A new beginning
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A meeting of a large number of divine beings is happening, a rather regal looking God stands and claps his hands making a sound like thunder.

A few minutes ago, a young goddess awoke in galaxy 2789, at the same time one of the more advanced mortal races was testing their newest warship. The warship jumped into FTL and hit the goddess ten seconds into its maiden flight. The debris mainly took out empty systems, several though were not.

The goddess did not survive the impact, so her body has been used with the debris to make a new world for these lost souls. It will be all of your responsibility to aid in the rebirth process. Make sure you follow the guide us elder divines set up, this is your chance to prove yourself. Do not fail.”

The goddess knew she needed an existing population for her new world, so she recovered those left behind by feuding godlings.

I find myself floating in a void, the memories of my past fragmented and mostly missing. Then as I floated there the rest faded away, only leaving the meager skills I had developed in my short time living.

You Have been chosen to take part in an experiment set up by the gods. They decided to take the population from one of the worlds that was mostly destroyed by the war between light and dark forces. It has been several centuries sense they first settled into their new world, a world named Crovenus. You will be born into the world as an infant, though your mature mind will be sealed until your body can handle it.

To aid the refugees a planet wide system was put in place to aid them, you will gain access to this system as well. You have one mission, aid the people there in some way. The exact way will depend on you, the system will aid you in this mission. You will be rewarded for doing so and with the system anything is possible, including becoming immortal.

The divine beings of this world can offer quests and rewards of their own, you do have the right to refuse these if you wish to. Though remember any divine being that is willing to give a quest has followers and refusing to many quests might sour your relationship with them. You will be born into a random race, work hard for power is everything in this world.”

Everything went dark once more, then I felt someone holding me. All I was getting are flashes a warm and caring smell, soft crimson skin and a taste of something incredible. Out of boredom I eventually fell asleep, I am not sure how long I slept. Though I woke up somewhere soft and warm, then some memories entered my mind. I am Lana a demonling and today is my sixteenth birthday, the day I become an adult and gain full access to the system.

Honey, breakfast is done. It is time to get up, unless you want to be late to the temple.”

Warm memories rush into my mind from hearing that voice. She is my mother Mezyera, She is a full blooded demon. Though she has never shared the variety with me, she has hinted I have siblings out in the world. She says she has no idea where they are now due to communication between cities being almost nonexistent if you are not a wealthy person. Not wanting to be late I got up and stretched in front of the mirror. I stand just under 1.6m, I have dark purple skin with my nipples darkening to almost black. My black hair almost reaches my knees, it has a mix of orange and red highlights in it. My horns are still growing and have started to curve around the sides of my head. I am fairly curvy and have a tail that is almost as long as I am tall, it has a spear like tip and is fairly flexible.

Before I get to distracted by myself I get dressed, I pull out some clothing from my dresser. I pulled out the dress my Mom prepared for me, It is mainly white silver decorations. White being the traditional color for the ceremony, the color of the decorations shows your rank in the world. Bronze for the working class, silver for the wealthy, gold for the nobles and platinum for royalty. Once dressed, I head downstairs to the kitchen. There I see my Mom finishing up cooking, she is a slightly taller and curvier version of me.

The two big differences is her hair and horns. Her horns are fully developed rams horns and her hair has white highlights. “Take a seat I am almost done here.”

I did so, sitting at the table with bacon, hashbrowns and other foods on it. I poured myself some orange juice as Mom set some scrambled eggs in front of me. “Thanks for the food Mom.”

She smiles at me, “honey. Remember that I plan on moving back to the capitol after this and once you are strong enough you can come visit us there. You will be able to meet most of your siblings and my master, who is your sire then. I would suggest becoming an adventurer with the league first then once you hit eighteen you can go to one of the academies. The first two years of an academy is the same as being an adventurer, only instead of getting paid you pay them.

Also I know you normally keep it contained, however make sure to reveal it during your physical. You will gain benefits by having it sense it is fully functional. I need to tell you about our family bloodline, I am a hybrid demon who's dominate bloodline is succubus. With all of you kids it has expressed different traits, mainly this comes in the form of odd racial abilities and stat growth. It can effect classes as well, if you see one you might want to take it. Not only will it unlock a powerful class, it can evolve your race.

Now we should be heading out, we do not want to be late.”

We quickly clean up the head out, I think on what she said. I am not that surprised by her dominate bloodline, considering her abilities with magic and her appetites when it comes to a certain activity. She is surprised that more information on the other races where not supplied, her Mom probably did not want her to get excited about one or more of the options. I grimace at the thought of the other thing Mom mentioned, it is always awkward when it comes into play. I have a hard time controlling it, mainly due to how stimulating it is when it comes out.

We soon arrive and I join the other dressed like me in the middle of the crowd. Soon the elder of the town steps forward. “We where led to this new world by the divine that did not side with the light and dark. During this time as well, something new happened. Everything gained access to a system and depending on the level of intelligence, could use it. This aided and directed the development of the new world order. Due to the changes, many old nations fractured. It was during this time many of the nations that exist now where formed.

This is how we got here, as all of you have come of age. Part of the responsibility of protecting and populating this world falls onto you. You all have one major choice to make today. Will you live your life primarily as a breeder, solder or adventurer? This choice is not permanent, though constant switching will be investigated. Once you make your decision, stand in front of the symbol for what you choose. Your status will be looked at to be sure that you can take that role.”

I take a deep breath, I knew this was coming. All of us did, it does not make it any less nerve racking hearing it. It was even more shocking to me, being from a different world in a way. Mom mentioned the three options to me when I turned ten, I froze when I heard that. Mom giggled at my reaction, she then went into more detail. Starting with the biggest worry, the term breeder. Per her it just means you are a non-combatant and want to take a profession, she told me she is considered to be a breeder due to being an herbalist.

The reason for the eyebrow raising name is due to the fact all the races are still recovering from the war to carve out a section of the world for themselves. Even after all this time the population of most races are only about one third men. So most nations have a policy that encourages individuals to birth at least three children if you are female. If you are male you are encouraged to sire as many as possible, there are even government programs in place to aid with child care.

Solder life is not for me and I do not have the interest in being a breeder. You can get up to six classes, though three of those unlock as you level up. I will find out my current classes soon, I just hope it will be easy to find a party for adventuring. I move to stand in front of the adventurers guild's symbol.

After about thirty minutes the mayor stepped forward to speak once more. “Now the awakening will start, you will be summoned to a private room for this. If you do not fit with the group you want then the person doing the scanning will aid you in finding the correct group.”

I was only waiting for ten minutes before I got summoned. I found myself in a small office with a man with a gold adventurers badge on his suit. “Welcome, place your hand on the orb so we can see your status. During this you will be given options for classes, there is the recommended option. This is the strongest combination you have access to and if you like the look of it, go with it. If everything is good I will set you up with a iron or bronze badge.”

I did as requested, looking at the screen that popped up in front of me.

Recommended Classes.

Pole Dancer: A warrior class focused on using polearms and the body of the warrior to devastating effects. While fighting the graceful movements of the warrior can draw the eye of foes, distracting them from the fight. This class is only available to those trained to use polearms and who have succubus blood.

Stat growth: Str/Dex/Cha +2. Rarity: Unique. Level Limit: None

Adept: A beginner sorceress blessed with one or more powerful bloodlines. Uses charisma instead of intelligence as their main stat. While lacking the versatility of a traditional mage, they make up for it in raw power. They are restricted to the magics of their affinities due to the bloodlines within them.

Stat growth: Cha/Wis/Con +2. Rarity: Uncommon. Level Limit: 250

Seductive Demon: A required class for any demon with a strong enough succubus bloodline. All demons receive a class connected to their main bloodline. This gives them access to their racial abilities and lets them grow with the demon. The reason behind this is the power of these races was hard for the system to use without it. Due to this all demons get an extra class slot to unlock once this class evolves. Unlike normal for this class to evolve the required levels and other conditions need to be met.

Stat growth: All +4. Rarity: Racial. Level Limit: 1000

I take a moment to absorb what I just saw. While a little explicit, the first class is very tempting. The second is solid, never thought of adding magic to her fighting style before. Now though she realized it could be very strong. The third is not a surprise, Mom warned me to expect it. I decide to go for it and take the recommended classes.

Name: Lana

Race: Demonling

Gender: Futa

Classes (3/3): Pole Dancer, Adept, Seductive Demon

Level: 28


Strength: 168

Dexterity: 168

Constitution: 168

Intelligence: 112

Wisdom: 168

Charisma: 224

Luck: 112

Affinities: Acid, Metal, Nature

He takes a minute to look over my status, tapping on something in front of him I could not see.

Looks good, with you being over level 15, current stats and classes. You will be starting at a bronze rank, please step on the teleportation circle and we will send you the branch office you will start at. Make sure you talk to one of the receptionists there for your guild id and room assignment. Welcome to the adventurers guild, and good luck with this new step in your life.”

What race will the first wifu be?
  • catkin Votes: 2 5.6%
  • salamander Votes: 1 2.8%
  • foxkin Votes: 14 38.9%
  • bunnykin Votes: 5 13.9%
  • elf Votes: 3 8.3%
  • halfling Votes: 0 0.0%
  • oni Votes: 7 19.4%
  • wolfkin Votes: 1 2.8%
  • human Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dwarf Votes: 0 0.0%
  • harpy Votes: 2 5.6%
  • other (post in comments) Votes: 1 2.8%
Total voters: 36