Chapter 29: Squad Selection
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Two days. That's how long it took to get all his stuff from the cave. Due to the Elves radar capabilities, the six pony squad was not able to fly a chariot to the designated location, and thus were forced to walk while towing a wagon. The Sergeant had gone with them to ensure they got to the designated location and acquired all the necessary equipment. He knew that the Elves would never be able to find the cave, but he needed the stuff for what he had planned.

Before the little expedition, Dean had talked to General Blight and Captain Armour about training the guard. It took some convincing, as well as an overview of what he had planned, but in the end, Dean was given the go ahead. Twilight provided an overly long hug along with a threat should he get hurt. He let her keep the tacpad until he got his suit back in working order. Their group was made up of Swift Spear, Midnight, the pegasus that had caught his eye: Spitfire, Stormfly and two unfamiliar faces: one unicorn and one Earth pony. The two new ponies were heavily muscled and rugged. Their armour was worn and torn, proving their veterancy. Dean had requested they come on the mission in order to get a good idea on their true capabilities.

Pulled by the two stallions was a wagon that Dean had judged to be big enough. It had a sturdy frame, but Dean was afraid the wooden contraption would break under the weight of his gear. At least the wagons back home had metal frames.

The group walked in silence through the forest, ever on the lookout for predators or Elves. Dean was wearing his regular body armour without the exo-suit, slowing him down ever so slightly. The exosuit, along with the titanium back plating, needed repairs that he couldn't do without materials for his fabricator. Dean figured that the ponies did not have the materials required to make new sets of armour, so he would have to break down some of the extra's inside the crate and let the fabricator work it's magic.

Speaking of fabrication, he wondered what he should make. Everything in that box, including the fabricator, was experimental technology, so it could either be game changing, or completely and utterly useless. The ponies armour was outdated and flashy, so maybe he could fabricate them something new? No, he would merely have to repurpose their new armour and camouflage it. Fabricating hundreds of pieces of modern body armour would take an exceptionally long time, time that they didn't have.

Dean hoped that the candidates that he had chosen would fit the bill. He had privately selected various guard members that showed a lot of potential. With there help and his training, he was positive that they would be able to make a special force group of sorts. If he succeeded, then missions would go along smoothly and efficiently. He still needed to plan for the end game though. The Dark Elves had an overwhelming number of forces, so direct attacks against their military would be futile. He had been told about some sort of weapon that could turn powerful beings to stone. If he managed to get to the capital, acquire the weapons, and use them on the Emperor, then the war was as good as won! And if he wasn't able to get the Emperor, he could always try and free the Guardian. The question is, where would they be located? What was the layout of the capitol?

'One thing at a time, Dean.'

The group came to a stop, their silent march interrupted by Midnight, who held up his hoof. Spitfire walked up to the Pegasus and began asking him about the sudden stop. Dean saw Midnights ears flicking rapidly in various directions, almost like he was listening for something.

A sudden movement in the darkness caused Dean to whip around. His hand drifted to the P23 on his hip as he analyzed the forest around him. The other ponies seemed to have noticed it to for each and every one was suddenly on guard. The two new ponies had detached from the wagon and were brandishing spears outwards, their backs together and their stances ready.

Dean blinked, his instincts screamed, and he dropped to the ground instantly as something massive passed over him by a hair's breadth. A pony down the line cursed as some great beast roared. Dean was up in an instant and began to take in the situation. Time slowed down, and every minute detail was absorbed.

Some sort of monster with a frighteningly human head, the body of a lion, the wings of a bat, and the tail of a scorpion stood before the little group. Saliva dripped from it's open maw, giving Dean a good view of the countless razor sharp teeth. It's stance was low and it's tail was poised to strike. It's wings were fully extended, each one bigger than a pony. At that moment, Dean realized that yes, this world could get weirder. He was now staring at a real life Manticore. The beast from the greek mythos.

Seeing it as a threat, Dean made the split second decision to charge the beast. His pistol found its way into his grip and his finger was already pulling the trigger by the time anything could react.

What Dean did not anticipate was a spike suddenly flying towards him at subsonic speeds in return. Three bullets connected with the Manticores body, the bullets sinking through the flesh and exploding. Bits of meat and bone flew through the air as blood erupted from the Manticores wounds.

Dean twisted to the side just in time, but the spike still connected with his arm. The force of the impact sheared his arm protection right off and caused him to drop his gun. The titanium plating exploded into bits but the spike did not touch his skin.

"ATTACK!" With a mighty war cry, the ponies rushed forward while the beast was injured. Dean paid no attention as he scrambled for his gun. The shouts of the ponies and the roar of the Manticore was deafening, but he ignored it as his hand found purchase.

Quick as a snake, Dean aimed his pistol once more and made to pull the trigger, but he was a bit to slow. A thin streak of wood and metal sheared through the air, causing the Manticores howls of rage to die off. The ponies stood around the corpse, panting for breath. Dean noticed the culprit of the beast's death was a lengthy spear buried almost a foot into the Manticores right eye.

"That was close." Spitfires raspy voice broke the silence, causing everyone to snap to attention. Dean stood, spun his pistol and holstered the weapon at his side. He then reached up and removed his helmet, letting a cool breeze pass through his hair.

"Sergeant, why are we even out here? I know you want your stuff, but this is the Everfree forest! we've been lucky so far with just the Manticore attack, but there are worse things out here that could get us all killed!" Spitfire stalked up to Dean, followed by the other members of the group. Each one was giving him a hard stare, all except Midnight.

"Captain Spitfire, the things that we are gathering are very important. If the Elves were to get their hands on my stuff, they might be able to reverse engineer the technology for themselves. Not to mention that it contains some very valuable supplies that I need to keep fighting." Dean reached behind him and grabbed a canteen off his belt, which was worryingly light. He was out of BAI foam, he was nearly out of rifle and pistol rounds, he was out of grenades, and it had been days since he had any meat.

'Wait, meat!'

Dean suddenly stalked towards the Manticore and his trusty knife found its way into his hand. The ponies merely watched, confused with what he was doing. It wasn't until he started cutting into the thigh of the beast that cries of alarm and disgust reached Dean's ears, but he ignored them.

"Set up a fire please." His command shut them up right quick, but none of the group members moved. Dean stopped his cutting and glared in their direction. "Hop to it, we don't have all day." The sun was beginning to set, and Dean wanted to be gone before it did completely. He would quickly cook the meat and bring it with them.

"Hay no! Are you trying to cook up the Manticore?! Not happening. That, and who made you the boss, hm?" Spitfire approached him aggressively, but Dean wasn't cowed. He had chosen these specific ponies for a reason and General blight had given him temporary command. Until now, Dean had decided to keep it a secret in order to see their reactions.

"Well, Spitfire, the good General made me the boss for this little expedition. I chose each and every one of you for the purpose of getting to know your new squad better." Dean saw the ponies look between one another and then back at him. Stormfly chuckled, causing all eyes to turn towards her.

"Look, Sergeant, the guard trusts you now, and we remember whole heartedly what you said in your speech, but why us? We've never worked with one another before, and in a game of survival, that means life and death." The others nodded, but Midnight's eyes remained locked on him with curiosity. The next to speak up was Swift Spear.

"And why me? I'm a rookie and everypony here outclasses me by a lot. I-I have a hard time-" Spear snapped his mouth shut when Dean held up a hand.

"Okay, look. I have been watching and judging each and every one of you since I got to Maritime Bay. I noticed your capabilities, your determination and your skill. This little expedition is a test of sorts meant to show me how you operate. Right now, I am this squads leader." He saw Spitfire about to retort but he held up his hand once more. "I don't care if you are an officer of some kind or if you outrank me in the standard chain of command, right now, I have the most combat experience out of any of you. It is my hope to use the six of you to create an elite squad of sorts." Dean paused and looked around at the assorted faces. Many held disbelief upon their muzzles, some held a bit of wonder. Midnight stepped forward and saluted with his right wing, causing the others to switch their gazes to him. His smiles was warm but also professional.

"Well, First Sergeant Forrester, I will follow you as my squad leader." Dean slowly stood up, his body casting a shadow across the semi-circle of soldiers. The other five shared a few glances with one another, a phycological battle being waged between them.

Dean raised an eyebrow in surprise when Stormfly was the next to step forward, her stony gaze piercing right into his soul as she looked up at him.

"After everything you have done for us, I am proud to have you as my leader." Dean smiled internally, the Manticore long forgotten behind him.

The two new ponies looked at each other and shrugged before stepping forward at the same time. Both their hooves mashed against their foreheads as they saluted him with gusto.

"My name is Corporal Steel, and this is my brother, Corporal Carbon. We've been needing to take the fight to the Dark Elves for some time. After all they have done to our people, we want the opportunity to fight back. What you said in the barracks was moving, and your experience is vital. We shall serve under you and help free our people." Dean actually smiled at that one; his gaze flicked to the last two ponies. Swift Spear was looking at the ground while Spitfire remained stoic.

"Sergeant. I don't understand why you would want me on this team at all." Dean sighed as his smile dropped slightly. "I'm not overly fast, I don't have any special abilities that I can think of, and I only just joined the guard!" Swift Spears ears dropped and his whole body seemed to sag. Dean stood up a bit straighter and inhaled sharply.

"Lieutenant." Dean's voice was powerful, but not overly loud. It commanded authority and caused the others to straighten to attention. Even Spitfire found herself perking up slightly.

"Yes, Sergeant?" Midnight kept his salute up and his eyes forward.

"Tell me, who ended up killing the Manticore behind me?" Dean gestured behind him with a hand. Midnight's eyes flicked to the Spear imbedded in the beast's eye before returning to their original position.

"That would be Private Swift Spear doing, sir." Swift Spear looked up and gazed at the jet black Pegasus. He opened his mouth to voice an objection, but Dean quickly cut him off.

"And how far away was Private Swift Spear when he killed the Manticore." Dean smirked at the look on the Earth ponies face turn to confusion. He reckoned that due to their military doctrines being quite behind his own, the ponies would fail to see the importance of a sharpshooter. Midnight scrunched up his face in thought. His mouth opened, but Dean interrupted once again.

"Private Swift Spear threw his weapon from nearly ten meters away and hit his target, a seemingly impossible feat for many of my kind. NOT only did he hit his target, though, he also managed to pierce it's eye and kill it instantly. That is a one in a million chance for someone who doesn't have the eye of a marksman." Dean turned his head and looked down at Swift Spear, whose ears were perked back up. "I am analysing the strengths and weaknesses of every perso-- er, pony in this group. You have demonstrated one of your core strengths already. Private Spear, I chose you for this expedition because I saw potential, as I did for everyone. That is why you are here!" Dean glared down at the pony, who's muzzle was scrunched in contemplation. The wind rustled the leaves in the trees, and a bird called from somewhere afar. Finally, Swift Spear looked up and faced the Human before him.

"The Elves killed my family some time back, but because of you, I can see a bright future for all ponies. You are an inspiration, and I will be honoured to serve under your command." Swift Spear saluted sharply and Dean smiled subtly. His gaze flicked to the Captain of the Wonderbolts, who saluted as well.

"My subordinates trust you, and I trust them. I see now that you know what you are doing, therefore I will serve in this squad." Dean nodded and analyzed the ponies before him. Each one was saluting in some way, their eyes holding a fiery determination; one that hadn't been seen for a long time. Quick as a snake, Dean brought his own hand up in a salute, causing the ponies to smile. After a moment, he, along with the others, finally dropped their hands/legs/wings.

"Alright, the sun is going down and we have a few more kilometers to cover. Let's grab that wagon and get to the cave." Dean yanked his knife from the Manticores leg and proceeded towards the wagon, his new squad mates in tow.

'Looks like I'll have to wait till we get to the cave. I'm sure I left a few MRE's with meat there.'

The group continued their walk through the forest and remained uncontested all the way to their destination. It had grown dark in the few hours that they had walked, and Dean could tell that everyone was a bit tired. Stars shined far above in a beautiful canvas, something Dean had never really paid attention to in his time here. The world he was stuck in was without pollution for the most part, something that couldn't be said for Earth. If the Orith succeeded in their conquest, then no human would ever see the beauty of the stars again, pollution or no. He needed to get back, and quickly.

"Sergeant, are you okay?" Dean jumped when Spitfire appeared at his side. She had removed her glasses and he could see the look of slight concern written on her muzzle. Upon glancing behind him, he saw that the others had stopped to look at him. Turning ahead, Dean found that he had come to a standstill before a very familiar canyon.

"Y-Yes, Captain. Just had a moment of thought for a second there. I realized that your world is very unpolluted, and I can see the stars quite clearly. That may just be because we are out in the country though. We... we should camouflage the wagon and head down to the cave. We will rest there before loading everything in the morning." The ponies pushed the wagon behind some trees and Dean cut through the foliage in order to make some cover. After ten minutes, the wagon was no longer visible.

"Follow me."

And so they descended. Dean had equipped his eye piece in order to see better. His hands found good purchase on the rocks and outcrops on the way down, but he was afraid his squad would have a harder time. He knew the three Pegasi would be just fine, but the brothers, Steel and Carbon along with Swift would likely have a harder time.

Halfway to the bottom, Dean paused and looked at the progress of his squad, and what he saw brought a smile to his features. Corporal Steel was levitating himself down the face of the cliff while Stormfly and Spitfire carried Corporal Carbon slowly downwards. Looking to the side, Dean saw that Midnight was holding Swift Spear underneath his barrel and was slowly gliding down.

'Now this is teamwork. I think I can work with this.'

Soon, the whole company was situated at the bottom of the ravine. A river gurgled lazily off to the side while beams of moonlight pierced the pitch black surroundings. Dean quickly reached up and clicked a little black button on his helmet, causing a beam of light suddenly erupted forth. The built in torch cut through the darkness and illuminated the wall of rock before them.

"Your helmet has a built in flashlight? How is it powered, with magic?" Stormfly walked up to Dean and began to analyze his headgear. Dean smirked and shook his head.

"No magic. This device is purely electrical." He stepped past the mare and analyzed the wall. He searched his memory for a very specific... there! There was a small sapling, barely waist height, that was standing next to a large boulder. Dean walked towards said boulder, forcing the ponies to follow.

"Uh, Sergeant? I don't see a cave." Swift Spear commented from behind. Midnight snorted and shook his head.


Dean stepped forward and pressed his hand against the seemingly rock wall. Instead of facing solid resistance, his hand caused the whole wall to shift as if it was made of fabric. Everypony gasped as he strode through the wall and out of sight.

"D-Did he just disappear?!" Spitfire slowly walked towards the wall and prodded it with a hood. The material bent slightly from the pressure and she jumped back. Midnight snorted again, trying to contain his laughter. Spitfire whirled around and glared at the jet black Pegasus. "What's so funny, lieutenant?" She growled.

"Nothing, Captain. It's just fun to watch you interact with the Sergeant's technology. The material in front of you is a camouflaged fabric that blends into almost any background. It isn't advanced persay, but it is definitely more than what the guard forces have ever used. Just wait till you see the thingies the Sergeant has inside the cave."

There was a muffled thump and then a curse close to the cave entrance. A low whine slowly built in volume before going silent completely.

"Piece of shit, can't work for five fucking seconds." And then Dean was standing before them once more. His flashlight was thankfully turned off in order to not blind all the ponies looking at him.

"Sorry about that, the lights had died while I was away, so I had to manually turn them on. Follow me, I'll need the help getting everything organized if we want to leave on time tomorrow." Dean pushed the fabric to the side, allowing light to spill out into the canyon. All the ponies squinted as they slowly trotted into the now existing cave system.

"Welcome to my humble abode. You will find vegetation, rock, and quite a bit of highly advanced gear." Dean's voice carried through the cave as the ponies spread out. Dean walked through the cave and up to his crate full of supplies. The crate had a thin layer of dust on it, which he quickly dispersed with a swipe of his hands. He opened the crate and analyzed it's contents. Everything was in its original placement, and nothing seemed to be missing. Perfect.

Dean turned to his squad and clasped his hands together.

"Alright. Let's get any loose equipments stowed away, then we can get some shut eye. It'll be a lot harder getting back tomorrow, so I want to be ready." The ponies quickly saluted and got to work.

Dean was about to turn and load a stool into the crate when a sudden feeling came over him. It wasn't malicious, but nor was it friendly. The feeling was suddenly gone, almost like it was forcefully removed. This left Dean slightly disoriented and he shook his head. Blinking once, he found that everything was normal and he was thinking straight once more.

Looking around, he saw the others also recuperating from the sudden wave of... something. They all returned to their jobs quickly enough, so he didn't question it.

'What the fuck was that? Must've been fatigue.'

Dean and the squad continued with their jobs, oblivious to a certain being waging a mental war in order to keep them all sane.