Chapter 2.
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I entered my home and was greeted with a worried look from everyone there.

"Atleus. What happened?! Why are your wings like this?"

My mother asked worryingly while I just smiled…

"An accident happened while I was doing a mission, Mom. Don't worry, it's not like this didn't happen before."

I said while laughing to make my mother less worried…

–... Smiling, you can smile?... No, that smile of yours feels fake, not that they can notice it though.

I shouldn't worry them, I can't worry them from the troubles that I myself caused.

"Oh you… you always get into accidents like this, Why can't you stop making your Mother worried?"

Mother said while sighing, although she did sigh, she looked less worried than before.

"Ahahaha, don't worry Mom. Even though I may not look like it, I'm a fairly strong soldier."

I said while looking at her with a smile. A little bit of informations about ranks… There are three ranks to soldiers: low rank soldier, middle rank soldier, and high rank soldier. After soldiers, it's now the knights… knights have 4 ranks, they are… low rank Knight, middle rank Knight, high ranked knight, royal knight.

My rank is middle rank soldier, I am weak, but I guess I can be counted on as an average soldier.

"Oh, you jest… you're not even a knight, like the dream you want to achieve… but given enough time, I'm sure you will reach that."

This time, it was Father who said that, they then looked into my wings and looked saddened for a second, before returning to their normal serious attitude.

"Hmm, anyway, since it isn't evening yet, you should go to the pharmacy, you want to get your wings fixed as quickly as possible right, Big brother?"

Senty said behind me.

"I forgot. Well, I will return later, for now, have fun."

I said and immediately left home.

I run towards the pharmacy, and thankfully, there's not another customer at the moment.

"Oh, Atleus, good late afternoon."

The owner of the place greeted me while they are making a potion or something…

"Good late afternoon. And the reason I am here…"

Before I could continue, the owner, a female, immediately gives me a potion for my wings.

"This is what you need right, Atleus?"

She said while smirking. Yes, it's what I need.

–... She also is beautiful, why are you not blushing?

Because, a beautiful face isn't really that important?

–I guess so, but still… you really don't have any desire to date her, huh.

Dating a person requires patience, I hardly have patience.

–Well, I didn't think of you as a person to be like that… but oh well. [Patience? You probably have it, what you don't have is courage that you can actually date someone…]

"Atleus? What are you thinking?"

Ah, right. I still need to get the potion.

"Sorry for that, just worrying for a little bit. This is the payment for the potion, and have fun."

I said and left the pharmacy… {Everyone knows by now that I always use Have fun as a way to say, bye.}

–[Well, it's a good thing she didn't ask why you have these injuries… I mean, I feel like everyone is worried about you, but I guess you don't really think they do.]

I drank the potion and instantly, I felt like my wings are recovering… the potion I drank is called wing restoration potion, it only works on Angels, especially their wings only. That's why this thing is usually seen in Angel cities and towns, because many angels usually injure their wings while travelling.

I flapped my wings before making them compact so as to take less space behind me.

"Now, I should return home… is what I like to say, but this feeling that something is bad is happening at this moment…"

–An evil desire, a strong one to the point I can even pinpoint who it is that releases these vile feelings…

An evil desire… I'm just a soldier, I can't pick a fight without a reason… but this time? I have to make some exceptions to that thinking.

I immediately run towards am alleyway, and I met the one who is releasing that evil desire… it's a child looking cloaked person… a kid?

"... You must have felt my evil aura… a soldier? Incredibly weak."

I heard him say while some unknown force immediately flung me into a building behind me… Uggh… my wings…

"Sorry, but if you remember seeing me, it will be bad. So I have to take some drastic measures."

… My head… Why is it painful?

–Atleus… he fell unconscious. That kid… he is at least a mid rank Knight… I don't think you can live if they decided to kill you at that time, but good thing they didn't kill you… good thing I can stop memory mishaps from happening, after all… I am Angel, the memory angel.


I woke up on a bed… where am I?

"You're awake?"

That voice… oh, now I know where I am… pharmacy.

"I heard a person found you unconscious, moderately injured for no reasons in the alleyways."

Miss owner said while having a worrying expression.

"... Thanks for your help, Miss Donna, but I have some things to do."

I said, but as I tried to move… It felt painful…

"I knew you would say that, Atleus. So I prepared something to make sure you won't move, and also, it will take 2 days to make you return to your normal health. Don't worry, I already also informed your parents."

–... Hmm, I feel like she cares about you.

I don't think so. For her, I'm just a patient.

–You say what you say, you say what you say.

"... Nggn… Well, I guess it's fine."

I just have to rest anyway, resting doesn't take a lot of time.

"You are making me worried, you know? Once a week, your wings always get damaged, or you get moderately injured… have you considered asking for a break? Why do I feel like you are always in danger?"

She asked… hmm, I don't really know. I'm just a normal soldier, you know?

–... It's just you like to risk your life.

… Well, to be honest, I don't think my life is better than everyone else. I have little talent as a soldier, I have been a soldier for 3 years… and usually, most people at that point are already a high rank soldier.

–Well, that further proves my point. You like to risk your life cause you don't think you are that great. [Being a soldier… *sigh* such a stressful job you have. No, rather than stressful, it's just that you will risk your life on pointless things such as helping an abandoned child… even if they backstab you, you would probably say it's fine…]

… I guess so, but what can I do? If I'm just even useful for something like helping people, then I will do it.

–For now, I guess you have to wait here for 2 days…

That is too much time wasted… but normally, it is only 2 hours before I get treated though…

"Miss Donna, why is it that it takes me 2 days before I'm back to my top shape?"

I asked her a question.

"Unfortunately, we don't have materials for a healing potion, so it's unfortunate, but it just means you have to recover naturally."

I see, that makes sense.

–[She just didn't want you to make more troubles for yourself. But I can't really tell you this, you might get angry that it is wasting time after all.]

{... I can see that she has those materials on that shelf. She didn't think I would memorise the materials needed for a healing potion… but, that sorrowful tone. She is probably worrying about me, So I can let this one slide.}

I let out a sigh before closing my eyes to sleep. Good night, Angel.

–Good night.

2 days later.

–Good… morning…

"*Yawn*... Good morning. I guess I have slept for 2 days… I need to get some breakfast."

I said while I immediately left the bed.

–... How do you still have so much energy? You didn't eat for straight 2 days…

Hmm… Well, I am actually tired… I can even tell that myself, it's just… Uggh, my head… yep, I'm starting to quickly collapse.

–Why didn't someone woke you up?

"... Senty, are you there? I really need some help at the moment, I need some food… I'm sure you're here."

I said and I felt someone pushed the door to this room. This is a room for patients.

"Ah, Big brother! You woke up!"

Too excited… I smiled towards him.

"Anyway, you know… I need some food…"

I said and collapse… as expected.

–Maybe you should not have left the bed at the start then?

Look… I wasn't actually thinking at that time…


"Ah, Big Brother!"

Senty immediately puts me at the bed… how are you stronger than me?

–... Wait, your brother is at least a low rank Knight? What the hell?

I know, crazy… but I don't really have the will to be jealous… he's pretty much just a better me, at the end of this road… maybe I will be his soldier? No, that sounds unlikely, I don't think I can be a low rank Knight.

–... Dreams are rather hard to do… but let's be honest, that's not your dream. What your dream is definitely something else.

Be a person that I believe can be an angel, not an accurate one, but a metaphorical angel. The one who would consider the greater good, even with sacrifices.

–[Well, I could believe that, after all… the only sacrifice you want to happen is you sacrificing yourself to save somebody else… smart enough, yet scared enough to do a fool's task.]

"Big brother. Here is some food, please eat them slowly."

Senty said while leaving this room.

"... Definitely helpful."

I said and started to eat…

10 minutes later.

"Okay, I feel like I could move much better now… my wings feel a bit stiff…"

I should probably use them for now. I flapped my wings for a couple of seconds till I felt that it's more flexible.

–Now, let's get to that Knight's room you didn't forget, right?

Well, I can't really forget it, it happened just 2 days ago after all, and since I slept off 2 days, It doesn't feel like it took me a lot of time to get here.

I entered the Knight's headquarters and climbed up the stairs… Knight's headquarters has 4 floors, and the higher you are as your room, the higher your rank is… and the room that I was about to enter is…

–A Royal Knight's room. Don't worry, if you're calm, it will all work out. You have me anyway, if you use wing mode, I'm certain you're at least a high rank soldier.

… You know, I'm not even supposed to be suprise that I will die in one hit if they're serious enough. But if that did happen, it would be a waste of manpower and also would be a waste of a person who is willing to save people.

–[I can't really see the heartless person here… or is this your act?]... Well, I'm sure it be fine, after all, you're a soldier, they must be underestimating you, right?

Still, as you know, the rank difference is more than 2 ranks, it's pretty much certain that I will lose and I don't think I can outrun her.

"Anyway… we're here."

I muttered while I knocked at the door three times.

"Oh, come in."

I heard her say and I slowly opened the door. The room that I seen is an office which has quite exquisite and expensive looking things inside it. Everything here must have been high quality… and that's a stack of papers… and that's also a stack of papers…

–... Everyone really hates paperworks don't they? Even my previous owner hates them.

What do you mean? Everything in these papers can be used for knowledge and understanding how a certain part of the city is doing and it can also be used for which to decide as rumours or facts that you can temporarily believe. And there's also the fact that while they are many, the feeling of finishing all of them is also nice as it means you are doing your-

–[... Workaholic. You're a Workaholic.] Now now… while it is nice that you do care, make sure to have some rests too.

Huh? What do you mean?