Chapter 31
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–So… what to do today?

I don't know… {I don't really have much clues, but for now… I should actually try to see what Yxus does.}

I summoned Yxus and tried to see what it does… I put like 2% concentration into the gun… aimed it at a wall and shot it. A concentrated beam of mana, shot out and hit the wall… it didn't bounce… okay great.

"Form change."

I lightly muttered and the gun suddenly switches into a sword. The blade is shorter than most swords, so it's technically a short sword, but a short sword is still a sword. The trigger for the gun is the in the right side, and if I use it, the sword appears to make 4 small lasers appear into the air, before shooting it out to someone, I realized this by seeing as this is how most homing projectiles work, it will never move away from the vicinity of the sword, until it finds an enemy.

"And done. It's a fairly basic sword compared to Cheating machinations, but I guess it counts as a legendary weapon, considering it still gives me the general all 20% Regen speed up."

–... The four homing projectiles are small and free right?

Yep. Free. I doubt it does much damage, but I'm pretty sure if I put my concentration there while converting it to mana, it will do a much stronger one. If only I had that much conviction to range attacks… I already have Cheating machinations, the best swords for my combos.

–Anyway… Yxus… I don't remember that type of name for a legendary sword…

Me either, it might be a beast sword for all I know… well for now… using my abilities and still low concentration…

"Hah… I'm stealing this from Leon…"

–Mana covered weapon?

Yep. Coating weapons with a large amount of mana. First it increases sharpness, although the increase in sharpness only happens on sharp edges, on the blunt edges or blunt sides, it's just a durability and armor plus. It's pretty niche, and I can't actually use it as I already used 2% concentration just using it in 1 second.

I stopped coating Yxus with mana and put it back into the ring it's using… *sigh*... It's mediocre.

–Yep. But since it's short and kinda sharp, it's still useful for quick attacks.

I summoned Yxus again and did at least 13 slashes in the air in one second… yep guess so, but… Cheating machinations here is just a cheat, using the gears and making it spin really quickly, it will now be a multi hitting gear of destruction, and I have 12 of these gears, so by that… isn't Cheating machinations just a cheat code?

–... Guess so. Anyway, did you count how many weapons we need to have?... I kinda forgot how many there are already, I just know the names.

{12 Angel weapons… 12 Devil weapons, and 3 Beast weapons… I have… Cheat, Angel…}... Eh, I won't bother getting all of them. I mean… I'm pretty sure what I just need is what I already have. Angel and Cheating machinations… Dark bringer, Devil bringer, Cold Light, Reign in Light… I already have what I want…


But… I surely need to find the names of the Beast weapons, otherwise, I can't use them… Maybe it would be useful if I could gather all of them…mayhaps.

–[Look who is being arrogant] Hahahahahaha… sure. But like always…

{I won't forget you, not will you forget me, as partners, till the moment that unforeseeable bad future happens.} Yep, just like always…

"–It will not be the end of our fun moments…–"

I muttered while Angel said it quietly both at the same time… who said that  he can't talk, it's more so that he shouldn't talk, not that he can't talk.

I teleported and left Lea's base.

"... Hmm… what to do… what to do?"

I look around while using an eye lenses I heard from Angel… uhhh… putting this to my eyes is a bit painful…

I closed my eyes and open them again… there great. I readjusted the size and it fits perfectly now.

–... Is that how lenses work?... Eh, I won't bother to ask. For now, why don't you use eye drops?

… Too much concentration wasted to make things…

I used 10% concentration to do what he said… actually not that much…

–It's gonna be crucial later anyway. For now, add the enchantment we need and then we can finally look into our targets.

I quickly added the enchantment "Vision enhancement" and the enchantment "Night vision", to both of the lenses. Or is eye contact?... Contact lenses.

I looked around… hmm… I can adjust how far it goes…

–... Let me see…

Suddenly, I felt like the two lenses are eyes… I still can see, but obviously, Angel is using them as eyes. Don't worry, I allowed it.

–Ah. There's something on the left. We should go there. I feel like it's an important event.

"Oh? Sure. I can do that nya."

I switched my race to being an Angel and quickly flied to the destination that Angel is talking about. I switched back to being a cat as my shoes touches the ground.

"Yep nya. Seems-"

I immediately teleported to a location 10 meters away from the spot I was on as I felt that I was getting attacked by something… the lenses magnification should be 1.0 so I'm seeing in normal eyes sights… where is it?...

–... It should be invisible. Probably.

I can't tell its presence, I'm sure…

I immediately summoned Cheating machinations and used it to block all around me by switching the positions of the gears as I was almost getting hit… luckily didn't get hit. 

I teleported and slashed into the air, somehow blood appeared and the being who caused trouble showed up in my eyes… Ah.


Angel was silent, I was also silent. I got hit by a dagger while I was silent, causing my right shoulder to bleed slowly, good thing it didn't hit me too deep.

"Tch, why did you avoid that?"

It was about to hit my heart, if I hadn't used a gear to protect myself, I would have died… and still, I'm fairly sure that I have a 50% chance of losing… just using some calculations which ended in two possibilities, I lose, or I win.

–It truly is a 50/50. Or a 1/2… eh, doesn't matter. For now… we have to end this in under 30 seconds… or so I hope, but your concentration count is only 70%... Choose, is it gonna be…

Well… I'm sure I can use that mode for at least 5 seconds.

–Ya sure about this?


–... Don't say that we won't stop from fainting.

Don't worry, I make sure that I have 1% concentration left… or more.

I got hit by something again while standing in place, good thing that the gears helps me a lot here…

I stabbed Cheating machinations, or specifically the sword to the ground using my right hand and while doing that, I summoned Angel in my left hand.

"Angel mode."

I quietly said the keywords and my clothes immediately changed. An armour of white, appears to be lacking on the joints and is not useful. Grieves, that someone probably called boots. And a white crown appearing on top of my head, sitting on my hair, as if I'm royalty.

–5 seconds… make sure to keep your promise… otherwise, I faint too.

There are 4 floating artifacts that are boosters besides each of my arms, as well as 8 in my grieves… they're floating beside them, not touching them at all.

(" → :::::::::::::::⟩ ←like this, just imagine the circles as lines nya. The pointy end is the front end, while the flat end which has a hole in the middle is basically where the boosters will end nya… I'm being confusing aren't I nya?")

I immediately dashed towards the bastard while using the artifacts to be boosters and quickly accelerated me towards him, I summoned Angel to my hand. It appears to be the same, but there's a crown in the hilt, making it different and I felt like this is sharper than the normal version.


He teleported to somewhere and I immediately looked around for him, as I immediately found him as quickly as I tried to look for him, I used the artifacts behind my back as boosters. There are basically 18 artifacts in total, 4 in each arm and in each leg, making it so that it's 12, and there are 6 revolving around me behind my back, making it 18.

I slashed at him and he took much more than damage than before, but I knew that time was running out, I'm not fainting yet, but I for sure know I'm already in critical levels of concentration…

–1… 1.4 seconds left.

Before he can teleport again, I stabbed him in the heart, stabbing his heart in under 1 second as I immediately cancelled the mode… my clothes returned back to normal and the artifacts are gone.


My minds hurts… I'm also feeling like my wings, which aren't there, are burning … Nggn…

–... You did it… you survived with 7% concentration…

Ah yep I did…

I teleported back to the base using 6% concentration…

"... Will sleep… nya…"

I immediately fell asleep, somehow ignoring the pain I was in…

–... Good morning.

(Change pov)

A door opened which revealed a girl in a lab coat, that's right, me, Cornelia.

"... She fell asleep…"

I said unconsciously while looking at Leus' cute face… ah… what do I do to prank her?...


I got close to her and just lied on the bed, hugging her. Now that I think about it… it be bad if she gets angry, so I will just hug her until… huh… I'm feeling sleepy all of the sudden………

I closed my eyes off…

–... Partner… ah… well… good night to her I guess.

A telepathic voice that was heard by no one, except the one who said it and a certain someone in a lab.

(Change POV)

"I feel like I drank too much tea…"

I reluctantly said, even though this place doesn't have any tea at all… anyway…

–Good evening?

I trained myself until morning.

"And… huff… done."

I casually rested for 30 minutes before cleaning myself off the tiredness I just felt…

–... [... You're insane.]

I feel like you just said I'm insane… and don't worry, I have a pretty high Regen speed, so it's not like I have to worry about being too tired. But for now, I guess I had to drink some water, although it's not like I need it.

–[Why bother?] Sure, do so.

{I sure do like it when my mind reading powers are more powerful than before… but I can't read everyone's mind, unfortunately.}

I made some water appeared into the air and get a glass and drink it into the glass… I mean, it's water, if I don't drink it with the glass, then it won't be a glass of water nya.

–... Is it just me or is the nya getting more frequent?

{Nya?}... Hmm, I don't know…

… I should stay in this place for a month, I need to train…

–... [Ah… oh no.]

Oh yes nya.

1 month later.

"Huff… tired…"

I collapsed on the bed and closed my eyes…


"I'm here… ah…"

I looked at a sleeping Yvvone… I shouldn't bother her for now.

I left the room I was in and just went back to the living room. I made a table appear and also a chair. I sat on the chair like a normal person.


I sighed, thinking of the things I can't do now because of guilt… I can't, just Can't…

I summoned some tea in a teacup… ah……

I unconsciously thrown the teacup.

"... *Sigh*..."

I glanced around once again, before looking at the map of this place… hmm… no one entered, great.

I entered my room, or I guess it is my and Leon's room.

"Oh, good morning… Leus."

"My name is Atleus… but sure, calling me that is fine."

I sat on my throne while not doing anything… ah right, I'm sure I remember the magic symbols for the spell "Firaball"... It's a better Great fireball, basically. {And I'm sure the reference for it is something from the past unknown.}

"So… what is our Depressed Leus doing on our normal place of consciousness?"

She asked while teleporting in front of me, there's a rapier in her hard that is coated in mana.

"... Hmm… I don't want to sleep."

I just said while reading a book I just summoned here. How many hours would it take me so that I can do it chantless?...

"Ah, I see. Well I have 3 minutes to waste. So grab a normal sword and we can fight, without using cheat weapons."

I suddenly got teleported to an area commonly known as the vacant area. This area isn't actually being used, so that's why it's vacant.

"... Sure."

I summoned a normal wooden sword, and hold it with my right hand, doing no stances at all.

"Oh? You're that confident. Then sure."

Start… now.

She immediately dashed towards me, stopping before she got too close and did a step as she tried to stab me with the rapier in her right hand, but I avoided it by moving to the left. Trying to counterattack, I did a kick, but it was noticed as she did a backjump, creating distance between the two of us and returning the game to neutral.

Step slashes. It's normal for people to do it. Take a step while slashing or doing an action, carries momentum and especially important when using a rapier, as you need every momentum to do significant damage and makes you reach farther if you just stand, it's also simple to do, so it's a necessity.

"... But I don't care."

I lightly muttered while closing towards her. I don't really have a reason to use magic at this moment, she isn't using it either at the moment too.

I did a horizontal slash and it was blocked by her rapier and she did a quick stab as a counterattack, but I just moved the sword I had a little to the left to redirect the direction the rapier is piercing and it didn't hit me at all.

{… She's higher ranked than me technically, what is she doing?... How am I matching her in speed?}

I looked at her, she is smiling a little, but there's also this lingering feeling that she's holding back… tch.

"So… are you fine now? If not, then you're gonna be in a world of pain just being on me being serious."

The rapier in her hand is switched to a double sided sword that isn't really that thin, but also kinda thin, but might be quite sharp too, I believe. The sword was then coated in mana… her attack patterns must be a Slash x Stab attacks using Swords. And how do I hold on now?...

I coated the wooden sword I have with a thin amount of mana.

I immediately run towards her and as I was doing that, I heard a faint chuckle, and I immediately stopped running before doing a spin slash. Where's she?... Tch.


I got hit by a sword slash on my stomach… tch… that's painful…

"... Now, how do you-"

I made my presence vanished by stepping lightly on the ground, I moved around slowly, guessing as to where she was by using some rough calculations…. I'm gonna lose at this rate, unless I actually win first.