Chapter 12 – Chance’s Chance (End of Geilun Adventure Arc & Prelude)
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"You- You can't do this! I am a noble! I- I got it, I'll pay you Come on now this was a misunderstanding, fine young ladies such as yourselves wouldn't want to bloody your hands right? Right?" 



"Pleeeaasseeee stop! I'll do anything, don't touch my handsome face! NOOO!"

"YOU SHOULD'VE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE GROPING MY BREAST YOU APEMAN!" Ayla exhaled. Ouch, if I had known this was an option I would've forgone stealth.

Coming out of the manor, before us was an unexpected, if not appreciated scene. Ayla was currently unleashing a torrent of fury, slaps and kicks into Chance, who resembles more of sandbag than a human now. 

"Ayla! I'm sure he deserves this, well I know he deserves this but we need to talk to him for a little while okay? You can have him back afterwards!" I sell my best pitch to keep our information in tact.

"Hmph, I'll let you go for now!" Ayla huffed.

"You're the one who knocked on my door seductively asking if I'm singl- OWOWOW" Chance put his foot in his mouth, figuratively and literally thanks to Ayla.

Mom stepped forward, contract in tow with a wide sadistic grin adorning her lips.

"Hello Mr. Chance." mom cooed with malice. Mom you're meant to be the good guy remember.

"You recognise this right? Say, why don't we have a nice long chat?" 

Chances face resembles a newborn fawn stumbling in front of its predator, pure unadulterated fear.

Following a long, thorough conversation, mom managed to extract everything Chance knew about the sigil. According to Chance it belongs to a faction named the 'Aela Karr Dutchy', the supposed founding faction of the Empire of Aela. Long fallen from grace, many doubt the legitimacy of the faction nowadays. This lead them to take up unscrupulous schemes to consoldate power and earn funds, black market notwithstanding. Chance, by chance, came into contact with an individual by the name of Aela Jaine, a commander within the Karr Dutchy army. She is a 'dirty blooded' Aela. This meant her bloodline was thin but it was however still, an Aela and thus had connection to royalty.

Jaine gave Chance the offer of a lifetime, gather as many beastkin slaves as you can muster and not only would he get paid Bricks weight in gold, he'd earn himself dutchy-hood. Chance of course lept at this offer to become a lord. He had no idea why they wanted so many slaves, the specifics weren't imporant apparently, guess that adds up. With nothing else of value to be added, we brought the interrogation to a hold and John spoke up.

"Ahem, with this, I'll be most appreciative if you could refer Mr Chance here into my custody. Blackmarket slave trade. Slave fraud. Cross border slavery contracts without the permission of a Lord. Trade fraud and finally public indecency." John listed with a stern voice, each verdict hammering a nail into Chance's heart. Ayla nodded with fury at the final charge. 

"I have money, we can talk about this. I have connections to lords and ladies, just think of the trouble you'll make." Chance pleaded desperately as John dragged him down the street like a heavy rug. 

"Well then girls, why don't we head back to my tavern and I'll make you a nice warm meal!" Ayla sprung back to her life crazed self.




Inside the Brave & Bold, we enjoyed a delicious meal at the hands of Ayla and her assistant Koko. After the meal Ayla asks what we're going to do next, it might be dangerous to stick around here. While Chance is in deep shit, its no lie that he does have connections and at the very least our names might cross an unwanted table if we stuck about. No decision was could be made right now however, so we went off to relax for the rest of the evening whilst Ayla manned the bar. Mom joined Ayla and Koko went to our room to study her new magic book she bought recently. That just left me and Asty. 

Asty dragged me out to a bench at the park not far from the tavern. 

"Ava I-" She struggled to find the words.

"I just wanted to thank you again, you saved me and then you saved me again." She said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" I said with raised eyebrows.

"Haa~" "Honestly if you guys hadn't joined me when you did, I'm sure I would've either ended up dog food. That or I would've gone after those bastards alone and ended up dead or a slave like my sister. You had no reason to help me any of those times and you did, so. Thank you Ava." Turning from the spot on the floor she stared at, to gazing in my eyes, a heartwarming smile reflected back towards me. the moonlight shining off her beautiful eyes allowing me to see my own reflection. Deep eyes, filled with pain, sorrow and yearning. Yearning for someone to see her I guess? To not be lonely? For anybody to help her. A slow gentle breeze caressing the air as a tuft of snow white hair drifts across Astrid's face. 







My eyes widening, a faint pink glow eminating around Asty, becoming hard to focus. Restlessness riddled my heart as the savoury, flowery fragrance re-entered my senses. My mouth salivates as I lock onto the subtle breaths escaping the snowy beauty's lips- fuck it.


I found myself, lips locked to the girl in front of me. One hand resting on her shoulders, the other wrapped around her waist. My eyes screw shut as I reveled in the soft touch of her lips, I could feel the ragged short breaths fight their way out her. As the sudden shock of my actions subsided, I felt a pair of hands wrap around me. Elating to the embrace of her hand brushing through my hair into a cradle. Whatever this moment meant, I didn't want it to stop.

Suddenly as if the world was snapping back into action, Asty pulls away. The glow of her cheeks couldn't belittle her intense eyes.

"Asty I- I don't know whats going on with me and I know, I know we barely know each other. But every time I see you my heart goes wild, its uncontrollable. I know if I don't embrace this chance now i'll regret it for the rest of my life. I know this is what I want... and I want you to join us, join me. What do you think?"

"Ah... Ava I..." I could see the wavering in her eyes, the shine flickering. Ahh she's gonna reject me. The next moment I saw an uncharacteristcally calmly spoken Astrid. 

"Ava I've been alone for a long time now, from what I can gather you guys have also experienced something pretty horrible too right? I always thought I had to live for my families sake and now their killers are dead, I feel lost." Taking a moment, she holds a long deep breath.

"ThatsaidAvayou'rereallyfreakingprettyandhonestlyyoumakemesonervousandIalwayswannabearoundyouI'msorrypleasedon'thateme I'd love to join you please have me! Uhh I didn't mean in that way, I mean not yet, I MEAN waaahhhhhh-" she curls into a ball on the floor muttering tears of 'idiotidiotidiot'. 

Smiling at the performance in front of me I realised this girl is really hopeless, in the cool kind of way. 

I kneel down beside her, taking her hands in mine. 

"You meant you wanna take it slow right? That's fine, I know mom and Koko will love to have you along with us too." Maintaining my smile, I brought her once more into an embrace, this time just a simple hug but one filled with meaning. 

The moment lasted a lifetime and also like ten seconds as we eventually parted ourselves. I took the initiative to clasp her hand in mine, she didn't decline, instead choosing to 'chameleon' her face to the red shade worn by the bricks behind her.

Swiftly realising we are staying in different inns, we gave our heartfelt goodbyes with a promise of a new day.




I spent the night getting teased by mom and Koko as to where I had been. Apparently Asty had completely ruffled my hair in addition to my crimson face, leading both of them to the conclusion something had happened. Not wrong but still, equally embarrassing. It got worse when I mentioned Asty joining us permanently. 

Asty came by early in the morning to join us for breakfast, while we decided a plan of action. Ayla had brought John along too which was quite the surprise as we all gave him a knowing stare. Suspicious~

John suggested taking up a long distance quest out of the country. Apparently, to the east was the Haybridge Alliance and within it stood the City of Hayla. Haybridge was known as the utopia of beastkin, where all races were treated equally, even demons. Although you only tended to see demons nearer the demonland boarders even then. According to John, the entire region of Haybridge was a certified fortress, constant chokeholds met with unbreakable defences. Boy did they need them. Beastkin at the best of times were not well looked upon. But demons? Many nations wanted demon guts strewn across the fields. None less than the Kingdom of Aela and the Holy Site of Deila. Deila lie south of Haybridge whilst the Empire was to the northwest. 

Taking up Johns suggestion was a unanimous decision, maybe we could find a new home there, somewhere to settle down. Of course we'd not give up finding who ordered the slaughter of our village but, as mom said, 'there's a life after'. 

A heartfelt goodbye to Ayla and John, the latter handing us an entire bag filled with gold for the subjegation of Chance and Brick, as well as taking down a slave ring. He told us our names have been spread around all the guilds, so should we run into trouble, we can call on the guild for help. Everyone but John cried a bunch, Koko and Ayla more than the rest, Koko had quite grown attached before we knew it. Breaking away and setting off on our journey, we passed Zar at the gate. He simply gave a one handed salute and a cheesy one liner.

"See ya around kids" 

"we're clearly similar ages, Zar" Mom retorted.

"Well damn, I thought you two were sisters" grinned Zar, enjoying my moms uncharacteristcally shy reaction. Zar gave a hearty laugh accompanied by a wink. Weird dude but pretty nice, hope to see him around again. Hope to see them all again one day really. 

And so we set off eastward, to the Haybridge Alliance, specifically the City of Hayla!.. With Asty hand in hand... 


This concludes the prelude & first arc(Geilun Adventure), I'm going to try and be a little more ambitious with more characters and more plot etc for the next arc, and try to bring in the overarching story too! Also A ton more world building, theres a bunch of nations, races etc to introduce and just well, a ton of stuff really so I hope it goes well! Thanks for reading!