Day 92
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Day 92,

With all the musing about stories I forgot to mention that yesterday was a market day with Cass in the Village to help out in the archive.  It seems that the bracelets are proving useful for letting her and James know not to stop and wait for me on mornings when I’m already in the Village.

She was a bit offput at having missed out on the witnessing of the blacksmith transitioning.  One of these days the timing will work out for her to be around for event recording instead of just library work.  Speaking of which, she did a good job yesterday and today of handling people coming in and helping them find what they were looking for.  

Meanwhile I spent most of my time going through Priscilla’s documents.  I still haven’t found those field notes of her digging into what makes the islands move, but from what I did find it turns out that was some rather literal phrasing.  She and some friends spent several months on a floating island with shovels and pickaxes digging holes and tunnels through the thing to see if they could find some internal structure, substance, or mechanism.  I’m still not clear what exactly they found, but they did find something and somehow altered or damaged it in such a way that the island’s course changed, it gained a permanent tilt, and dropped several dozen feet in altitude.  There were injuries but thankfully no one fell off or died.  Still, it was enough to keep them all from trying anything like that again.

I think I might have been able to figure out which floating island that was too.  Not sure if the course and cycle times I have are from before or after that experiment.  Might be interesting to go check out one day.

Oh, speaking of bracelets and floating islands, Cass and I were able to use the bracelets to sense that Maiko’s moving back toward us.  If I’m correct in my own floating island calculations, Priscilla’s island would have docked at that eastern point where Maiko… well, “left us” sounds a bit blunt and accusatory.  Let’s say “went to go explore on her own.” Anyway, seems that she boarded when the floating island came back around and should be here in a couple of days.  Will probably be around midnight though when she gets in.