Episode 017: A Good Day
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"Well, look at you, Fainn. You brought that goddess to heel. That's two women so far... How long before you take little Dorthaunzee?"

I put a block on top of another. I was halfway through the model fort-and-city I was building.

"Don't say it like that."

"Why? It's true, is it not? I can see it in you. You want all those women. You have a possessive streak in you... You're just not acknowledging it."

I placed another block in the right place. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing."

"Possessive streaks rarely lead to balanced men."

"When Earth was on its final years, I spent a lot of time alone. I'm kind of done with that. That's all. I'm not going to waste time on what's appropriate..." A smile crept up on me as I thought of the three. "They're all lovely. I want to be with them forever if I can. I don't necessarily need ALL of them... just enough for guaranteed peaceful sleep at least... It'd be nice to have super happy dreams... Is that even possible?" I giggled. "Maybe..."

"Well, that is an adorable notion, but don't get me wrong, I don't disapprove. That said, relationships--they are at their most beautiful when commitment is established and promised."

I almost ruined my model with a badly placed block. "Where are you going with this? Are you saying I'm mocking Elma by not being committed to her?"

A little irritated, I looked up at the starry sky. It was calming. I returned to placing pieces on my model tower.

"Here." There was a statuette dangling before me. "Add this to the tiny city you build."

I received the piece and studied it. "This is..." I smiled. "Svilran."

"Place it anywhere you would like. Your darling goddess should be celebrated, as all gods should."

I placed her in the square and went back to building the city, delicately putting the little details on.

"And here. These two."

Statuettes of Dorth and Elma came before me. I took them and placed them in the same square as Svilran.

"I believe you have an antiquated and limited idea of commitment. I, for one, believe you can be committed to many. For a god who will experience eternity, tying themselves to one can be rather... unnecessary. Don't get me wrong, it's a path that works for some, but there are as many paths as there are worlds. You could go and commit yourself to many. Commitment doesn't have to be a promise of exclusivity. Commitment is the promise that they will always remain in your heart. That is the true essence of commitment--endeavoring to keep someone in your thoughts and heart at all times. Whether it be one or many, keeping someone in your thoughts at all times--that can be difficult. They must consume you. It would be madness if not for the genuine care held."

"Hmm... Doesn't sound too bad. The fear of something happening to them already consumes me."

"So are you suggesting you'll just swap the feelings?"

"That's all I want. I'd rather them than the fear of losing them."

Someone stroked my hair. "But, you poor man, that fear--that power is like a poison to its master."


I blinked many times and then looked at the ground. My rationality was returning. There was grass growing from the soil.

"Oh no, you went and noticed again," a new, but familiar voice said. Had we talked before?

"I did," I absentmindedly said.

"Before you go, won't you share a secret?"

"Don't ask about that door--"

"Then why women? What's so special about them?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. They smell nice?"


"You shouldn't be asking me these questions."




I opened my eyes to a heavenly sight--Svilran sleeping. I realized my eyes were pointed upward, and realized my face was tingling. Lowering them, I realized I was nose-deep into her chest. What's more, Svilran's hands were on the back of my head, and I could feel my head sinking deeper into the valley between her hills.


I was going to die. I bet that I had started further away from her and was pulled toward her like the Earth pulls things toward its surface.

Ahh, but my face feels so good, and her bare breasts feel like silk.

Was this what enlightenment felt like? Who knew I would find it in the embrace of an excitable former goddess? I looked up at her one last time. She was smiling so peacefully... Did I make her happy? Was she? If I did, I was glad.

I wrapped my arm around her and accepted my fate. I felt her breast envelop my head as it squished against my ear. Yup, that was it. I was sandwiched. Vacuum sealed. I felt bad her right tit was acting like a pillow, but on the other hand, the breasts of gods were just made different. Felt better than a pillow. This was unfair--how could any other compete?

Bad thoughts were creeping into my head faster than the tingles she gave off penetrated my brain.

Monopolize her. I needed her. I wanted her by my side at all times.

I tried to inhale.

Ahh, it's here. I can't breathe. Very well. I accept this.

"Hmm? Fainn?" I heard through her breasts. "Fainn!" said the shrill scream.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and was suddenly pushed out.

"Fainn! You perv! What were you doing?"

Cruelly stripped from heaven and sent plummeting back to hell--I narrowed my eyes at her and bonked her on the head.

"Take responsibility," I said.

"Huh?! Me?! But you're the one that sneaked in there--Oww!"

I had bonked her again. "There's no way you're not aware. You were the one that squished my head in there and tried to suffocate me."

"I didn't! I was asleep!"

"You did it subconsciously."


"Be honest with yourself. How happy were you when you noticed where my head was?"

She averted her gaze. "I don't need to say anything."

I took her chin and made her look at me, unamused. "Take responsibility," I said, fully wanting to use the phrase before she started spouting it out.

"H-How?" she replied, looking a little squirrely.

"I want you by my side, Svilran. I want to be able to lie down with you. I want to speak openly with you." I cracked a smile. "You and me--I want this to keep happening between us. Would you let me? Can I close my eyes and open them to find you here again?"

Svilran pulled her head away and covered her surprised expression with her delicate hands. Her eyes began to water as she stammered.

"Y-Yes!" she finally replied. She lunged for me, wrapping her arms around her head, and she drove my head into her chest again--god help me.

"Yes! I've never had a boyfriend! Yes, please, I'd love to be by your side and you by mine!"

I couldn't breathe--she was pressing me against her chest. Someone needed to help me--dear god, there was a vacuum seal between her breast and my nostrils. Someone needed to help me!


But no one came.

"Fainn?" the troublesome goddess innocently asked.


Volume 2 content starts with Episode 18! It'll be explosive. Be there!

Anyway, looking back, I liked writing Episode 17. The worst part about it is that the artist is busy and couldn't produce art for the final chapter.

Still accepting questions if anyone has any! Thanks to the one person who has already asked!

When possible, characters will answer the questions.