12 – Uninvited Guests
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Another Novel that I have been rewriting has also been posted and its first chapter is now out, if you wish to go see it, just look for it by opening my profile!

My discord: https://discord.gg/CMZm2uJ

Let me know your thoughts on the chapter down below in the comments, and if you see any mistakes, please let me know in the comments!

Have a good day!

Hours upon hours of testing later, I discovered some features and perks of being a Dungeon Core.

First, I can 'split' my mind and set my sights across multiple points of my Dungeon, the first being my Widow Ants, the second being the Kobolds, the third the Da'gba, the fourth my Lunar Storm Wolves, and lastly, I had a part of my mind constantly on my Dungeon Entrance.

Secondly, my Emotions and Morals are significantly suppressed. If I so felt it, I feel I could completely remove my emotions altogether. Perhaps this is why I have felt so...apathetic?

Thirdly, I no longer felt disgusted, horror, or fear from seeing something die.

I should have noticed sooner when I felt nothing when my Monsters killed animals in my Dungeon. Perhaps it is because I am no longer human.

And lastly, I could freely switch my way of seeing.

I could switch to Infrared, X-ray, sound, smell, energy, and something that looked like a lifeforce view. It was interesting, but obviously, I prefer the vision I had as a Human, although the other visions may be helpful in the future.

While I tested my abilities as a dungeon core, I also kept an eye on the Kobolds, who were doing nicely, with most starting to level up now that the other Monsters had begun approaching their village.

And as I watched the Tribe's designated Hunters take down a group of six Widow Ants with traps and primitive bows, I couldn't help but mentally smile.

However, that smile quickly turned to a frown as one of my 'Mind Cameras' noticed movement at my Dungeon Entrance. Then, focusing on said movement, I got an unpleasant surprise.

Before my eyes was a group of Guardsmen led by the female Guard Captain from the City, pushing the car blocking my entrance out of the way, revealing the entrance into my Dungeon.

'Well...fuck.' I cursed.

While I certainly did not expect this or was fully prepared for this, my Monsters should be enough to repel them, at least for a time.

I also couldn't help but wonder, 'How did they find me?'

When they entered my Dungeon, carefully and cautiously, an achievement reared its head before my eyes.

[ Congratulations! You have earned the 'First But Not The Last' Achievement! ]

[ First But Not The Last (Achievement) - Obtained through having your first Delver! +25 EXP, and +10 SP ]

Ignoring the notification, for now, I focused on the Guards. They still wore a mix of scrap metal armor and sports gear, which greatly reminded me of a particular faction from a game set in a post-apocalyptic setting that loved slavery and crucifixion.

Shaking out of my thoughts, I watched with Curiosity and uneasiness as they walked down to my Entrance room, stopping to a halt upon seeing my welcoming message.

The Female Leader of the Group had a Pistol in one of her hands and a long machete in the other.

On her back, she had an old rifle that seemed to have been patched and repaired many times, with duct tape seemingly holding it together.

She was the first to move towards the wall but kept an eye on her surroundings so that nothing would ambush her, even though I made the Entrance room a safe zone, but she didn't know that.

Reading the message out loud, each member of the group frowned, and I could easily see the worry that oozed off them.

'That's interesting, so I also have a sight that lets me see their emotions and feelings?'

They looked between each other, and the Female Leader, who I will call 'Goldie' due to her long blond hair, broke the silence and asked one of the Guards in the room, "Are you sure you saw the Ants come from...here?"

"Y-Yes, Ma'am!" The thin Guard stuttered.

'Worrying...if this Dungeon is intelligent enough to write and attack potential threats...just how old and deep is this dungeon?' Mentally questioned the Female Leader.

I watched with interest as the Female Leader seemed to be internally debating whether they should leave and report the Dungeon to their City or travel further into the Dungeon.

Eventually, it seemed her Duties won, as she and her fellow guards opted to leave the Dungeon and report their findings to the City.

When they left my Dungeon, I was somewhat disappointed.

I was hoping they would at least explore a bit before leaving, but instead, they stepped into my Entrance room for a measly couple of minutes and then left!

How rude!

A few hours passed, and still no sign of the Guards returning, so to pass the time, I finally opened the chatroom I got access to a while back.

Before opening the chat, I had to choose a username, so I went with 'J' and opened the chatroom.

14 Days Ago, A new member has joined the chat!

Darkness (Civilization Destroyer): Welcome!

Almighty Dungeon (King Slayer): How exciting! It's been months since we had a new member join!

Deklan (Discoverer): Oh? Someone new?

Hours Later, Decklan (Discoverer): They're still quiet? Are they in trouble?

Monarch (Civilization Raiser): Possible. Perhaps his Dungeon is being raided at the moment?

11 Days Ago, Nix (Famous): They still haven't spoken? Has something happened to them?

Decklan: @Nix, How are we supposed to know?! We aren't Scryers!

Darkness: I hope our newest member doesn't die before he can even get the chance to speak with us.

6 Days Ago, Decklan: Anyone else thinking that the newest member is just ignoring us?

Monarch: Possible.

Almighty Dungeon: @Monarch, Can you please use entire sentences? 

Monarch: No.

3 Days Ago, Darkness: Hey @Decklan, you still up for that Monster Exchange?

Decklan: Sure, sending a trade deal. Let me know how my Magma Giant does!

Darkness: Sure! Let me know how my Shadow Stalker does as well!

1 Hour Ago, Decklan: Here's what I have learned about the monster you sent me. Due to its Shadow Cloak, Magic, Natural Armor, and Senses, I give it a 9/10. The only weakness I have found from it was that it would have trouble fighting flying and distant targets. Besides that, it's a good assassin so long as it's in a Dark environment and not detected.

Darkness: Thanks for the information! As for your Monster, I give it a 7/10. I give it this score because it seems to take a straightforward approach and seems to charge recklessly into traps, attacks, and spells, causing many unnecessary injuries and wounds. Also, it seemed overly reliant on its Magma abilities, even against my fire-resistant monsters. 

Decklan: Thanks for letting me know. I guess it needs more work before I let it loose into my Dungeon!

Now, J (Dungeon Lord): Hey...

Darkness: And they speak! Also, already a Dungeon Lord?

Decklan: They must have been unlucky enough to find another Dungeon before he could complete the Tutorial.

Monarch: Indeed, unlucky.

Nix: Wanna tell us about the Dungeon you fought?

J: Dumb, larger than I was at the time, and was fond of attacking a nearby city with its favored monster, a Golem.

Monarch: A Golem Dungeon? Hmm...Good Choice. Great workers.

Darkness: Undead are way better!

Monarch: Incorrect. While Undead doesn't fear, hunger, tire, or yield, they are still made of organic material. And some subspecies of Undead are known to still require sustenance, such as Blood, Flesh, Souls, and Bones, while Golems require only mana or a core. The only weakness of a Golem Construct is intelligence, magic, skills, and tactics.

Nix: Sorry, @Darkness, I have to agree with @Monarch on that. Although, the Undead are way cooler and great against living adventurers.

Decklan: Guys, let the new guy talk. So, @J, how has your experience been as a Dungen Core?

J: ...Interesting.

Decklan: Good, I highly recommend you get yourself some hobbies to help pass the time and provide enjoyment for yourself.

J: How long have you all been...Dungeon Cores?

Decklan: I have been a Dungeon Core for...five years now, I believe. Monarch has been here the longest, though.

J: How long?

Monarch: 36 Years, 7 Months, 9 Days, and 14 Hours.

J: How do you know the exact time?

Monarch: One of the first things I did as a Dungeon Core was make myself a Calendar, clock, and writing board.

J: Why?

Monarch: At first, it was so I could keep track of time as I was underground and make notes on discoveries, monsters, and progress I made. But with time, I no longer had room to write and keep track of time, so I made a Magical artifact I call the 'Eternal Clock,' which took over the role of tracking the time I have been here by the millisecond.

J: Any tips you can give me?

Monarch: Make sure to use the System Shop. It has many things that can be useful to you as a Dungeon, such as information, items, and even Monster templates.

J: Anything else?

Decklan: Prepare for anything and everything. Advanced Technology, Primitive Technology, Magic, Martial Arts, anything.

J: Anything else?

Darkness: Mutations. Lots and lots of Mutations.