Chapter 1
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Alright, here is the sequel to Silver Tongued Succubus. This story will not be as immediately smutty. In fact, the first few chapters are mostly violence and predator prey stuff. It's much more action heavy, and there are some descriptions of rather intense scenes and content. Beware the content warnings.
This story is told from the perspectives of Anna, the hunter from the previous book, and a new character named Rel, although her name won't be known or used right away.
Some werewolf stuff, but I have plans to move back towards Cammi and the demons later in the story. For now, enjoy some very violent foreplay.

CW: Blood, Violence, Gore, Explicit Sexual Content, Predator/Prey, Transformations, Alter Mental State (Light Conditioning), Lesbians, Cannibalism, Petplay, werewolves,


Chapter 1


I stare through the woods at the demon village, just as I have for the last few days. I made good time traveling alone through the demon lands, although I wish that Cammi could be here with me. I sigh deeply, shaking my head to push the thoughts out. I’ll meet up with them later, and talk to her again. It wasn’t fair to just leave like that.


I bite my lip as one of the demons walks down the street with a smaller one, whom I instantly recognize as a child. These are not monsters, at least not like we’ve been told. They have written language, a complex society, and they care deeply for their families. They are people, just like humans. Well, not just like, but close enough that I don’t think it should matter.


I need to find the others soon. They’re either going to be crushed by a superior force, or slaughter innocents. Either way, I can’t let anything happen to Cammi. The rest of them can go fuck themselves.


I withdraw from the treeline, moving away from the village. As I do, I can feel my gift thrumming within me. The Gift of the Wild. The further away from others I am, and the deeper in the wilderness I go, the more powerful I become. I get faster, stronger, and I always know exactly where I am. I’m not at all useful in cities or armies, but on my own? I’ve never met anyone who could contest me.


I begin my journey back, hoping against hope I can catch the party before they reach the border fortress. I highly doubt it, since it only took me two days on my own to pass it, and it’s been over a week since I left. If nothing else, I’ll find out if they’re alive. It’s possible that the demons will capture them, and if that’s the case I may be able to do something.


Two days pass in the blink of an eye, and to my frustration I end up having to go the long way around a mountain. The demons are moving more soldiers to the border, which means something happened. More specifically, I think there is about to be a war. My heart sinks as I process what that means for Cammi. If she is dead, I will fight my way through a thousand demons to get revenge.


I didn’t fall in love with Cammi immediately. At first, I just thought she was kinda cute and left it at that. But then she started speaking. Listening to her voice enchanted me, and all I could think about from that moment on was listening to her. And the kiss we shared… She eagerly returned the kiss before breaking it off, and it remains the best kiss of my life. The way her tongue flicked against my lips felt like sparks of power flowing through my body. I still find myself masturbating to the thought of her moving that tongue to other places.


No, I need Cammi. I need to be hers. She wants Charlotte too, and I’m okay with that. I wasn’t really at first, but I’ve had a lot of time to think out here on my own, and I think it would be okay. I just need to talk to her about it. Which is why those damned demons better not have killed her. Hells, I’ll serve them directly if they let me be with Cammi. I’ve already betrayed humanity by abandoning my mission, working for demons wouldn’t be any worse of a fall.


Lost in my thoughts, I almost don’t notice the smell of blood. Lowering myself into the underbrush, I creep towards the scent. Peering through the late summer leaves, I see a picture of carnage in a clearing. There are about half a dozen bodies, or what’s left of them at least. All of them are human, which I find a bit strange. I’m deep in demon territory, and didn’t expect to see any humans other than myself.


I circle the clearing quietly, searching for signs of who could have done this. To my surprise, there are no signs of demons. Instead, I see large wolf-like paw prints in the bloody mud and deep claw marks across the trees. Once I’m convinced that the beast isn’t nearby, I approach the bodies and begin investigating.


To say these bodies are torn apart is understating things slightly. When I estimated half a dozen, that was largely because some of them are in so many small pieces it’s impossible to put them back together. Moving closer, it’s still hard to tell if there were five, six, or possibly even seven humans. Examining the bodies does however reveal what the humans were doing out here. They were another hero party, sent on a different mission. Several of the bodies have markings or characteristics only possible on Gifted, like how Cammi’s tongue is silver.


I focus back on the gore and viscera. It’s not good to think about Cammi’s tongue right now, not when there is a beast capable of killing half a dozen Gifted in the area. Further examinations reveal more claws marks, teeth marks, and some crushed bones implying very high strength. It’s also very clear that several of the bodies have been partially devoured, and at least one of them was dragged away.


I stare at the trail of blood and flattened plant matter. There is a clear trail leading into the forest, one I can easily follow. But hunting the beast will take time. Time I might not have. If Cammi is really being held captive, who knows how long they will keep her? If she’s not being held, then it doesn’t matter how long it takes. The question is, can I risk it?


I stalk off in the opposite direction. The beast is a concern, but Cammi is more important. It’s better for me to leave its territory and focus on my goal. I can always come back for it later, once I know what’s happened to Cammit. I’ll just try not to think about the thrill I feel running through me at the thought of a proper hunt.


After walking until at least an hour after sunset, I climb a large tree for the night. It’s den is likely the opposite direction of my goal, so hopefully I’ve put enough space between us that it won’t hunt after me. Especially since it just had a full meal. I shouldn’t be worth the trouble.




There is a new scent on the breeze. My head shoots up, ears twitching as I look out into the night. It’s coming from the same direction as those humans did. I shudder, remembering the crunch of bone and the sweet taste of blood. I used to dislike it. It used to make me sick. Now, the thought of it excites me. 


I crawl out of my cave, tail flicking back and forth. Gazing up at the waxing crescent moon, I let loose a guttural howl. Energy pours through my body, and I can feel my bones shift and crack in response. My tongue trails across my elongated canines, and my claws dig into the loose earth of the forest floor.


I pounce forward, slipping through the forest with a grace befitting of a master of the hunt. Humans, Demons, and even other monsters. None of them have been able to withstand me. I am the hunt, I am the night. I am The Beast.


The trail is still fresh, although it moves faster than I expected. She moves faster, I amend, as I catch a whiff of her scent in a bush. A human female, probably one of The Gifted. Normal humans shouldn’t be able to move this fast. My heart pounds with excitement. The last group of Gifted were a joy to fight, although ultimately not a challenge.


The scent is stronger now, and I crouch low to the forest floor. My long and thin body slips from tree to tree, shadows flickering in the light of the moon. I trace her to a tree, and begin to circle it quietly. Not under the tree, but likely in the canopy. 


I stand on my hind legs, using my lengthy arms to pull myself up. I land on a thick branch, and come face to face with the woman I’ve been hunting. Her skin is tanned and dusty, and her long brown hair is tied in a messy braid. She’s dressed in dark brown leather with a mottled green cloak. I can see several blades strapped to her belt, trousers, and her boots. There is also a hatchet in a sheath, and a quiver of arrows. Her eyes are a fierce green, and the exposed bit of her arms reveal toned muscles. She is also pointing a notched arrow directly at my face.


I fling myself to the side as she fires her recurve bow, and let out a yelp of pain as it sinks into my shoulder. She remains crouched on the branch, drawing another arrow. I growl and launch myself upwards, causing her shot to go wide as she leaps off the tree. I leap down after her only to find she’s discarded her bow in favor of two blades. One of the blades is shorter, likely meant for carving up her kills, while the other is as long as her arm and slightly curved.


I swipe at her with my claws, only to have her parry my blow and step in to counter me. I pull myself back onto my hind legs to dodge, avoiding the short blade by the smallest margins. She doesn’t let up however, and her long blade cuts across my stomach. I disengage, and the two of us begin to circle each other.


She has the eyes of a hunter, fierce and powerful. I bare my teeth, unable to hide the excitement from my own eyes. With a burst of speed, I launch myself directly at her, energy surging into me as I do so. She blocks my first blow with both her blades, but my second claw stabs through her side. She spins away with a hiss, and to my disappointment it was only a glancing blow. She is more durable than I expected.


I move forward again, only to be caught off guard when she throws her blade at me. It stabs into my shoulder, and before I can react she’s lept upwards and onto my back. I feel a stab of pain as she pulls a hand axe from her belt, lodging it into my back and piercing my skin. Thankfully the wound is shallow, since I’m stronger and tougher than any other wolf-beast I’ve encountered.


I stand up, shaking her off and sending her spinning towards a tree. I can’t help but widen my eyes in shock when she spins around, plants her feet against the tree, and launches herself back at me. I raise my arms, feeling the cut of her blade against my forearms. 


I can’t win yet. This is not a prey I can fight unprepared, especially not with the moon only being at crescent. I give a growl, and flee back into the forest. She makes to follow, before wincing at her wound. I have the advantage in the long term. I can heal faster, and my body is stronger. I can wear her down. I can win.


Once I get back to my cave, my energy wanes. I can feel my fur withdrawing, and my body and limbs shrinking. My teeth and claws shrink, but don’t disappear completely. My ears twitch on top of my head, and my tail flicks back and forth as I stretch. I whimper with pain as my injuries continue to bleed.


I stare down at my pale flesh. It’s still more durable than human flesh, even if this form is more fragile than my beast form. There is still a thin layer of fur, but it’s massively subdued across most of my body. There is more along my arms, legs, and pubic area, although far less than when using my Gift. I only have two nipples in this form, and I can’t tell if it’s stranger to have two or six. I run my tongue across my teeth, still sharp even if slightly less prominent. I crawl towards the remains of my earlier kill, sinking my teeth into its flesh. The blood and flesh taste good, even a day after the kill. If I can’t finish off the new hunter soon, I’ll have to hunt something else to keep my strength up.

I finish eating, curling up in my corner and licking my wounds. I have worthy prey to hunt, once my wounds have healed enough. A shiver of excitement runs through my body. She is strong and powerful. Her scent is intoxicating. I fall asleep dreaming of her, unsure if I want to devour her or make her my mate. Either way, my course of action is the same. I hunt, dominate, and keep my position as the strongest creature in this forest.