Chapter 11: The River Gate(Part 2)
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Streets of Kings Landing

Lord Balman Hayford made his way through the dark streets of Kings Landing, the occasional torch and the light of the moon being his only source of light.

He was on his way to speak with Brynden Tully, Lord Commander of the Gold Cloaks. In the years since his appointment, the man had ousted every other Gate Commander, with Rickard Tyrell being sent away earlier that year, leaving him as commander of all seven city gates, Jon Darklyn still held control over the city districts but Tully had solidified his position as one of the most powerful men in the city.

In recent months, however, Harlan Tyrell, who kept a closer eye on the gold cloaks after his brothers ousting, noted some discrepancies in the amounts of toll money they were collecting, with profits from the River Gate being much less than the other gates.

He had spoken a quiet word to the King who had met with and ordered Balman Hayford, who had only been serving in the position of spymaster for a short time to investigate earlier that day.

Normally Balman would not bestirr himself to personally investigate a matter, especially at this time of night, and he would have preferred to send one of his spies, but an investigation such as this required subtlety and tact that only a lord such as him had.

He made his way through the streets,his face hooded and keeping to the shadows, he had no doubt he could handle any rabble that accosted him as he wore a sword on his hip but nonetheless it would be for the best if he was not seen.

As he got closer to the River Gate, the smell of fish hit him, despite the markets being deserted. He wrinkled his nose and quickened his pace, the sooner he reached the gate the better.

With his pace quickened, he soon reached the River Gate. The walls were not particularly impressive, mostly being made of timber with some areas reinforced with stone, a few gold cloaks patrolled the walls, their golden dyed cloaks easily betraying their position in the darkness of the night.

The barracks were not particularly impressive either, being a two story timber longhall with a heavy iron door.

Lord Hayford made his way to the door and loudly knocked on it several times, he heard the sounds of rustling from inside, no doubt he had woken most of the sleeping gold cloaks.

‘’Th’fuck do you want…the watch doesnt change for two hours’’ A groggy voice said harshly from the other end of the door, his voice dripping with annoyance.

‘’Lord Balman Hayford… the door….now.’’ Balman commanded, he was in no mood for arguing.

The heavy Iron door opened and a man in a leather jerkin with a hastily donned golden cloak stood inside, a sheepish look on his face.

‘’ Apologies my lord……we did not receive word of your visit….have you an escort, tis dangerous to be walking the streets at night alone.’’ The man said, trying not so subtly to rub some crumbs from his beard.

Balman ignored the man's questions ‘’I am here to see Commander Tully….rouse him.’’

‘’Apologies my lord but he is not here, he makes his headquarters at the Dragon Gate.’’ The man said, standing there in silence as Balman glared at him.

‘’My lord?’’ The man asked with confusion.

‘’Then go….get….him.’’ Balman said, his voice dripping with venom.

The gold cloak realized it was probably in his best interests to not annoy the Lord any longer and commanded half a dozen gold cloaks to ride and fetch the Commander of the Gold Cloaks.

Lord Balman cleared the upper level of the barracks, forcing the tired gold cloaks to find other resting areas.

He sat down at an empty table.

‘’A cup of hot wine…..and some buttered bread’’ He commanded a Gold Cloak, who sullenly nodded and went to obey, uttering a curse once he was out of the lord's hearing.

It took nearly half an hour for the gold cloaks to arrive with Brunden Tully, a man with a receding hairline and a thick orange mustache.

‘’Lord Balman….perhaps you do things differently in Hayford but it is considered rude to rouse a man in the dead of night…I hope you have woken me for some good reason.’’ Brynden Tully said curtly.

‘’Have a seat Commander.’’ Balman commanded, gesturing to a chair.

Brynden Tully stood motionless, his face red, it was clear he was not a man used to taking commands, but nonetheless he took a seat.

‘’I wont mince words commander….I have been charged with investigating discrepancies in the tariffs collected by your men at the River Gate….it is significantly less than the other gates….despite being one of the busiest.’’ Balman said, taking a sip of the hot wine, which was a poor vintage to his anger.

‘’I have just recently taken command of this gate from Rickard Tyrell…..perhaps his bookkeepers were poorly appointed.’’ Brynden offered.

Balman gave a small smile and shook his head ‘’I think not commander…..the profits were much higher when Rickard Tyrell commanded the gate….immediately when you took control they lessened significantly.’’

Brynden bristled at that ‘’What are you implying?’’

‘’You know exactly what I am implying…and if you do not you are a greater fool than I imagined…an impressive feat… are embezzling and stealing funds from our good King.’’ Balman said with a curt smile.

‘’I don't know what youre talking about…and you would do well to watch your words.’’ Brynden replied, the red returning to his face.

‘’A threat?’’ Balman asked.

‘’A warning.’’ Brynden responded.

‘’How thoughtful of you….allow me to return the favor….I am going to take a look at your books…and if I find one dragon unaccounted for…..I swear I shall have your head on a spike….it would give me great pleasure to put it there myself commander.’’ Balman responded before continuing ‘’I want all your books delivered here…now.’’

‘’No… don't give commands of me.’’ Brynden said, a slight pale coloration visible in his face.

‘’Perhaps not….but the King does….I shall go and get him then.’’ Balman said rising, causing Brynden to do the same.

‘’Lord Balman……I..Its possible some coin has been unaccounted for.’’ Brynden said slowly.

‘’You admit to stealing from our King then.’’ Balman replied with a smile.

‘’I…I have three sons and a daughter…all three will be expecting Knighthoods…and my daughter will need an education…..I did it for my family…you can understand that…there's no need to tell the King…you have my word it will stop…i've led the city watch well’’ Brynden said, almost pleadingly.

‘’And you have my word your head shall adorn the gates of King's Landing before you see another sunset.’’ Balman said he had all the proof he needed, so he made his way to leave.

Brynden placed himself in front of him ‘’We can talk about this.’’

Balman shook his head ‘’No….we can't…get out of my way.’’

When Brynden did not move he shoved the commander out of the way and continued towards the stairs, Brynden grabbed his arm.

Balman turned to free his hand, it was the last thing he did.

As he turned, he saw Bryndens sword, unsheathed, in the middle of a deadly arc towards him.

Balman could scarcely gasp as the blade made its way towards him, he moved his head at the last moment but not fast enough to prevent the blade from taking his ear.

He screamed and fell to the ground. Bryndens blows were desperate and furious, Balman recoiled as his leg was slashed, curling into a ball trying to raise his hands to stop the strikes, at last the final blow came, Brynden raised his sword in the air and drove it down on Balmans chest just under his neck, going clean through and pinning him to the ground, killing him instantly.

Two days later, Balmans body would be recovered on the dockside of Fishmongers Square by one of the Braavosi merchants, covered in stab wounds and scant recognizable.

Brynden Tully would address the small council and attribute the killing to a robbery gone wrong, the lord's jewelry had gone missing after all.

King Aegon had his suspicions, but had no proof to formally accuse the commander of the city watch, and following this the profits of the River Gate returned to normal.