Chapter Seventeen
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Echo grabbed the keys off of the guard. They jiggled it around in the handcuffs.

“Take your time.” Enzo commented.

“Shut up, I don't know how these work.” The cuff clicks falling off. “First try!”

Enzo shook his head, grabbing the key out of Echo’s hands and using them to unlock Aleta’s cuffs. 

“Now what do we do?” Aleta asked.

Echo paused at that. “Fuuuu--”

“You don’t have a plan do you?”

“When have I ever, honestly.”



Juniper tapped her foot, lips tugged into a slight frown and brows furrowed into a slight glare. Echo had run off again. 

“Your majesty, we will find them, do not worry.” Alpha reassured.

Juniper giggled, expression softening, “Echo is turning out to be even more fun than I originally thought. What a slippery little kitten.”

Alpha couldn’t help but agree. Servants bustled about searching high and low for the chosen. The palace filled with activity as they entered lockdown. No one was to get in or out.




“We could hide in the fridge.” Echo suggested. Only to be immediately shut down.

Enzo tapped away on a phone, catching Aleta’s attention. “What are you doing?” She asked.

“Contacting some associates to help us out.”

“Idea!” Echo announced. “Bombs.”

“Where are we going to get a bomb?!” Aleta asked bewildered.

“I once learned how to build a pipe bomb.”

“W h a t?”

“I just need a container, some low explosive material, and a fuse.”

“Ah yes, when in doubt build a bomb.”

“Exactly, Chaos gets it.”

“I can’t believe Isis is my patron god.” Aleta wept.

“Who the fuck is Isis…” Echo echoed back under her breath.

Me bitch.”



“Where are you going to get any of that?” Enzo questioned, staring blankly at Echo.

“Anybody got flash powder on them?” Echo asked.

“I mean I found this flash bang on the guard.” Enzo pulled out a flash bang.

“How convenient.” Echo cheered.

“Why do guards have flash bangs?” Aleta wondered.

“Perfect.” The next thing the trio knew was running around finding various items to make a bomb. What was their life?

The pipe bomb sat in front of Echo who hid in a small corner in some random janitor closet in the palace. 

“It's ready," they announced to their friends.

“How did I get here?” Aleta bemoaned regretting all of her life choices that led her to this.

“You decided sticking with me was a good idea.” Echo pointed out cheerfully.

“Gods you are feral.”

“Thank you!” Echo chirped happily.

Aleta patted their head. Enzo smiled softly.

“Right bomb time.” Echo announced, “Not something I ever thought I would say.”

The trio made their way out of the closet sneaking around and out of the nearby exit. They crept towards the gate’s wall where no one stood guard. Echo lit the fuse and darted away to their cover. They all covered their ears as a loud explosion rang out around them. Echo shot up grabbing Enzo and Aleta. They dragged them through the opening darting across the surrounding area and disappearing into the nearby bushes. 

They continued running Aleta and Enzo, ending up being slightly faster than Echo. The trio dodged through sparse trees and emerged into a nearby park. They dashed across the open ground before stepping onto the sidewalk and slowing down to speed walking. Enzo nudged the other two pointing to a nearby clothing store. Echo and Aleta nodded, following him across the street and disappearing inside.

Echo could feel their heart beating rapidly as they breathed heavily, nerves on edge. They headed to a random part of the story grabbing a gray jacket, black shirt, and some blue jeans. They were all bland stuff, no flashy colors or graphic design on them. They were to stay desecrate. 

They quickly made their way to the register putting the items up on the counter. The cashier scanned each item then announced the price. 

“I don’t have much money on me. Can I pay in mana?” Echo asked.

“Sure.” The cashier reached for something under the counter and pulled out a jar. Echo put their hand over it and white mana began to fill it rapidly. “Wow!” the cashier shouted in surprise, yanking the jar away.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“Yeah you filled that way too fast. Think you might have overpaid.”

“Take it as a tip. If anyone asks, I was never here.”

“Who even are you?”
“That’s the spirit, Thank you.” Echo responded with a grateful smile before departing to the changing rooms. They quickly ditched the clothes they were wearing and slid on what they just bought. Faintly they noticed faint sirens in the distance. Probably the police, they concluded.

They stepped out in record time leaving the clothes they were wearing in a bin to be returned to the store. As they exited they spotted Aleta heading towards them. She moved fast, grinning slightly. Echo smiled at her and waved her over. Aleta immediately made her way that way. She entered one of the stalls nearby. Echo waited just outside. 

Enzo exited next, joining Echo waiting for Aleta. Echo took note of Enzo’s attire. Black jeans, a gray beanie, and a white shirt.  Echo nodded to him just as Aleta exited. They turned their heads to her. She had a black hoodie, leggings, and a bandana. Echo nodded to her offering her their arm. She took it.

Enzo followed the duo as they exited the shop. The sound of sirens growing louder. Once they stepped onto the streets the sirens hit a crescendo blaring from all directions. 

Echo frowned, “Do we know why those alarms are blaring?”

“If I had to guess, because we broke out of the castle.”

“Ehehehe.” Echo laughed nervously, “Let's move quickly.” 

They began to walk down the streets, heads held high as they walked with purpose, people moved past them. Echo stared forward, while Aleta’s eyes darted around nervously. Enzo walked up besides her placing a hand on her shoulder. He then leaned down and whispered something Echo couldn’t quite catch. Aleta relaxed slightly.

“The bus stop is just around this corner.” Aleta said.

“How do you even know that?” Echo wondered.

“I used to live here.” 


The sirens continued to sound around them. They eventually made it to the bus stop. Entering a nearby coffee shop to escape all the noise. Aleta and Echo sat down at a comfortable booth while Enzo made his way to the counter. 

“This has been a wild, what three or four days?”

Aleta blinked her eyes going wide “Holy fuck its only been that long?!”

“Yeah.” Echo responded laughing slightly.

“Gods, I’ve had a more stressful threeish days than the rest of my entire life combined.”

“Yeah, you might wanna try therapy after this is all over.

Aleta shook her head, “I’m going to be so traumatized.”

“Ayyy, join the party!” 

The two fell into idle conversation. Enzo made his way towards them smiling at them as they chatted. He held three cups of coffee in his hands.

“I’ve brought coffee.” He announced handing one to each.

“Yess!!” Echo cheered, sucking down the coffee.

“Thank you.” Aleta said gratefully as she grabbed hers.