Vol 1 – Chapter 10 – Orc Lord
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Rerugen’s Log - Week 2

Now that I’ve been in this world for this long I’m only now getting used to just how behind the times it is. It's no less than at least several centuries behind the world I came from, yet over a century ahead of it in terms of magical knowledge. Their magic system is unsophisticated, lacking order and mostly using what are effectively poorly structured and inefficient formulas, or rather ‘spells’. 

Apparently magic in this world works through ‘Magicules’, a particle that we had only speculated the existence of back in the Empire. Despite that, here it appears to be common knowledge, at least among mages of significant strength. The vast abundance of it, or rather, magic as a whole is fairly obvious from the get-go. While magic in the air was thin in my last world and was only used by a small percentage of people, here it's overly abundant to the point where most if not all people can learn magic with enough training.

I’ll just be glad that nobody has invented a Computation Orb yet. Add this much magic to a Computation Orb and you’d get a mage capable of causing mass destruction to an entire city with relative ease. It would revolutionize magic, but not in a good way. More in the ‘destroy entire kingdoms in the crossfire of a single battle’ type of way.

Nevertheless, without the skill to use magic, relying only on this ‘skill’ that I seemingly gained during the transfer, I’ve reluctantly sought the employment of the Kingdom I had found myself in. This ‘Kingdom of Falmuth’ isn’t something I think of too favorably, specifically its nobility, but still, I lack the funds to travel so I’m stuck with it for now. I doubt I’ll get much of a chance to leave too easily either, looking at the otherworlders they have, it seems they like to keep them on a chain. Since I wasn’t summoned but just appeared here and joined them willingly, it seems they haven’t put me in some sort of soul-binding pact… Yet.

First good chance I get though, I’ll probably consider leaving. The King’s too greedy for his own good. The corruption is rampant, and while the Empire had its fair share, I will admit, it was never this bad. I fear I’ll end up dragged into some annoying war over some crappy resource or trade route worth an extra few gold coins to the nobility.

The main thing that seems to secure my employment though is my ‘Unique Skill’, whatever that means. Apparently, it’s called ‘Spearhead’ and it lets me use the knowledge and skills of those who fight under my command in battle. It even lets me take the skills of fallen soldiers or forcefully alter the thoughts of subordinates to fight. It's a frankly terrifying skill in the wrong hands, but I suppose it could be useful as a military leader.

After only about a week in their military, my own expertise mixed with my Skill has allowed me to rise the ranks and soon I’ll sit comfortably back in this nation’s equivalent of a General Staff. From there I hope to find a way home. Falmuth has summoned numerous otherworlders, perhaps they have secrets hidden somewhere on how to get back, not that they’d tell me.

I just hope that by the time I make my way home that there’s still an Empire left to return to.

Kurt sits proudly on his throne, the once aging heroic aura now having fully returned as his mere presence instilled a sense of awe in those around him. Many standing as his guard had been young when the Chieftain was at his prime and had never seen him in such a state since their childhood. Yet now he sat proudly with the full confidence of a ruler who knew he had all the time in the world to get his domain in order.

A new sense of confidence filled him as well, this Orc Lord was no longer a disastrous event, but yet another hurdle for the Lizardmen that they would conquer together with the aid of their new allies. For those closest to the chieftain, they were initially skeptical of him accepting a name from the demon, however after seeing him in such a better mood over the last few days, most had stopped questioning his decision.

Today in particular the Chieftain was additionally happy, a smile planted on his face as he knew today was the day the Orc Lord would fall and the forest would be forever changed. Still though remained the question of his son’s presence, but as footsteps approached the throne room, that question was quickly answered.

“Father, I have returned!” The approaching lizardman proudly proclaimed as he looked upon his father, initially with confusion, “Father you look… different.”

Kurt nodded as he looked down at his son kneeling before him, “My appearance has changed as I have adopted the name Kurt and have become stronger as a result. Regardless, I am glad to see you’ve returned, Gabiru, I trust that you’ve managed to gather the support of the goblin villages.”

“Yes sir! They number 7,000 in total. They are standing by.” Gabiru lifted his head as he spoke, confused as to who would’ve given his father a name, ‘Perhaps Lord Gelmud named him and tried to convince him to attack the Orc Lord, but he must’ve refused and told me to do it… I see…’

“I am disappointed though, Gabiru. I have been informed of your conduct in regard to a village of exceptional power. You should have known better than to upset such powerful majin!”

“You do not hold the Lizardmen to the respect they deserve, father! A direct conflict with the Orcs is the way the honorable Lizardmen should fight! Why are you holding back our forces inside the caves, by spreading out our forces so you threaten to have them picked off one by one!”

Kurt suddenly stood, pounding his trident against the ground, “It is you who does not understand how to handle diplomacy! Do you understand the humiliation you have brought upon the Lizardmen! You have a lot to learn if you wish to ever become Chieftain!” Kurt yelled at his son, deciding that it was finally time he put his foot down regarding his rebellious son.

“You’ve aged, father…” Gabiru suddenly stood up and grabbed his spear. The guards around Kurt immediately prepared themselves before Kurt lifted his hand, ordering them off.

Kurt stepped down to meet his son face to face, several feet between them as the sound of footsteps filled the corridor behind Gabiru, numerous lizardmen entering the room as they began to chant;




Gabiru spoke again, “You are no longer fit to be Chieftain. I apologize for using force, but you will have to bear with it until I defeat the Orc Lord.”

Suddenly multiple spears appeared before Kurt’s neck, in the next second all that was heard was a slashing sound as the wood of the spears was broken in half, the metal of the spears clanking against the ground in an instant.

The warriors all took a step back, startled as Kurt pounded the trident against the ground. “If you believe that to be the case, then fight me with the honor you expect us Lizardmen to have!”

Gabiru gazed at his father, annoyed at his stubbornness as he gestured for the others to stand back, “Very well father, I will best you and prove to everyone that I am the rightful Chieftain of the Lizardmen!”

Gabiru pointed his spear at Kurt, preparing to duel for his honor. Kurt merely smiled and turned towards his daughter, handing her the trident, “It would be unfair of me to use Vortex Spear in this fight. I’ll fight him with your spear if you do not mind, daughter.”

She took the trident in her hands and nodded, “Yes father, good luck.”

Kurt simply shook his head, pointing the spear at Gabiru as his gaze focused on his son, “Luck has nothing to do with it.”

In an instant the two launched at each other, the metal of each of their spears clanking as they clashed. Quickly Gabiru lunged for a quick stab as Kurt turned to his side, using his spear to knock Gabiru’s to the ground as he went for a jab himself.

Gabiru was quick, swinging his spear back up and knocking Kurt’s away, taking a step back as the shaft of both spears crossed, both of them looking for openings, making occasional jabs to test the others’ defense.

Kurt faked an opening above him, prompting Gabiru to launch his spear upwards towards his face as Kurt quickly ducked, swinging his spear around his back and passing it from his right hand to his left, finally swinging the spear upwards at an angle as the metal slashed right through the wooden shaft of the spear before Gabiru could pull back.

Before Gabiru’s spear could fall to the ground, Kurt dashed forwards, an inch before Gabiru’s neck as his spear stopped in its tracks, leaving Gabiru paralyzed in shock.

Gabiru took a step backward as Kurt lowered his spear, returning it to his daughter and retrieving the Vortex Spear from her. Turning back towards Gabiru he spoke, “You have a lot to learn, son. You are young and you are cocky, if you cannot learn and grow, I will have to consider forbidding you from becoming Chieftain.”

Gabiru turned around, taking another spear from one of his followers as he turned his head to look at his father again, “It is you, Father, who needs to learn. Me and my men, along with the goblins that I have gathered will go defeat the Orc Lord ourselves! And when I have defeated the Orc Lord, you will have no choice but to rescind your role as Chieftain and hand it over to me. Come, men! Let’s defeat the Orc Lord!”

Gabiru began to walk out of the throne room as his followers began to chant behind him, “Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!”

Kurt turned back and walked towards his throne, slouching down on it as he sighed, looking on, lost in thought, his daughter turning towards him and asking, “What do we do, father?”

Kurt sighed, “Nothing. We wait here for Rimuru and the Demon to arrive as we promised. We can only pray that they do before Gabiru gets himself killed.”

The girl shouted, “But he tried to overthrow you! Why should you care about hi-”

The trident was slammed against the ground, “Because he is still my son! And that means he is still your brother! As foolish and as misguided as he is, he is still family. It is our job to do our best to guide him onto the right path, but right now… There is nothing I can do for him. I only pray that his foolish actions do not hinder our alliance, else he threatens the lives of every Lizardman.”

The sun began to set over the horizon as the village’s demon looked over the final preparations. Standing on the top of a nearby hill she watched as the Goblin Riders readied their mounts and their equipment and the Kijin gathered their own. She made a satisfied grin as she saw a plan coming together. Very soon they would be heading out for a meeting with the Lizardmen Chieftain, neither Tanya nor Rimuru assumed it would take that long, and as such they were ready to engage in battle mere minutes after they arrived.

As Tanya watched, however, she was interrupted by the approaching oversized house cat that was Eiga. Turning, she was surprised to see numerous other blade tigers behind her, all of them leaning down in respect, seemingly for her.

Eiga approached her master and bowed as well, “About a week ago when you allowed me into the forest I gathered many members of my kind and forced them into submission. I told them to meet you here today in order to help with the battle and become your subordinates as well. My kind is usually an isolative species, but I believe together we may be of use to you. Please give them a chance, master!”

Tanya inspected the group, many of them being fairly powerful monsters which would give even the Goblin Riders a bit of trouble. All of them were much stronger than Eiga was when she had initially found her, so recruiting all of them could be a big boost to military potential, ‘Tigers are, as Eiga said, isolative creatures. But Eiga is no longer just a Blade Tiger, she’s a Blade Lion. If the names mean anything, then it could be possible that by evolving them all into Blade Lions they’ll become more pack-oriented like Lions are… It’s worth a shot.’

Tanya nodded and accepted the Tigers, naming each of them as she watched them evolve into Demon Blade Lions, though contrary to Eiga’s appearance, many seemed to more closely resemble lions than an oversized house cat like Eiga seemed to evolve into.

‘I suppose I should establish some order…’ Tanya mused, turning to Eiga, “As the leader of the Pride…” ‘Even though they’re usually made’ Tanya said to herself, “...I declare you the Blade Queen!”

Eiga lowered her head as she spoke, “I graciously accept the title and I will do my best to lead my pack well!”

Eiga began to glow as she too underwent another evolution, causing Tanya to take a step back, somewhat startled at the fact, ‘Wait, giving titles can cause monsters to evolve further? I think I heard Rimuru say something similar when he declared Rigurd the ‘Goblin Lord’ but I didn’t know it could bring about a full evolution! If I had to guess it might have to do with the fact she’s now the leader of all these blade lions. Whatever the case may be, another evolution is always welcome. Let’s see, what did she evolve into… A Lycanthrope?!’

Tanya’s eyes widened in shock as the large cat continued to glow, eventually becoming replaced by a woman, seemingly in her early twenties with short black hair, amber-orange eyes, and two black cat ears with white tufts sticking out of her head. Luckily it appeared that the evolution also granted her some clothes, with her wearing a military uniform that was primarily white but with black and gold portions around the neck and down the center. She also wore a black cape with a large amount of black fur around the top. Her breast size was also nothing to scoff at, but frankly, Tanya couldn’t care less about that detail.

With a satisfied smirk on her face she raised her hand in a salute as her legs pinned together, a perfect salute seemingly mimicking Tanya’s own. This was all somewhat startling to Tanya, who while having seen more monster-like races such as the Ogres and Goblins turn more humanoid looking upon evolution into Kijin and Hobgoblins respectively, those races were already slightly humanoid beforehand. In the case of Eiga, it was a cat that turned into a cat girl, something that seemed to come out of nowhere from an evolutionary standpoint, even by this world’s standards.

“Are you satisfied with my evolution, master?” Eiga asked, still smiling as she remained firm in her salute.

“Y-Yes… I’m just shocked that you turned into a more human appearance…” Tanya muttered, finally collecting herself as she began to contemplate what to do with this cat now.

“It’s likely a result of my desire to adopt one for you, master. I believe a form like this will be much more convenient to you at times and allow me to serve at your side more effectively. Of course, as a Lycanthrope I can easily turn back into my Blade Lion form.” With that she quickly transformed, returning to being a Blade Lion, albeit larger than she was before.

While she looked like an oversized Maine coon before, she now returned to resembling a lion much more accurately, although still standing out significantly among all of her subordinates. Not only was she bigger and her claws and fangs sharper, but her fur was noticeably darker. While the other Blade Lions took on various shades of gray, Eiga’s fur was the darkest shade of black Tanya had ever seen on an animal with only some areas holding slightly lighter shades which still landed in the dark-gray range.

Now looking into her skills, Tanya noticed a few key differences from when she originally named Eiga.

First was one she had already been informed of, the addition of the Extra Skill [Black Lightning] which she was able to obtain after absorbing so many of Ranga’s attacks with it.

As a result of this training, she also gained the Extra Skill [Lightning Rod] which allowed her to use any of the metal-like portions of her body to not only nullify the attack as she had been doing but also absorb the magicules and energy from it which she can then use as her own.

The most noticeable change was that of their Unique Skill [Bodily Enhancement] evolving into the Unique Skill [Panzer], which caused Tanya some grumbling over the fact that so many of the skills related to her seemed to be themed around German names. Nevertheless, it seemed to be a weird fusion of the already present [Bodily Enhancement] skill and Rimuru’s own [Body Armor] common skill.

Lastly was the evolution of [Mana Slash] into [Mana Claws] which allowed Eiga to use magicules to manifest powerful claws around her hands, most useful in human form, along with the already present abilities of [Mana Slash].

Tanya nodded in satisfaction at all of these skills. While on the surface it seemed like a lot, only the last two skills were a result of her evolution, and even then they were only slight upgrades to her already present skills. There were also the new intrinsic skills of a lycanthrope, namely [Self-Regeneration] and [Beastialization].

Tanya looked now towards all the other Blade Tigers bowing behind Eiga before speaking, “Set them to take out any small groups of orcs which deviate from the main army. We don’t want any of them splitting off and going on a small rampage through parts of the forest. Whatever they do, make sure they don’t die, we can’t risk the Orc Lord obtaining their strength.”

Eiga nodded and bowed, “Understood, master. Turning now towards the other lions she shouted her commands, “You heard the master! Form up into two groups and hunt down any rogue orcs. Kill them quickly and move on to the next. Your top priority is your own survival, don’t do anything too risky!”

The lions all raised their heads and shouted in unison, “Yes, our queen!” In the next moments, they quickly formed into two groups and set out to hunt. Seemingly satisfied, Eiga returned to her human form and turned back to Tanya with a salute.

“Good job, let’s report to Rimuru and we’ll be heading out. I may need you to return to your cat form in a moment as my mount if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all, master! I will prove to be a faster mount than that unicorn!” Eiga’s tail wagged rapidly as she held a smug grin, seemingly waiting for the opportunity to show off.

“That unicor-? Oh, Ranga… Unfortunately now’s not the time to be showing off, we’re moving as a group, it's not a race.”

Eiga’s tail slowed down its pace, but she still seemed determined to prove herself better than the direwolf regardless.

With the lion situation handled, Tanya and Eiga approach Rimuru who was petting Ranga as the others prepared for battle. Seeing Tanya approach, Rimuru makes a polite wave toward her before stopping in confusion, “Huh? Who’s that? With that uniform though, I assume they’re affiliated with you, Tanya?”

Before Tanya could explain, Ranga stood up, approached Eiga, and looked at her face to face, “It seems like the house cat has evolved. I see you’ve taken a human appearance?”

Rimuru turned towards Ranga, “Eh?!”

Eiga made a smug grin as she leaned forwards toward Ranga, “Are you jealous, unicorn?”

Rimuru’s gaze then turned towards Eiga, “Huh?!”

Rimuru then looked towards Tanya who simply nodded in confirmation, “I’m just as surprised as you are, but that’s Eiga. She evolved into a Lycanthrope and can swap between forms at will.”

“Huh, I see… I wonder if Ranga would evolve into something similar…”

A voice then provided an answer in Rimuru’s head, [If the individual wills it enough it may be possible. However given Ranga’s current desires, it is unlikely he desires it enough to have it happen]

(‘I see… I suppose that makes sense.’)

Turning now towards the Kijin and the Goblin Riders, Rimuru shouts, “Everyone Ready?”

Seeing a mixture of nods, thumbs up, and verbal confirmations, Rimuru nodded towards Tanya as Eiga returned to her Lion form with Tanya now riding on her back. Eiga stood next to Ranga as Rimuru mounted him, looking back towards the Kijin and goblins grouping up behind them Tanya shouted, “Alright! Let's head out! The Orc Lord falls today!”

Everyone let out a proud cheer as Ranga and Eiga took off, both maintaining a slower speed so as to not leave the other direwolves and their riders behind. Even despite this slower speed, they still moved quite quickly, arriving at the Lizardmen domain relatively quickly as the rest of the group was told to wait as Rimuru and Tanya approached the entrance to the Lizardmen’s home.

Tanya and Rimuru approached the entrance to see almost all of the Lizardmen army already armored and prepared outside, the Chieftain riding atop a bipedal armored lizard mount similar to the one rode by Gabiru upon his arrival.

As they approached, the Chieftain moved closer to them, stopping his mount as it stood right in front of them, the mount visibly intimidated by both the Blade Lion and Tempest Wolf in front of it. Tanya was the first to speak as she politely bowed while still on Eiga, “It is a pleasure to see you again, Chieftain Kurt. I hope these last seven days have treated you well. I’ve brought with me the leader of the village, Rimuru Tempest.”

Kurt nodded and turned towards Rimuru, offering a polite bow, “I am Chieftain Kurt, I have Tanya to thank for my name. Without it, I would not be able to speak to you like this today.”

“What do you mean, what happened?” Tanya asked with curiosity, though she had a solid guess.

“It was as you predicted, earlier today my son Gabiru attempted to overthrow me. After beating him in combat he stood down, however, he has taken a number of Lizardmen and the recruited goblin tribes and is sending them into battle. I can only hope that he hasn’t yet perished in combat. I would’ve liked to have a longer discussion, but time is of the essence, so it will have to wait until after. Considering the opportunity that Tanya has given me with this name, I will trust that you are a respectable individual.” Looking around briefly he spoke again, “I take it your forces are nearby?”

Rimuru nodded with a smile on his face, “Yep! They might be few in numbers but I assure you they pack quite the punch!” Rimuru made a laugh as he signaled for them to approach, the Kijin taking the front rows with the goblin riders behind them, all prepared to charge right in.

“I see what you mean. So many Kijin in one battle will almost guarantee our victory. You and Tanya seem quite powerful in your own right too, so I have confidence that our alliance will heed results.” He turned now to face his own armies before turning his head towards Tanya once more, “Oh yes, before I forget, when this is all over, I’d be willing to discuss that plan of yours to declare a nation in the Jura Forest. I believe us Lizardmen have a lot to gain by becoming a central part of it.”

Tanya made a smile and nodded, “Let us discuss that later, for now, we’ve got an Orc Lord to kill.”

“Correct.” Kurt turned towards his men, raising his Vortex Spear into the air proudly, “Ready men! Today the Orc Lord dies as we show this Demon Lord the true might of the honorable Lizardmen!”

“Vortex Wave!” Gabiru’s spear extended forwards, launching a torrent of wind and water toward his enemy. The move was a weaker version of the Vortex Crush move he could’ve used with the Vortex Spear, but nevertheless, he put his all into the move, knowing that his defeat here could mean the end of his men.

All around them were the armies of the Orc Lord, a seemingly endless sea of pigs armored from head to toe surrounding them completely. Before Gabiru was an Orc General, standing out amidst the oceans of silver-armored Orcs with charcoal black armor with spikes all over. His size towered over the lizardman, and his aura instilled fear into Gabiru’s men. Despite that he was supposedly vastly inferior to the Orc Lord, meaning potential disaster if he could not organize a retreat.

Gabiru’s vortex launched forwards, clashing with the Orc’s own torrent of wind as he extended his axe forwards. The two continued to push against each other for a few seconds before erupting in a gust of wind and water, giving an opportunity for the Orc General, “[Chaos Eater]!”

Suddenly his aura materialized into three dark heads with glowing eyes and mouths, all three in a constant state of melting and reforming. The dark red glow they emitted only added to their intimidation factor, though Gabiru showed no fear as they launched toward him, prompting him to launch backward in order to dodge.

“You’re trying to eat me?” Gabiru knelt on the ground, preparing himself for the next wave of attacks as he plotted his own offensive.

“You think you can keep running forever?”

As Gabiru stood up, his men tried to offer help, however, Gabiru raised his arm, shaking his head, “I will handle this alone.”

“You’re such a man, Gabiru!”



As Gabiru prepared to continue his fight one-on-one a chorus of lizardmen behind him shouted in a unified chant; “Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!”

Had this been any other time, he would’ve struck into numerous poses proudly for his men, but now wasn’t the time. His loss here would guarantee his and his men’s death, the only chance they had at survival was for him to win.

Gabiru launched forwards as the Orc General’s [Chaos Eater] did the same. Slashing with his spear, he destroyed each of the heads as they pulled back and quickly regenerated. Approaching the Orc General rapidly he dodged the swing of his axe and launched into the air, flipping around as he descended rapidly with his spear.

The Orc acted quickly, blocking it with his shield as Gabiru went in for another strike, only to be blocked by the Orc’s axe and knocked away in the next hit. Now falling over onto the ground, spear knocked away, Gabiru began to get up only to see the Orc General towering above him.

“Lizards are best suited for crawling on the ground. Now die!”

As the Orc’s axe raised up the sound of a gunshot could be heard before in the next instant blood rushed out of the eye of the Orc General, causing him to drop his axe, covering his eye with his hands as he stumbled backward.

The Orc picked up his axe and took a few steps back, still wincing in pain as he looked up to see a girl hardly older than a teenager descend down to the battlefield.

“The little gir-” Gabiru began.

“Hmm?” Tanya looked at the Lizardman with an intense gaze.

Gabiru quickly corrected himself, “I-I mean the young lady from the village! Have you come to save us?!”

Tanya sighed, “I suppose you could say I have a soft spot for lizards, though I much prefer salamanders.” Gabiru was confused but Tanya simply sighed and said, “I made an alliance with your father a few days ago. I told him to wait for our forces to arrive for one last meeting before we fought the Orc Lord. You’re the moron who went on his own to fight! You and I are going to have a serious talk about your leadership skills after this.”

“I-I see… So I almost got everyone killed. I suppose this is my fault.” Gabiru began to realize his mistake, though he had partially begun to realize it just a few minutes earlier but was distracted by the heat of battle.

“Good, you’re learning. The next step is to learn not to be manipulated by a majin subordinate of a Demon Lord.”

“What?!” Before Tanya bothered to respond Gabiru looked on as numerous more bullets were fired into the Orc General, these ones exploding just seconds after impact, ripping apart the General from the inside out.

Tanya turned towards Gabiru once more, “I assume this Gelmund guy told you to do this. Do you really want to trust a Majin who intentionally told you to carry out such a moronic offensive? If he’s so powerful why doesn’t he just help you? You might want to reevaluate how you look at this Gelmund guy. After all, he’s the reason the Orc Lord is here in the first place.”

Before Gabiru could try to ask the demon another question, she shot off, blasting away at the Orcs as they finally began to close in on Gabiru’s men. Gabiru quickly turned to them, shouting “Assume defensive formations! Backup has arrived!”

After another few seconds, both the Direwolf and the Blade Lion from the village appeared, much to Gabiru’s awe. The lion quickly transformed into a humanoid form with normal cat ears and a tail. After a moment her tail turned black into its knife-like form as she took a battle stance turning to the direwolf before speaking, “Bolt me up, Ranga!”

Ranga nodded with determination, “Alright! [Black Lightning]!” Suddenly a blast of lightning shining both white and back launched towards the feline girl who simply raised her tail and absorbed it all. The lightning began to spark around her as glowing claws appeared over her fingers, quickly turning into black armored gauntlets. Her armor didn’t stop there, however, as it expanded over her arms and legs and eventually covered her entirety with armor so dark that it barely reflected any light at all. The armor soon covered her head and even her ears, leaving only a slot for her eyes though all one could see of them was a dark void with two red lights where her eyes were.

The feline cast her own [Black Lightning] onto herself, applying the effects of the already present electricity as she launched forwards, slicing completely through the body of the first Orc as she slashed from orc to orc, tearing through them like a knife through butter. Each slash filled the Orcs with an electric shock which would’ve killed them if being sliced in half already didn’t.

Overall it was frankly overkill, but at this point, Eiga was just trying to show off to both Ranga, the Lizardmen, and even her master who was now watching on with curiosity at the full extent of her [Panzer] skill. Ultimately, despite not using the powerful area-of-effect skills that others like Ranga and the Kijin were using, Eiga’s sheer speed at shredding through Orcs caused her to more than keep up with them in terms of kill count.

Tanya quietly flew up with Rimuru, both of them watching the battle from above. Sure they were both the strongest ones there and could do quite a lot of damage if they got involved, but frankly they didn’t need to. The Orcs turned out to be surprisingly weak relative to the forces they sent. Looking down at the battlefield it was quite visible where Benimaru was setting off countless Hell Flares, killing hundreds to thousands of them in seconds.

Looking at another part of the battle saw Ranga facing off against one of the other Orc Generals, unleashing his Death Storm art upon him and taking him out with a single [Black Lightning] before evolving into a Tempest Star Wolf, clearly not one to be outdone by Eiga’s evolution.

Looking down towards the Lizardmen saw Kurt and his forces tearing through the Orcs, with the Goblin Riders providing support where needed as they made certain not a single soldier fell in the battle. Kurt himself was easily killing dozens, if not hundreds of Orcs, showing just how strong he is now, having evolved into a Dragonewt from his naming days prior.

After a few moments, Tanya flew right next to Rimuru, pointing toward the edge of the battlefield, “Found the Orc Lord, he’s over there. Remember, we need to put on a show so you need to take him down. I’ll have an attack ready to kill both of you if he starts to eat you.”

“Eh?! What do you mean?!” Rimuru shouted, looking at the unphased Tanya in shock.

“I’ve figured out how to recreate the process of detonating a nuclear bomb with a fairly simple spell. Turns out my creation skill can be used to make Uranium. So if he starts to eat you and take your powers, I’ll be ready to hit both of you with a 50 Megaton bomb. Of course, my barrier will prevent any major damage and I can disperse the radiation.”

“You don’t just say you can hit someone with a nuclear bomb so casually!” Rimuru shouted though Tanya continued to seem unphased by it.

“Seems like someone’s approaching rapidly. They got a big magical signature, so I take it they’re a powerful majin.”

Rimuru turned around, noticing the approaching threat himself as they both moved to the side to let him fly by and crash into the floor. The two slowly lowered down to see the scene below them as the Kijin and the Lizardmen gathered around him. The two remained in the air, Rimuru preparing to take down the Orc Lord as Tanya simply watched the scene.

The majin appeared dressed like a plague doctor with a white tophat and cloak along with a red bowtie. He seemed quite powerful, but regardless of that he also looked rather pissed off.

As the smoke cleared he shouted in anger, “How dare you ruin the great Lord Gelmud’s plans?! A new Demon Lord who would have done my bidding was about to be born!”

‘A new Demon Lord? I had assumed that was just a title given to powerful individuals. I mean there were some rumors that you could ‘awaken’ as a Demon Lord, but human sources don’t really know much of anything about Demon Lords.’

Gelmud continued, “I gave out so many names, sowed so many seeds! All to create the ultimate pawn!”

The Kijin were visibly pissed off, though since they had already deduced that he was behind it all, they took it no further, merely preparing to take him down.

Gabiru looked on with surprise “Oh it’s Lord Gelmud! What brings you here? Have you finally come to help us?! I knew that girl was wrong about you!”

“You useless moron!”


“Just become food for the Orc Lord already!”


“A useless fool like you will never be any more than a nuisance! Go be eaten by the Orc Lord and become his strength! You’ll finally be useful in death, consider it an honor.”

Gabiru was frozen in shock, stammering “G-Gel… Gelmo- G-G-Gel!”

Gelmud now turned to the Orc Lord, “Go get him, Orc Lord!”

The Orc Lord sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

The Orc Lord looked down towards Gelmud, “What do you mean by evolving into a Demon Lord?”

Gelmud rubbed his fingers where the top of his nose would be in annoyance, silently muting “For fucks sake they’re all idiots… You will become the Demon Lord “Orc Disaster” and rule over the entire Forest of Jura! That is what both he and I desire!”

‘Who’s he?’ mused both Tanya and Rimuru in unison.

Gelmud continued, growing more frustrated “What the fuck are you doing just standing there, you dumb pig!” Gelmud sighed, “I don’t have time for this. I’m not supposed to interfere, but I don’t have a choice anymore.”

Gelmud began to consolidate magicules into a single glowing pink orb as he aimed it at Gabiru who was still frozen in shock. The three of his closest followers attempted to get him to move, only to eventually sacrifice themselves and block the attack, saving Gabiru from harm.

Gabiru looked around in shock at their slightly scorched bodies, looking frantic as he looked at them.

“Lord Gabiru, you’re alright…”

“Thank goodness…”

Gabiru desperately tried to see if there was anything he could do to no success, tears in his eyes as he cried out “Lord Gelmud!”

Gelmud didn’t care whatsoever, readying another attack, “Become nourishment for the Orc Lord, and be useful to me! I’ll show you the strength of a superior majin! Die!” The glowing pink orb in his hands was raised above his head as it split into dozens of smaller ones as he aimed them towards Gabiru, “Deathmarch Dance!”

“Lord Gelmud!” Gabiru cried out again as the majin launched his attack. The attack collided but failed to reach its target as Gabiru looked up to see a gray-scaled Lizardmen blocking the attack with the spinning Vortex Spear. Gabiru jumped in shock, “F-Father?!”

Quickly Rimuru landed down next to him, holding three small blue orbs in his hand which he threw to Gabiru.

Gabiru looked up, still in shock as he stammered, “W-Wha? Huh?!”

Kurt turned to Rimuru and nodded, “Thank you, Sir Rimuru.”

Rimuru smiled and turned to Gabiru, “Use these on your men, I’ll handle Gelmud.”

Gabiru nodded, “R-Right! Thank you!”

Rimuru now turned and approached Gelmud as he was bound up in [Sticky Steel Thread]

Gelmud was startled as he struggled against the string, unable to move against it, “H-How dare you do this to a superior Maji-” Gelmud was cut off as he took a punch straight into the gut, stammering for words as he shouted “H-How dare you I-” He was again cut off as Rimuru punched him again, now knocking him free of the threads.

“You keep saying ‘Superior Majin’, but you’re nothing special,” Rimuru muttered, unimpressed by Gelmud’s pathetic display.

“O-Okay I get it! You can be on my side! I’ll-” Rimuru kicked Gelmud away without bothering to let him finish his sentence. With each passing sentence, Rimuru and even Tanya were becoming less and less intimidated by this guy, with Rimuru questioning how the hell Gabiru was even tricked by him.

Gelmud, in desperation, rushed to the Orc Lord, “Hey! Help me already!”

The Orc Lord didn’t move, “I’m hungry.”

“Damn it! I said help me, Orc Lord! I mean Geld!”

The Orc Lord’s eyes widened as he finally began to move, Gelmud laughing as he prepared to have the Orc Lord defeat all of them. Before he got the satisfaction of seeing it, the Orc’s sword, appearing as an oversized butcher knife, swung up and sliced Gelmud’s head clean off before he leaned down and devoured Gelmud.

The Orc Lord’s aura began to grow as his magicules rapidly increased. Soon he was completely engulfed in a red and black swirling cloud as he fully evolved into a Demon Lord.

The Orc Lord shouted as he concluded his evolution, “I am the Orc Disaster! I am the one who will devour all in this world! My name is Geld… Geld the Demon Lord!”

Tanya watched from above as Rimuru took the first step towards Geld, preparing to fight it. Despite the Kijins’ own wishes to fight him themselves, they all knew it was best to leave it to Rimuru. As a safety precaution Tanya applied a magical barrier to protect everyone should the fight grow out of hand. Lastly, as a final precaution, she prepared numerous nuclear blasts to go off if need be, though she intended them to be a last resort.

Rimuru’s eyes began to glow red as they dashed forwards, every single step calculated and every move quick and perfect as if all human error had been completely removed from the equation. Geld launched [Chaos Eater] towards him, only for it to be quickly dodged without issue. Rimuru launched forwards still, slicing off Geld’s arm and erupting the wound with [Black Flame] to prevent regeneration.

Rimuru launched back before dashing forwards again, his sword clashing with Geld’s as it began to melt right through, causing Geld to jump backward as he ripped off his burning arm, allowing it to regenerate again.

Geld launched numerous pink orbs at Rimuru, each erupting into dozens of smaller ones as he used Deathmarch Dance against Rimuru. Using [Predator], Rimuru quickly began devouring the attack, taking no damage from it.

While seemingly distracted, Geld quickly grabbed Rimuru, lifting him up before he was suddenly engulfed in a towering pillar of flame. After the flames subsided, however, Geld was left untouched, seemingly having acquired some form of fire resistance.

From above Tanya readied her nuclear spells, watching closely to see Rimuru’s next move. As Geld attempted to dissolve Rimuru, he dissolved himself back into a slime as he began to move all over him. Tanya lowered her readiness as she looked on in shock and confusion as she saw Rimuru stretch himself all over the Orc Lord, seemingly trying to eat him.

After just a minute Geld was completely surrounded by the slime, his very skin and body slowly dissolving from him as Rimuru’s [Predator] overpowered his [Starved].

Rimuru quickly turned into a puff of black smoke as he descended in his human form, landing safely on the ground as the sun began to rise over the horizon. The Orcs immediately felt the effect as [Starved] finally faded and they regained total free will once again. Rimuru turned back towards the armies as cheers sounded throughout.

Tanya descended from the skies, landing next to Rimuru and giving him a pat on the back before joining with the rest of the armies.

The Orc Disaster was defeated, but there was still a lot to do. For Tanya and Rimuru and all the residents of the forest, their work was just beginning.

Thanks to various editors and helpers on the Discord who helped with things like plot decisions, grammatical errors, and other aspects of the chapter:


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