me it was the real first occurrence of humans working together on a truly global scale. So you should be proud about that achievement as well. 

🔹Martha: Thank you, it does make us feel proud. Ayanna, if I may. You seem very modest for a person representing what we call an advanced alien civilization.

🔹Ayanna: (blushes) thank you, but I would be a bad diplomat if I were arrogant or disrespectful. Besides, I have been treated with the utmost courtesy from day one. So let's call it teamwork.

🔹Martha: regarding the Empire. Now that Earth is part of that galactic club, doesn't that put you out of a job? 

🔹Ayanna: not at all. We still have lots to do to help Earth. Earth still needs to appoint an ambassador who will represent you in the Council. And when all things are taken care of, they might send me somewhere else in the Empire. But I hope not, I really like it here! 

🔹Martha: Awww, I think the feeling is mutual. Alright then. On another note, do you remember the day you addressed the UN? 

🔹Ayanna: How could I forget? Oh goddess, I was nervous that day, I couldn't eat anything.

🔹Martha: Really? But you had nothing to lose, why would you be nervous about such a thing. Us humans, on the other hand, had every reason to be nervous. Preparing for an alien attack.

🔹Ayanna: True, but you shouldn't forget some facts. First, this is my job, so I had better do it properly. 

🔹Martha: ahahah, true.

🔹Ayanna: Secondly, your planet is beautiful. When you see it from space the first time, it looks like one beautiful  blue planet. There are no borders or disputes, only one oasis between others in the vastness of space. And I was determined to keep it that way.

🔹Martha: Wow, I have never heard anyone describe Earth that way. But we still have far to go before the borders and disputes are gone.

🔹Ayanna: Yes you have, but you also made incredible progress lately.

🔹Martha: Now a personal question if I may.

🔹Ayanna: sure, as long as it is not too personal  (smiles)

🔹Martha: haha, just tell me if you don't want to answer. The day you addressed the UN, someone photographed you and distributed that image on the internet.

🔹Ayanna: ah, yes I remember. I was so worried that day. Imagine your face being used as wallpaper or appearing in newspapers. Terrible!

🔹Martha: ahah, that is not what I meant, but I understand your point of view of course. I might have had the same worries. But I meant the difference in appearance between then and now.

🔹Ayanna: Difference?

🔹Martha: Come on, you know what I mean. (looks at my nose).

🔹Ayanna: Ah, you mean the color of my nose?

🔹Martha: Yes Ayanna. I am sure that nobody dares to ask, so let me ask instead. Did someone hurt you? 

🔹Ayanna: ahah. no, well, not really. It means I'm pregnant.

🔹Martha: awww, how long before you are due?

🔹Ayanna: Our pregnancies take seven months, so I need to wait four more months for my little one to be born.

🔹Martha: Amazing. Will you give birth on Earth?

🔹Ayanna: Yes, that is the idea, just like Amara and Ascal were born on Earth. Our embassy staff includes a medical doctor, so I should be fine there.

🔹Martha: I can't wait to see pictures of the little one.

🔹Ayanna: You are welcome to visit, Martha. 

🔹Martha: awww, that is a promise! Now let me ask another big question. How do you know so much about Earth customs? 

🔹Ayanna: Really? Is that so strange? I would be a bad ambassador if I didn't care about you. Besides, I too like to watch television and it really helps to learn many expressions. 

🔹Martha: Of course, that sounds perfectly reasonable. We have time for one more question, this one is from our viewers. Ayanna, will you use your technology to cure our illnesses?

🔹Ayanna:  Ah, well. That is a tricky question. I'm not going to say no, but in general we first need to work on better relations between Earth and the Empire. The embassy is the first step towards that goal. We will slowly start exchanging culture, knowledge, medicine and other technology like good friends do. But this will happen only gradually. Imagine the impact new technology will have on your way of life, it would be destructive. You as a race need to grow and show in what qualities you excel. But even before you do, we will be able to share certain things. It is up to the Council and your government to decide what path to take together. 

🔹Martha: Alright, we will end this interview with Ayanna's words of wisdom. Thank you both for joining me, and viewers at home, until next time!"

I hope you liked the story and this little extra chapter. 
Thank you very much for reading and all the comments! 😉