Chapter 11: The River Gate (Matarys, Vaemond, Balman Hayford) (Part 1)
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1st Moon, 8008

Halls of the Aegonfort

Matarys Targaryen ran through the timber halls of the Aegonfort, with all the speed his four year old legs could muster.

‘’Hurry Matarys, he's getting away.’’ Lucas said, gesturing down the hall.

The little prince nodded and increased his speed, Ser Whiskers would not evade him for long.

Matarys caught a glimpse of the cat's white fur as it rounded a corner, and with a gleeful laugh the little prince followed, he had never been this far within the keep, which contained many storerooms, kitchens, and servants quarters, the perfect place for hiding.

He rounded the corner and saw Ser Whiskers sitting against a corner, licking one of his paws.

Follow me The cats wide yellow eyes seemed so call out This way

Matarys took a step forward, and then suddenly, the cat seemed to disappear into the ground.

Matarys looked around in bewilderment, they had reached a back wall of the keep and there were no further rooms where Ser Whiskers could have fled.

The young prince's pondering was interrupted by Lucas.

‘’Matarys look over here.’’ The older boy said.

The little prince shuffled forward uncertainly, suddenly tired from his chase but then he saw it.

In the corner was an empty square hole in the floor with a small wooden set of stairs leading down, cobwebs visible, it had not been visible from where he had been standing.

‘’It's dark down there…and it feels cold’’ Matarys said, kneeling and peering into the cellar, he could see nothing past the first few steps and even peering down sent a chill down his spine.

‘’We can't leave Ser Whiskers down there…don't you want to help him?’’ Lucas asked.

Matarys nodded at that, he couldn't leave Ser Whiskers down there in the cold dark place.

‘’I'll wait up here and keep watch….if any of the guards see you going down there they will bring you to your father and he wont let us play back here again.’’ Lucas said.

‘’Ok.’’ Matarys said and, after mustering his courage, slowly made his way down the rickety wooden steps, the cold hitting him and causing him to cross his arms as he slowly made his way down into the dark.

‘’Ser Whiskers.’’ The little prince called out meekly.

Ser Whiskers did not respond.

The prince called out again, and suddenly the stairs were no more and he tripped onto the dirt floor.

Matarys dusted himself off and stood up, his eyes slowly adjusting to the dark.

Around him were several barrels and casks, many with cobwebs on them.

As Matarys scanned the room, he saw a pair of bright yellow eyes in the dark, giving him a jolt of fear.

The eyes were no monster at all, but Ser Whiskers, who appeared from the dark behind a barrel, giving a small meow You found me its eyes seemed to say.

Matarys giggled and ran forward, scooping up the cat in his arms and petting it.

Suddenly there was a large crash and the room was bathed in darkness, Matarys let out a cry of fear and huddled on the ground, Ser Whiskers in his arms.

‘’The hatch fell…its stuck I cant get it open.’’  Lucas said, his voice coming in muffled from above.

‘’I'll go for help.’’ Lucas continued

‘’Heeeelp……Save me!.’’ Matarys cried out, again and again till his voice began to grow sore.

Ser Whiskers joined in with an annoyed meow.

Finally, the opening to the hatch began to move, and slowly light returned to the cellar.

Matarys gratefully walked forward, Ser Whiskers in his arms, as he reached the bottom of the stairs and prepared to thank his rescuers, he looked up and paused with dismay.

‘’Oh….’’ The little prince muttered .

Instead of Lucas or one of his fathers guards, it was Dalton Wynch, his fathers squire, behind him stood his big brother Vaemond.

‘’Cellars are for rats….are you a little rat?’’ Dalton snorted, the boy was 10 years old with long orange hair, green eyes and mean, a cruel sneer sat upon his face.

‘’’’ Matarys said, his relief at being rescued fading as he was faced with the bully of the castle.

‘’What were you doing down there, Matarys.’’ His big brother Vaemond asked with a  sigh, despite only being seven years old, he was just as tall as Dalton.

‘’Well…..Ser Whiskers ran away from my room so Lucas and I went to go get him and he ran into the ground and I went in to go get him and Lucas said he was going to get help and the hatch fell down….I saw some scary eyes but it wasn't a monster, only Ser Whiskers.’’ The little Prince prattled on nervously.

‘’Lucas?’’ The Ironborn boy asked with confusion.

‘’His imaginary friend.’’ Vaemond replied.

Matarys stomped a foot down ‘’He's not ‘magninary…hes real and he's a knight and he has black hair.’’

Dalton started laughing at that, and Vaemond joined in uncertainly.

Matarys felt exhausted, the running and yelling had taken their toll on him, he stepped forward, ‘’I'm tired, i'm going to sleep and have the servants get hot milk for Ser Whiskers.’’

Dalton stepped forward, blocking his path ‘’I didnt even notice your cat…..the last thing it needs is hot milk…look how fat it is…I bet it can't even catch rats.’’

‘’Ser Whiskers doesnt like killing things…he likes hot milk and apple cakes….’’ Matarys protested ‘’He could catch them if he wanted to though.’’

‘’Ser Whiskers is a stupid name…and cats are for little girls….my hound would tear this fat cat into pieces…..I bet its so fat it cant even feel if I poke it.’’ Dalton said with a laugh and before Matarys could stop him he jabbed a finger into Ser Whiskers belly, causing the poor creature to meow in pain and fall out of Matarys arms onto the ground. Dalton then started kicking the cat, laughing.

‘’You leave Ser Whiskers alone.’’ Matarys screeched and ran forward heroically, attempting to grab the Ironborn boy's arm, but the older boy shoved him to the ground with a hard push.

Matarys crawled to Ser Whiskers, putting his body over the cats and curling into a ball, sheltering the cat while Dalton laughed, blows from his kicks landing all over the prince.

‘’Vaemond help me.’’ Matarys pleaded, but Vaemond stood back with his arms crossed, an uncertain look on his face and he made no move to interfere against his fellow ward.

Matarys then began yelling for Lucas, but his friend was nowhere to be found.

After what seemed like hours but was likely only a minute or two, the kicking stopped when a servant approached to investigate the noise.

‘’We were just playing.’’ Dalton said when the servant questioned, his evil sneer transforming into an easygoing grin as it did so often around adults, he was good at fooling them.

Dalton then left, Vaemond hesitated and walked towards his little brother.

‘’You shouldn't have tried to stop him….you're littler than him’’ Vaemond said awkwardly as Matarys slowly got to his feet, dusting himself off and holding Ser Whiskers in his arms, battered but alive.

Matarys sniffled ‘’I'm going to the kitchens to get Ser Whiskers some hot milk…and then i'll take him to the Grandmaester Arlan…his legs all messed up.’’

The little prince then hobbled pitifully down the hall to tend to his cat.

A Few Hours Later

Vaemonds Bedchambers

Vaemond stood in the middle of his room, wooden sword in hand emulating what he had seen Lord Rosby, the Aegonforts Master-at-Arms teach Dalton. He was not old enough yet to participate in arms, and instead could only run through solo drills.

It's not fair…I'm just as big as Dalton Vaemond thought.

Suddenly there was a knock at his door.

Vaemond frowned and placed his sword on his bed, walking over to the door.

‘’Who is it?’’ He asked, he didn't remember asking the servants for anything.

‘’Lord Commander Corlys….open the door my prince.’’ the familiar voice from the other end responded.

Vaemond opened the door excitedly, he looked up to the Lord Commander, who was everything a perfect Knight should be, one day he was going to be like his distant cousin.

‘’Did my father send you to train me…i'm ready.’’ Vaemond said with excitement to the Lord Commander, who looked magnificent in his white armor and cloak.

Corlys shook his head ‘’Not today my prince….im to take you to your Lord father….he wants a word.’’

‘’What does he want to talk about?’’ Vaemond asked.

‘’I believe it had to do with your little brother.’’ The Lord Commander said curtly and they walked the rest of the way in silence.

As they reached the door to his fathers solar, the Lord Commander stopped ‘’This is where I leave you…your fathers waiting inside.’’

Vaemond nodded and opened the heavy oak door.

His father was standing over his fine desk, his arms crossed, a fire burned in the hearth nearby and the fading rays of the afternoon sun shone through the red and black glass of the dragon shaped window, casting a rather ominous light in the solar.

‘’You wanted to see me father?’’ Vaemond asked.

‘’I did Vaemond, have a seat.’’ the King said, gesturing to a leather seated chair in front of his fathers desk, his father took a seat as well.

‘’Some time earlier Grandmaester Arlan came to see me, he told me that your little brother wandered in his chambers, bruised and tired, carrying that cat of his, which had a broken leg.’’ Aegon began,

Vaemond looked at the floor, he understood why his father wanted to see him now.

‘’I went to Matarys’s chambers and he soon told me the truth of the matter…..I know about the business with you and Dalton Wynch.’’ Aegon said sternly.

‘’It was Dalton not me.’’ Vaemond protested.

‘’No.’’ His father said harshly, suddenly rising from his seat, towering over the prince.

‘’But I did nothing.’’ Vaemond exclaimed.

‘’Exactly….and that is why you are to blame for what happened….you sat back and allowed a boy near twice your brother's age…a boy trained at arms to beat your brother black and blue…while you did….nothing.’’ The King said, raising an accusing  finger at his son.

Vaemond looked at the ground, ashamed.

His father sighed and paced over to the fire.

‘’Come here Vae.’’ He said, his tone gentler, and Vaemond got up from the chair and joined his father in front of the hearth.

‘’Family is the most important thing we have son….I could not have taken the Kingdoms without my sisters….I rely upon them, as you will with Nyel and Matarys….one day you shall lead our family…and a King cannot expect to rule a family, much less a Kingdom if he doesn't stand up and defend them in their hour of need.’’ Aegon said, placing a hand on his son's shoulder.

‘’I understand father.’’ Vaemond said, suddenly disgusted in himself, he had sat back and done nothing while his brother was beaten right in front of him.

‘’What about Dalton?’’ Vaemond asked, suddenly angry at his fellow ward, he had always strove to be accepted by the older boy, but now he was angry at him.

Aegon sighed ‘’Your mother wanted him sent back to the Isles…but I told his father I would raise him as my own ward until he is a man grown….it may be too late to save him but I will do what I can….I had him disciplined severely with the rod….he will make for a good killer but I fear not much else.’’

The King turned to his son ‘’Now I want you to apologize to your brother….spend time with him….you may not have much of a chance later.’’

‘’What do you mean?’’ the Prince asked.

Before his father could respond, there was a knock at the door.

‘’Balman Hayford here to see you your grace.’’ Corlys Velaryons said from the other side of the door.

‘’We will talk later Vae….now go and see your brother….he is resting in his chambers.’’ Aegon said, giving his son a gentle push before ordering Corlys to send in the new spymaster.