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Unknown POV:

She ran away crying as I chase her, stopping her from moving away much any longer while holding her wrist."Just leave me alo-" "how can I when you're sad?" I said looking at her sadly and hoping she understands. She move her hands away "Why do you care anyway? Why are you doing this? Taking everything away from me?" I am not. "I don't like him." "How can you be so sure? You seem to like to talk to hi-" "Please just stop I was just.. just-""just what? Why do you care so much about me? Do you love me-"

"I do. I love you so much that I want you to just choose me not anyone. I love you so much that I will give you anything you need and want from me. I love you so much that I will do anything you ask me to" I said in one breathe and breathe in softly. "I love you so much-" "please stop, you shouldn't feel that way, we're friends and we're always be one. Just leave and please don't ever talk to me ever again." she shrugged her hands away from me and walked away. I stand looking at her way until I no longer see her.


"Why did I *hick* fall in love with a woman?! Why do I have*hick* to suffer every time I love someone the same as me? Am I not showing enough love and care?!" I shouted while walking wobbly in the middle of nowhere crying. " Why does everytime I fall in love it's always a straight woman?! Why do they not love me back?! Is it because I don't have a dick?! Does it even feel that good?! Is finger and tongue not enough?! Does it make you even come?! Is it that big that you have to chase him again and again?! Why am I so unlucky with love? I just want a partner to take care of and cuddle with. " I shouted while crying and drinking beer. As I'm already tired I just sat down to a nearby bench and slouch awkwardly.
A few minutes later an old man approach me and ask," What do you want young man? Are you satisfied with your life? " I looked at him and responded! "First of all I'm not a man! Secondly, I won't be drinking here if I'm happy with my life do I?" I said looking at him intensely. He laugh and said, "How rude of me. Then I'll ask again do you want to change your life? Go somewhere? Marry someone?" I sighed. "if only I can be born again somewhere far away from trouble. I just want to live somewhere in the mountains with family and friendly neighbours. I will be so satisfied in life, oh and find a wife and build a family and grow old together. That is my dream? " so you want to be born as a man?" he inquire. I look at him confusedly, and I said in response, "I prefer to be a woman with big boobs and preferably a big dick so I can satisfy my wife. But since it's impossible I can only dream of it."

"WHAT IF YOU CAN? WHAT WILL YOU DO?". I look at him and said.

"Of course I will enjoy my life to the fullest." looking at him proudly and he smiled back.

Just to remind you I don't speak English much so please don't be too harsh on me. This is all for fun nothing attached it's just a random story.