Chapter 6
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                      Chapter 6 

I’ve been trying to figure out how to use the new skills I got, and this fucking system keeps messing it up, what’s that? That it’s not the system and it’s me? I can’t hear you, anyway.

The system is as useless as ever if not more. I keep trying to figure out a way to make the most about the system, but every time that I think I got it, something comes up. It’s so frustrating because there is no one telling me how to use it. 

I’ve been trying to train in the art of magic, but the only thing I can do is this. What? You thought I could do anything? Well you’re wrong, like this life of mine. Why?! Why?! Did I have to be reborn in this world without instructions or anything?! Well there’s nothing that I can do right now so I guess that the only thing I can do is be with my thoughts. 

What am I doing right now you ask? Well I’m laying in my back trying to get up, I feel like a stupid person. You want to know what happened? Well I just gave up for a couple of minutes to rest my mind a little because I’ve been trying to get a grip on the system and what works and what doesn’t, but it’s very complicated when you don’t have anyone. This should be a crime, who makes people work so damn hard, damn it. And because I’ve been having a break I just stood there like a dog when it wants its belly scratched. 

You may ask, why don’t you just keep going? Well, excellent question, it’s because using your mana it’s tiresome and exhausting. I’ve been trying to get a hold of it but, apparently I don’t have lot of it so I get super tired when I use mana. And how do you practice magic? With mana obviously, so you see my dilemma? 

I get up from the floor and start walking again, I want to find someone to talk to, damn it. I’m so lonely right now, I don’t even know how long it’s been but I’ve been alone all this time. 

I want companionship but every time that I meet another demon, they attack me and I run or fight them. But I just want someone to talk and exchange information, because this can’t be all there is, right? 

I walked until I find a big rock in the middle of an archway, maybe is an exit? I don’t know but I might as well wait here until something happens. I tried to hide somewhere where if someone comes they don’t see me and I rest for a while. 


I wake up because I hear sounds coming from the other side, finally someone is coming. I get up and see what’s up with the sounds, I go to check and see what’s going on. 

Finally! A person or something resembling one, well it’s a humanoid, I fucking knew it, it’s a group of goblins. They’re looking around, searching for something, I’m not going to let them see me. But there’s something wrong with this. Aren’t goblins supposed to be stupid? This fuckers don’t look like they’re dumb. 

I think they’re hunting, fuck my life, why does it always have to happened something? I see a [Larvae demon] running around going this way and I wait because no one is going to rob me of the opportunity to get the hell out of this place. I can taste the freedom and see the light, literally. 

The fuckers are distracted with the demon that it saw them and started attacking them, without question, what the hell is wrong with this demons? Anyway, not my problem, I just start walking very slowly toward the exist. I try to be as stealthy as I can, hoping my skill can help me with that. 

I’m so close that I can taste the freedom, I want to see what’s behind this rock and see where the hell I am. When I’m almost at the exit, one goblin notices me and start saying something in a language I don’t know, but then all the others that finished with the other demon, notice me and I cold sweat run down my body, what was that? That I don’t sweat because I’m a demon? Well, fuck you and fuck them too, I’m getting the hell out of here. 

I start to run and they start to run too trying to catch me. Well this motherfuckers will have to work for my precious body, because I’m not stopping. I run and run, and when I’m exhausted I keep running without looking back and without knowing where I’m going, but with a goal in mind, and that is to get the hell out of here and from the goblins. 

When I don’t hear anyone behind me, I try to peek behind me to see if I lost them, and luckily for me I did. I look around trying to look for a place to hide just in case. I hide and try to catch my breath with all this running, holy hell, I don’t know how long I ran but it was a lot. They almost catch me but I’m smarter than them, kidding, I just got lucky or some shit. When I’m relatively safe notifications sound in my mind. 

Ting! Gain skill [Sprint level 1]  

Ting! Skill [Sprint level 1] became [Sprint level 2] 

Ting! Skill [Sprint level 2] became [Sprint level 3] 

Holy shit, by just running I gain a valuable skill, come to think about I could maybe gain more skill doing mundane things. I’ll try it when I have a chance. For now I want to know where I am and what to do next, also I would like to know if [Larvae Demons] are prey of people and I’m in danger or if I’m safe. That’s a lot of questions and not enough answers. For now this is how my status looks like. 

Name: None 

Species: Weak Larvea Demon [Level 5] 

Class: None 

Stats points: 0 

Strength: 8

Vitality: 9 

Agility: 15 

Wisdom: 7 

Charm: 1 

Skills: [Stealth LV 3], [Identify LV 2], [Concentration LV1], [Bite LV2], [Sprint Lv3]  

Titles: None

Hi there, I know it’s been a while, but life been crazy. Anyway I’ll try and upload more frequently but not promises. On another note where closer for our little demon to meet sapient people. How do you think they react to a little demon?.  I’ll read the comments, and have a good one.