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[[Angeline POV]]

The next morning, Angeline awoke with a heavy heart and a throbbing headache. She couldn't bear the thought of staying in the same apartment as the two people who had betrayed her. Without a second thought, she quickly got dressed in a hoodie and pants, grabbed some food, and hailed a taxi to take her to the lake, hoping to find some solace in the calm surroundings.

As she sat there on the rock, Angeline's mind kept replaying the events of the previous night. She couldn't believe that the man she loved and her best friend had betrayed her in the worst possible way. She felt a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion that made her feel sick to her stomach.

The sight of them kissing on the sofa, the sound of their moans filling the room, and the knowledge that they had been carrying on an affair for months had shattered her world into a million pieces. She couldn't trust anyone anymore, not even herself.

As she looked out over the lake, Angeline felt like she was drowning in a sea of emotions. Her heart felt heavy, and her mind was clouded with thoughts of betrayal and pain. She had never felt so alone and lost before.

She couldn't help but wonder how long they had been lying to her. Had they been laughing behind her back while she was sharing her deepest secrets and fears with them? Had they been planning this betrayal for months? The questions kept piling up, and she had no answers.

As she sat there lost in her thoughts, a sense of hopelessness and despair washed over her. She didn't know how to move forward from this, how to trust again, or how to heal from the pain.

Angeline's heart was broken, and she didn't know if it could ever be repaired. She felt like she would never be able to love again or let anyone get close to her.

The calm lake in front of her was a stark contrast to the turmoil inside of her. It seemed like the world was moving on without her, while she was stuck in a never-ending cycle of pain and betrayal.

The betrayal of the two people she trusted the most had left her feeling like a shell of her former self. She didn't know how to pick up the pieces and move on, but she knew that she had to try.

As the night drew near, the stillness of the lake was broken by the distant sound of twigs snapping. Angeline jolted up, her heart racing with fear. She had been lost in her thoughts for hours, and now the sudden noise shattered her peaceful solitude.

She strained her ears, listening intently for any other sounds. The silence was deafening. Suddenly, she heard it again: a twig snapping, followed by the rustling of leaves.

Her mind raced with terrifying possibilities. Was it a wild animal, a stranger.

As Angeline's eyes focused on the distant figures, she let out a sigh of relief. It was just a couple enjoying a romantic moment. Yet, the fear still lingered in her mind, reminding her of the vulnerability she felt after being betrayed by the two people she trusted the most.

She watched the couple for a moment, envy and sadness filling her heart. How could they be so happy while she was left with nothing but pain and heartache?

As she looked back towards the calm waters of the lake, she realized that the silence had returned. The rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs had stopped, leaving her alone with her thoughts once again.

She knew she couldn't stay out here forever, but the thought of returning to her empty apartment was unbearable. The memories of her once-happy life with her boyfriend and best friend were now tainted by their betrayal, and she didn't know how to move forward.