V1 – The Right Direction: Part Two
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The wind blew through city corridors created by buildings that lined the streets. The breeze hit Mayumi and Yui head on and helped them cool off from the dry heat of the sun. Mayumi watched herself in the reflection of the windows as the two walked by countless stores.

“Yumi see, that’s the café I was talking about!”

Mayumi studied the front and name of it. “Now that we’re here. I think I might know the owner of this place.”


“I’m pretty sure it’s a German man and his wife. They used to take care of me sometimes when I was younger while my parents were overseas. If it’s who I think it is, his name is Leon Schneider.”

“Woah… You think we can get a discount then? You know, friends and family type deal.”

“We shouldn’t impose ourselves like that.”

“Mm~ no fun.”

They began distancing themselves from the shop, but once they reached the next storefront, a woman’s voice called out to them


Mayumi turned around and saw a woman who looked middle-aged. She was dressed as if she came straight from her office-job.

“Aunt Hirano?”

Her short brown hair fluttered in the spring-breeze. “Yes, it’s been a while,” She said with a smile.


“Amazing! It feels like I was transported to England! The forks and knives, the plates and cups, it all looks so authentic!” Yui picked up and inspected almost everything on their table.

"Why do I always give in to you?” Mayumi muttered to herself 

Kaede Hirano came over to their table with two coffee’s, setting one down in front of each of the girls.

  “Ya’know, I’ll say it again, you’re no fun. I mean look, you’re at this super-cute themed café and all you order is a black coffee. That really says a lot about your character Yumi.” Yui skewered a small piece of her cake on her fork and put it in her mouth, “Mmm~! Delicious!”

Kaede found her spot next to Mayumi. “Arata, it's been so long. How’s university life?”

“It has just been more and more work…”

“Ahh~ to be young.”

“I was considering a job but I’m far too busy for even a part-time one.”

“You shouldn’t worry about work at your age unless you need to. Honestly, you should be pushing it off for as long as possible.”

“Speaking of work, Hirano, shouldn’t you be there right now?”

“Oh please, I’m on a—”

“You’re on a…?”

“Late… lunch break.”

“Late lunch break… I see,” Mayumi picked up her cup and sipped from it.

“Yes-yes, I’ll go back shortly, don't worry. But you should take my advice.”

“Is that really the type of advice an adult should be giving a kid?”

“It’s just the truth,” Kaede shrugged.

Mayumi and Kaede both sipped their coffees and fell into a silence. It was short lived however, as Kaede asked, “Arata, since it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you, I was wondering… Have you been doing any better since my brother— I mean your d—”

“It’s not an appropriate time to ask that question, is it?” Mayumi’s voice was sharp when she cut off Hirano. ”I think your break ended a while ago too.”

“Sorry, I was just curious…”

“You’re fine… Just… not a good time to ask that.”

A new voice suddenly added its presence to the conversation, “Is that who I think it is?” A tall white man came out of a door by the front counter wearing an apron. His curls of light brown hair brushed against the top of the doorway as he entered.


“It’s been quite a while hasn’t it, Arata?” 

Mayumi jumped up from her seat. 

“How’ve you been? Already in university, huh.”

Mayumi ran up to Leon and embraced him tightly. It was a feeling like reconnecting with a grandfather you haven’t seen in years.

“I’ve been doing great!”

Kaede and Yui both look on in awe at the scene. This was probably the most expression either of them have seen from Mayumi in years.

 Compared to the rest of the group, Leon towered over them. Even when he sat he seemed like a giant in comparison. 

“What brings you and your friend here Arata?”

“We were just passing by and Aunt Hirano called us in here. I had no idea this is where your café was…”

“The contractors finished installing everything about two weeks ago and I finally opened a week ago. Apparently young people online have been talking about it a lot, so we’ve been packed.”

Yui looked down at her smartphone and tapped on it a few times. She held it up showing everyone a Twitter post. “Yeah, apparently some influencer Tweeted about how excited she was for this place to open and everyone began sharing her Tweet. Take a look.” 

The likes and retweets under the post were in the tens of thousands and thousands respectively.

“Wow… who would’ve thought.” Leon scratched his head in astonishment. “That’s incredible. I’d love to thank her in person.”

“You never know, she probably already came here,” Kaede commented 

Mayumi shifted around in her seat, checking out the café. From what she could see there were at least three other employees and almost every seat was taken. “This is amazing… You’ve been planning this for such a long time and it’s doing so well. I’m glad.”

“Thank you, it really has been—”

“Schneider, we need you in the kitchen!” A man called out from the same door Leon came from earlier.

“Coming!” Leon hollered back. “Well it seems like we’ll have to chat some other time. Thanks for stopping by.” Leon ended his sentence with a big smile. “Oh, and Arata’s right, Kaede, you should really get back to work.”

“How mean…” Kaede said as she sipped her espresso. “I should get going. It’s been nice seeing you again.” She set down her cup and grabbed her bag, putting the strap over her shoulder. “See you two.” 

With a wave she left the café—her heels tapping as she walked. 

“Yumi we should probably get going too, we still have to drop off Murakami’s assignments.”

“Now you want to do what you’re asked…”