Chapter 21
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"Ivvone. That's my name."

{Sound like a weird name that a person shouldn't even have in any way at all…}

"Guess so."

I just said while making a teacup with tea appear on a table.

"... Even your voice sounds girly… Anyway, Leus-chan. What do you want to talk about?"

Ivvone asked while looking at me with a curious gaze. Seems to be that she is trying to know what my intentions are… by analyzing how I answer the questions…

"Let's talk about… why did you change my clothes instantaneously? Like… this isn't as comfortable as that."

I said while making a mirror appear on my side. I stood and looked at myself, being put on a Pink dress.

"... Hehehehehe… sorry."

My outfit got changed to the one I'm wearing before it became a Pink dress… {I don't want to wear a skirt, but if I'm forced… I can manage with it.}

I sat on the chair while taking a sip from my tea.

"Ivvone… so, what… Hmm… ah right nya. Have fun nya."

I said while sipping on my tea. Before gracefully standing up and left the place, involuntary.

"Have fun too. Clone… of… Theo…"

I faintly heard as I opened my eyes… I see… make sense. {Theo… sounds too normal for a name though.}

"Medical checkup is done. Fortunately, it seems to be that your body is fine… although there is something that is weird… but let's just ignore those, shall we?"

She said before I got teleported back to the mansion…


"... Only 3 minutes passed? Hahahahahahahahahahaha…"

I laughed quietly. As if I'm losing myself, before shaking my head and just… quickly leaving the area I was at…


{... Time is cruel… but… that's all there is to it. Time dilation is seriously too powerful.}

I cleaned myself before quickly going towards Liza's room.

–... [Still, I shouldn't ask… but, you're reading my mind, aren't you?]


*Door opening sound*

"Master nya. I want to have, like.. a 3 month vacation nya. I just need some-"

She gave me a key and as I grabbed it. I got teleported to somewhere unknown… oh great… she noticed, didn't she?... Doesn't matter. If we met again, then it will be one of us dying, wouldn't it be?

–[... Too pessimistic there.]... I don't think so, but… she totally hated the fact.

I summoned Angel and stabbed him lightly on the ground.

"*Sigh*... A destroyed city… wait…"

… Ah.

I grabbed Angel and immediately changed into an Angel, before quickly flying.

–[hmm… guess the next answer should be…] 4km, in front of you.

Great. Bastard Chronos should die and be dead for eternity.

As I soon reached him, I tried to attack him with Angel, but he somehow deflected my attack, and I teleported to stop my force of movement. I switched to being a cat while looking at him… his blonde hair suddenly becomes black while he looked at me with deep hatred.

"... Atleus… die… die… die!!!"

He dashed towards me with quick movements. Even though he looked angry, the way he walked towards me is steady and quite hard to slow down…


I said to put a fireball that travels in front of me while I switched Angel for Dark bringer.

"A devil sword… you swoop so-"

As he reached towards me, he cut off my fireball in a quick motion, but he immediately got confused.

"Where is he?!?"

He looked around, quickly glancing while I just silently walked towards him and slashed with Dark bringer, before kicking him off towards me… tch, I can't do combos… he recovers too quickly for that to happen.


I switched Dark bringer for Cheating machinations and used the gears to protect me from an invisible attack behind me. Blocking that attack took 10% of my concentration… tch…


He instantly appeared in front of me, and I pushed away, luckily, I used 4 gears to protect me so that I won't get pushed far away… Nggn…

"My head…"

Can't focus…

I'm starting to…

–... What? Don't even bother. You have 30 seconds for this…

I heard something inside me said while I tried to stand up, but I got kicked… kuggh…

30 seconds… 30… seconds… yep…

"30 seconds… is more than enough."

I said while switching Cheating machinations to Angel.

–... [...]... Say the words.

"Atleus, at your service."

I muttered while quickly standing up…

"Don't worry… 29 seconds left…"

I said to myself while I closed my eyes for another second, before opening them… semi-hyper focus.

"27 seconds… left…"

I immediately dashed towards him, he laughed maniacally, but I instead teleported behind him, which he thought I was gonna do, but I didn't actually teleported and just rushed towards him, before doing a stab to his heart.

"Oh. Stubborn, aren't you?"

I said loudly while knocking him down and kicking his head off… I don't care if you're my teacher before… I don't care if you're a knight and we should be teaming together… I don't care for your reasonings… all I'm seeing is that…

I kicked him off while making an invisible wall made from concentration appeared and I did 10 slashes in succession before launching him in the air lightly, and doing a spin slash…

"13 seconds left…"

"Do you think… this type of injury-?!?!"

{Not over yet… I don't care for your opinion.}

I grabbed him from the ground and did a stab to his head, before teleporting in the air and doing a descent slash, damaging him painfully while… I switched Angel to Cheating machinations. I used Cheating machinations gears to make sure he won't leave the place while making the wall disappear…

I summoned Death bringer in my hand…

–10% concentration left…

{He's at death's scythe at this point…}

I covered the sword with my remaining concentration and… did a slash with it…

–... And 2 seconds left of Wing mode…

Before… collapsing and fainting… wish… I killed him……

(Changed pov)

"Your wish… is the command I follow… and why is your clothes tattered?"

I let out a complaint to the fainted person who inhabits this body I am currently using…


"Ivvone. Ib-bo-ne… I think that's how I pronounce it."

I mattered to the voice telepathically being given to me while holding tight to the handle of the sword…

"... Not dead yet? Oh… but my master's command is for you to die… unfortunately, you're a sick bastard to even live in the first place."

I said while looking into his soul…

·Death… Death… Death…·

A repeated pattern of just one word.

I put 99% of my natural mana into the sword… natural mana is the mana that a body has… this is what other people call as true concentration. But, I won't tell you how to use it, Leus-chan.

Using my leg, I made him stay on the ground, not bothering to move at all… I swinged the Sword of Death swiftly. And with just a slash, I killed him.

"Meet me again when Atleus doesn't require me. Have fun."

I waved at the air before entering the place of consciousness… or the deep places of it. This place is only accessable to people who can control true concentration.

(True concentration ruling:

It's basically a much more efficient way to control mana from the air.

It's also is something only Sages able to control. So, unless Atleus reaches her concentration standards… he can't enter the place she resides in. Exception to this is when he is teleported, or he was allowed too, by someone in the place.

A separate thing from concentration. As this one is technically infinite, but controlling this requires lot of focus. So unless you can enter semi-hyper focus or something above that, you can't naturally control this… there's also the fact that if overused too much, it will make someone feel a headache, although it won't matter much anyway.)

I make a teacup with tea on the table appear. I sipped on the tea…

"Hmm… this is nice…"

I said while sipping the tea… now… I guess you should wait for hours if you want him to wake up. Say hi to Leus-chan for me.

(Change pov)


Nggn… pain…

Where…. A white place… what?

I looked around… nothing can be seen except myself…

I tried to summon Angel, but it didn't worked.


I… don't want to be left alone…


"... Whoever you are…"



"Make sure to remember me, before I slaughter your life."

I said while imagining a normal sword appearing in my hands…  normal…

"... Time has slowed down here…"

I grabbed the sword… and slashed it 4 times… ah… my hand…


I closed my eyes while muttering a chant…

"The way to become emotionless is through a spell, it may be cowardly. But it isn't a thing to be scared about. As life ends, it also starts… as emotions start, it also ends. The world ends with you."

After saying that, I felt myself looking at the world with no interest.




I see what to do.

I closed my eyes and quickly started to say another chant to a spell.

"Focus. To the point that you may lose your emotions, but you won't lose things you won't have. Hyper focus mode."

The world… doesn't seem to have color. I grabbed my sword. And holding it with two hands, I did a slash. Returning to my natural stance, I did a slash again…

Time passed later.

I slashed… I slashed… I slashed… emotionlessly in this never ending time place… is it years? Decades? Or centuries? I can't tell… all I know is that I slashed many times…

I didn't get older… my tattered clothes still looked the same…

I deactived both of my spells… hyper focus mode has a loophole that you can take advantage… entering hyper focus for too long will make you lose emotions, but if you temporarily don't have emotions, the risk of losing emotions is zero.

"... My hair is so long it reaches my back… I stayed here for too long…"

I closed my eyes… and appeared back on a place that somehow feels familiar to me… I stood up, and looked at the one who is beside me…

"Atleus… you woke up."

Elth. Huh, why are you here?

"Cause I can be here. Also, your vacation is over… we're currently…… make sure to do your job well."

I immediately run off while switching my clothes using 20% concentration. Did I rank up once? Great. I guess I'm a Low rank Knight now… so that's why my concentration became 100% better huh… I still won't change my clothes though.

"Where are the monsters nya?"

I asked to a random person with purple hair as I summoned Angel.

"... Hmm… like, it's 40 on our left… Wait, that was Atleus wasn't it? I didn't even realize cause he sounded like a girl…"

I see. My target is just outside huh.(← after hearing there is fourty on the left, Atleus immediately left. Meaning that Atleus didn't actually hear most of the dialogue.)

"And, drop down nya."

I said while opening the window and jumping off, before summoning an invisible platform, I stood on top of it, and as I reached the ground, I teleported to make sure I won't get hit by the impact of falling from the third floor.

"... 40 monsters done. This place is littered with raids. It's kinda concerning."

I muttered to myself. Anyway Angel, are you sleeping?

–zzz… zz…

Guess it will take some time for you to wake up then…

"Well… that's that, and this is this…"

{I can't really tell my concentration remaining without Angel to help me… but roughly, it should be around 80% and 70%?}

I turned around and seen a man, a red horn in their head as a spear is in their hand.

"... Who?"

I asked, proving for more information as I stabbed Angel on the ground lightly.

"Cleith. That's all you asked, that's all you get. And-"

He stopped talking to me while immediately running towards me… hmm… I grabbed Angel and switched it to Cheating machinations before quickly setting a 20 meter distance from us… I switched Cheating machinations to being a bow while the blade floating around me, spinning while trying to protect me.

I made a magic arrow using 2 to 4% concentration and aimed the bow at Cleith and made and let go of the string…

"And hit nya.*

I said while turning around. It didn't hit him truthfully, but just gracing him with the magic arrow is enough… just enough to make him fall unconscious.

After that, I strectched my hands slowly before…

{Actions that I should do next is…}

I quickly ran towards the training area of the mansion. Is Reid here? Not here?

"Oh, hello Atleus."

I heard a familiar voice behind me and I just grabbed a practice sword…

"Well, what do you say about a fair fight?"

I said while entering a vacant room. Don't worry, I asked for permission.

"... Heh. When will it be fair?"

Reid just said as he teleported inside the room.

"... Hmm… never fair. But, on our current standing, we kinda are close to the same rank aren't we? So I guess, it's a bit fair."

I held the handle of the practice sword lightly as I looked at him… good thing he doesn't ask why I am wearing clothes like this.

"... Ah yes. I won't even bother to ask, cause why bother asking something that isn't worth it to be asked?"

He just said before dashing straight towards me. I made a fireball appear behind me by muttering fireball while focusing my gaze onto him…

"First slash."

He said as he reached me and did a diagonally downwards attacks with the dagger on his left hand, I blocked it by just tilting my sword a little, before jumping backwards, to distance myself away from him. Hmm, I should be offensive now.

I dashed towards him, but he teleported in which I did a spin slash in reaction while making an invisible shield appear on top of me, I made this just in case he thought that he could attack me at the top. He teleported 4 or 5 meters away from me as he noticed that I did that…

I lightly stepped on the floor while spinning the sword and threw it, before running towards him in a quick way, noticing my plan, he calmly deflected the sword and it reached up in the air, but a fireball that was behind me hit the blade of the sword, making it fall downward towards my hand. Using this chance of him looking upwards, I tried to stab him, but he blocked my attack by using his two daggers…

*Metal clashing sounds*

I did a low sweep in order to make him fall, but he just teleported away from me. Setting the distance to 20 meters, a distance we both could reach in under a second, but a distance that also we can quickly dodge attacks in under a second.

"Fireball, multiply."

I muttered quietly and made 10 fireballs be in front of me, scattered around randomly as they floated off in random directions. They won't be a bother to both of us, but I can use them later.

He quickly teleported to my left, in which I responded with a light horizontal slash, but as my attacks goes to connect, he already teleported behind me, in which I responded by jumping and dodging his attack before grabbing him and trying to slash him, unfortunately, he teleported away, so I didn't get to do a combo.


I moved one meter to my right to dodge a fireball slowly, before dashing towards him and reaching his place in an instant, he did a sweep, so I did a sidestep to dodge the attack, before kicking him on the ground. As he flew off, I used 3 fireballs that was luckily close to the trajectory he was flying and hit him with 


"... Not over yet. But you're now on critical HP. You will lose if you get hit by me one more time nya… also… Fireball, multiply."

I said while making 10 fireballs behind me appear and make them fly off the different directions.


He spun the dagger on his left hand and threw it, it is linked to a mana string, so it will come back to him and he can control it…

I made a mana string in the air using my concentration as he dashed towards me with a dagger in his right hand…

I made the body of the bow using mana and threw it in the air, moderately high and blocked his attack by making the sword that is on my right hand blocked his dagger.


He suddenly vanished and appeared behind me and feeling I made a slight mistake, I immediately did a sidestep, but I was a step too late as I got stabbed with the dagger on my right arm…

"Guess what? One more hit."

He said with a serious gaze while every fireball I had is gone due to the dagger he threw earlier. I switched the hand that is holding the sword to my left hand and tried to block his attacks, but as expected I got pushed and a dagger appeared in his left hand, unprepared by that, I got hit again…

{Both of us are in critical condition in the fight huh… guess this is the last attack?}

I dashed towards him and as I was doing that… I threw my sword towards him in order to make him focus on the sword and as he did in 0.3 seconds, I immediately teleported in the air while making sure I teleported on the right spot… I grabbed the mana bow and made a magic arrow… I reversed my gravity and made an invisible platform in the air… I quickly pulled the bowstring… and quietly let go of it.

"And… draw."

I stopped the reverse gravity as I said that. I got heavily grazed by a thrown dagger while I was falling at the same time he got hit by the magic arrow. The mana bow started to disintegrate while I quietly reached the ground.

"... Yep."

He smiled at me before teleporting away from the room.