Chapter 41 – VIP Level 10
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Hey guys! I wanna give a big shout-out to Pillsaint for supporting and motivating me on Patreon! Love you and thank you, I really appreciate it! Hope I don't come across as cheesy haha <3


Chapter 41 - VIP Level 10




Li Qu looked at Cal Cal with her hands covering her mouth and told her about his departure.


"I will be leaving now, I have some things to do."


Cal Cal looked at him with pleading eyes and said,


"Can I go with Your Excellency please~".


"You have to go by yourself, unless you want to risk harming your soul by going into the void with me."


Li Qu reminded her before she got ahead of herself.


As his cultivation base was at the Void Immortal Realm, he could freely travel into the nearby void to teleport a set distance.


Earth was not that big and as such, he could basically go wherever he wanted with the amount of power he had.


Cultivators that tried to enter the void with their cultivation below the Void Immortal Realm would risk harming their soul or in worst cases, death.


They could not control their movements in the void without a significant cultivation base, and could only wander about without a set coordinate. If one was unlucky, they would be trapped inside forever, awaiting their imminent deaths.


There were too many cases of cultivators attempting to enter the void after someone powerful opened the crack and never to be heard of again.


A False Immortal, equivalent in power to an Entity or Ascended, would have 50% of their soul converted to become an Immortal Soul.


Only when they broke through to the True Immortal Realm would they be considered truly 'Immortal'.


That was the true reason behind the naming of this realm as True Immortals would have their half-mortal souls fully converted into an Immortal Soul.


If cultivators on this level had their bodies destroyed, they could still escape with the Immortal Soul and reconstruct their body after years of seclusion.


Cal Cal had lived too long in isolation from the cultivation world that she had forgotten about this.


"Oops! I'll see 'Young Master Li' soon then! Hehe, finally I can bestow the world with my gracious presence!"


She puffed her non-existent chest out and declared her coming to the world.


Li Qu ignored her, he walked out of the Elf Bloodline Dimension and left in a portal shortly after.


Melian Aelfis saw that Li Qu had left and could not take it anymore as she saw her revered Nature Goddess acting like so adorably.


She walked forward calmyly and embraced Cal Cal from the back into her motherly warmth.


"W-What are you doing, Melian Aelfis!"


Cal Cal was startled by her sneak attack.


"Ahhh! My Nature Goddess, you are just like a child that's lonely for too long! Let me accompany you in establishing your reputation on Earth!"


Melian Aelfis was emanating the aura of a mother figure, Cal Cal tried to push her away as she was embarrassed.


"Melian Aelfis! You do know that I'm ten thousand years older than you, right? Stop!"


"Yes, my Nature Goddess, I know. Please, allow me to accompany you while you let the world discover your elegance and cuteness."


Melian Aelfis went along with her silliness.


Cal Cal struggled free from the warm embrace with a red face and combed her messy hair as she reverted back to the holy Nature Goddess, but not before a fake cough.


"Ahem, ahem! Melian Aelfis, I hereby declare you as my maidservant. When I am out exploring the unknown world of humans, tend to my needs and serve me to the best of your abilities! You should pass on the tribe leader position to someone you trust!"


Melian Aelfis smiled widely as she took a knee and saluted,


"I acknowledge your command, My Nature Goddess!".


"Hm, hm, that's good!"



Back at the Celestial Teahouse…


Xia Qiu landed on her butt after getting ejected out of the mini pocket realm.


She rubbed the sore spot and grumbled.


"Tsss, why does it have to be so violent?! Ai, I don't even know how long I spent inside!"


She could not feel the passage of time as there were no indicators of how much time has passed inside.




A portal appeared right beside her as Li Qu stepped out, he gave her a smile and asked.


"Was it fun? Your first seclusion."


"What do you mean fun? I was almost bored to death! I checked my phone while I was inside and had no reception at all! Young Master Li, do you know how many days have passed when I was inside that place?"


Xia Qiu complained to him about her experience, it was truly boring for a person in the modern century to experience so many days without internet and communication.


"Hmmm, roughly about seventeen days."


"Wow! That means, hmm, 24 hours in a day, multiplied by 17, about 400 hours?! Oh my, I need to go home and take a bath!"


She pulled out her phone's calculator function as her mental calculation was not that good and typed out the numbers.


Li Qu waved her off and said,


"Go home and freshen up then. I have found you a teacher to teach you about cultivation, he will arrive here within the next few days if nothing goes wrong. Learn properly from him. If not, you will be wasting my efforts.".


Xia Qiu was surprised, why could Li Qu not just teach her instead? So, she asked.


"Why can't you just teach me instead? I prefer you~"


Li Qu pulled out his phone and did not bother about her anymore as he tapped on the Fish Mania icon.


"See ya, Young Master Li!"


She skipped off happily and vanished into the distance.


'Hmmm, this VIP level 7 is not befitting of my status. Furthermore, I am out of shots yet again. More importantly, that skin...!'


Li Qu's bank card had about 480,000 Mei Dollars left inside after upgrading to VIP Level 7, he topped up a whopping 100,000 Mei Dollars worth of shots and instantly upgraded to VIP level 10.


Normally in games like these, when a person reaches VIP level 10, they would have a special logging in notification to inform the VIP level 1 peasants in the game that the true bigshot has arrived.


This feature would give players a sense of prestige and awesomeness, like the emperors of the old arriving at locations with the eunuch shouting out loud to announce their arrival; "The emperor has arrived!", which would force people to kneel down in respect and reverence.


However, not many players could actually attain VIP level 10, it was a steep amount for the regular people and usually, no one would spend such an amount at once like Li Qu did.


When Li Qu saw the notification of him attaining VIP10, he let out a smile and clicked the mailbox in his game, there was a special in-game skin for the cannon exclusive for only VIP10 members contained inside the letter and a congratulatory message attached to it.


Li Qu equipped it onto his cannon and he saw the majesty of it in full swing, the cannon had red glowing dragons engraved onto it, and his shots now had a special effect of red lightning.


It was truly satisfying to watch, simply a novelty in Li Qu's eyes.


The satisfaction was equivalent to him finding a rare treasure in some pocket realms.


He directly shot up to the first rank on the weekly spending leaderboard.