V2 – Nara, Shouko, & Katsumi’s Apartment: Part Two
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“What’re you doing here?” Makoto asked.

“I inadvertently got kicked out of my apartment, I think.”

“You think? How can you not be sure?”

“Can I come in?”

“Yeah, of course,” Makoto stepped out of the doorway to let Katsumi in.


Makoto’s apartment was a fair bit smaller than Katsumi’s, something that he thought about from time to time. A difference however, was that he paid his own rent unlike Katsumi.

It was a small square living room connected to a kitchen with a single bedroom separated by a door.

In the living room a couch was placed up against a wall with a T.V on the opposite one; A kotatsu sat in between.

“What’s up?” Makoto asked.

He sat down on the floor in front of the Kotatsu, setting a beer in front of him and Katsumi, who was on the couch.

“I think Nara is using my apartment to help set up Shouko with some guy.”

Makoto burst out into laughter while Katsumi gave him a disapproving glare.

“Sorry sorry,” His laughing died down, “You gotta admit that’s really funny, come on.”

“It wouldn’t be if it was your apartment.”

“Maybe you’re right, but still, it’s such a Nara thing to do.”

Katsumi sighed, “Yeah… It really is.”

Makoto took a sip of his beer, “So that’s why you came here? You didn’t want to be anywhere near that?”


“Wanna stay the night?”


“Did you get something to eat yet?”

“I went out but forgot to eat when I had the food.”

“Man, you must really be out of it.”

“I’m sober… I’ve just been… feeling weird lately.”

“I know, I wasn’t talking about drugs. It was that Arata girl we went on the trip with, right?”

“Huh? How’d you know about that?”


Katsumi slightly tilted his head to the side and scratched the back of it, “That woman…” 

“Have you talked to her at all?”

“No… I’ve just seen her at school here and there. She even requested to move seats away from me.”

“That’s brutal.”

Katsumi nodded with a vacant expression.

Makoto raised his can to his mouth, “Are you gonna give up?”

“What’s that supposed to mean? On her?”

Makoto nodded.

“...I never liked her like that. She was just… different.”

“My question still stands though, are you?”

“...I don’t know.”

Makoto stood up and walked over to the refrigerator, where he grabbed a few more beers. He sat back down at the same spot and cracked another open, “Sometimes it’s better to not know the answer. Spending time figuring things out helps.”

“You’re speaking like you did.”

“I pretty much have,” Makoto grinned.

“How is it going with Hirano-san then?”

“Yeah– I still haven’t figured that out yet.”

“I heard from Maaya-chan that you’ve been seeing her, anything happen?”

“I’m way too nervous to make a move… Afraid it will end up like the, what, nine dates? in the last few months.”

“How do you even get so many?”

“It was mainly Maaya-chan setting them up. She did like seven of them.”


“Isn’t this more than just a date though?”

“Yeah… but that doesn’t make me any less nervous. In fact it probably makes me more nervous.”

“What’d you two do on your last date?”

“We just went out to dinner and watched a movie here… We cuddled during the movie but nothing happened.”

Hirano-san acting like that…? I seriously can’t imagine that. She would make some snide joke then go outside and smoke, there’s no way. Katsumi tried to picture Kaede being held by someone but found it impossible.

“Do you imagine something long term with her?”

Makoto took a second to think, “I’d like to imagine, but it’s impossible to know… Hey, why don’t you have Shouko set you up with someone? She’s only a grade ahead of you right?”

“Don’t you know how they see me in school?”

“What, do people not like you?”

“No, I’m the most popular guy there.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“I don’t care though, they all just walk around with shitty facades all day.”

Makoto smiled, “Spoken like a true loner,” He took a sip from his drink, “How’d we even meet anyways?”

Katsumi sat back in the couch, “I think we both knew Nara and met through her… How’d you even know Nara?”

“Kenshi’s cousin.”


“Yeah, the only reason they became so close was because of their shared interest in coke.”

“Great way to bring people together.”

“I know right… But If I’m being honest Katsumi, that group’s been a shit-show ever since Kenshi introduced everyone to what he does.”

“What was it like before that?”

“Just any other highschool group of friends… Drama, dating, going out.”

“So why’re you still around them?”

“They’re basically the only friends I have, I’ve known some of them for almost ten years.”

Katsumi gazed at Makoto as he fiddled with the tab of his beer can.

“It’s probably just the alcohol talking but… I wanna distance myself from them.”

Does that mean me too?

Makoto continued, “They’re fun people but they aren’t ones I wanna be involved with. If I’m being honest, what I really want is to just focus on my career and Hirano-san…”

Katsumi ran his finger around the rim of his can, “I think that’s good… It’s… growing up.”

Makoto looked up at him, his eyes were teary and his face was beet-red.

A smile formed on Katsumi’s face, “Man you’re drunk. Come on, you’re too hammered to be having a conversation like this. Let’s play some games.”

Makoto nodded as he wiped his eyes.


Katsumi’s hair was still damp from the shower. He was dressed in some of Makoto’s old clothes and stood in the kitchen staring at a coffee pot.

It dripped the black liquid slowly into the half full pot, steaming and murmuring as it did.

He shared a cup with Makoto at the small kitchen table and parted ways.


An all too familiar woman was walking down the hallway towards Makoto’s apartment.

“Morning Hirano-san, what’re you doing here?”

“I– I came to see Matsushita-kun.”

“I think he’s really been wanting to see you.”

“R-really? Why? Is he okay?” A look of concern began to spread across her face.

“Yeah he’s fine. He’s just been wanting to see you.”

"Oh... Good thing I'm here then," She still seemed a little worried.

"Just, try and cheer him up a little I guess."

Kaede nodded and the two continued on their ways.