Loguetown 62
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Ranse: “Well, this seems like a no brainer.”

Ricky: “It’s not a no brainer if he is a noble.”

Sasha: “You have to understand that there’s is a good reason why Captain Smoker wants him gone.”

Fia: “But for hundreds of millions of Beli and a seastone hull galleon we can’t afford not to.”

Ricky: “Trust me, Chef. I know our finances very well. But if he’s a noble then he’s uncontrollable and we need to just consider what that means.”

Ranse: “Do you really think Bill can’t control him?”

Ricky: “No, I know Bill will control him and that’s why I’m saying this isn’t a no brainer! Did you not hear that the man was in line to the throne of Frauce Kingdom?”

Sasha: “And the Frauce Kingdom is a permanent member of the Levely.” “Exactly!”

Watching his advisors go back and forth, Bill hadn’t spoken since telling them the information as he knew it. He was somewhat disposed to side with Sasha in this matter, after all the woman was a semi noble herself – albeit not at the World Government level.

But looking down at the quotes he had gotten from Fia and Ricky, no matter how he thought about it, their finances made it impossible not to accept custody of Nelson Royale.

Ricky: “And how would we even handle a ship that large, with those twenty recruits? Remember we can’t just leave this ship here.”

Ranse: “Partner, sailing the ships is the last thing we ought to be worried about now. If push really came to shove, we could hire Marines temporarily and bring them back on Frontier Run.”

As the group quipped back and forth, Fia sighed audibly and said: “What we need to be worried about his how we’re going to feed thousands of people for months.

This type of galleon would be able to hold six times as many people as any frigate we could get our hands on. It would also be more comfortable for the people who had to be housed there while the town was under construction.”

Then with a resolute tone she finished by saying: “It has the facilities we have to have.”

After this was said, Ricky clicked his tongue and responded by saying: “Alright, we need the ship. but I don’t see how we stop him influencing everyone under us.”

Sasha: “Or just threatening the death penalty over some tiny insult.”

Looking up from the reports Fia and Ricky made, Bill interrupted them by asking: “Ricky, 285m Beli for thirty-two caravels seems too low. What happened at the shipyard?”

Previously Bill expected somewhere in the neighborhood of 320m Beli for the ships.

Looking from Fia and Ranse over to Bill, Ricky shrugged his shoulders and said: “That was the best price I could get for selling them in one go. The foreman said he didn’t have enough people looking for caravels and didn’t know if he’d be able to offload them.

We could get more if we sold them one at a time, but I can’t estimate how long that would take. Not to mention if we did that each ship would need to be inspected.”

Agreeing with this, Bill said ok and turned to Fia: “The headline number you’ve given is 100m Beli, and I see you don’t have any perishable food stuffs listed. Furthermore, the quantities listed here are much more than what we spoke about.

One hundred twenty tons of hard biscuit, one hundred tons of dried fruit, twenty tons of spices…. I understand why you bought these seeds, but why are you suggesting so much?”

As if she had been ready for this question, Fia didn’t need to think and answered: “Food prices are cheaper here than they were at Water 7 or Enies Lobby. There should be similar prices on some island on the Grand Line but in our current state I figured we need to save every Beli we can.

And the amount I ordered addresses that, honestly, we got lucky this town’s grocer had the suppliers to fill this kind of order – but we need to give him the notice by the end of the day. It’ll take a week to ship the bulk of it here.”

Thinking about her words for a second, Bill agreed with her reasoning. Sea king was always going to be their main staple of meat and feeding over 2500 people for months was never going to be cheap.

After that, Bill had Sasha report who told him that she already had the ships carrying the sheep move around to the other side of the island to go to pasture. Five hundred sheep were a lot, but not so many that they would overrun a large island.

When she was done talking, he acknowledged her efforts and then addressed the group.

“There’s an old saying that I know, it goes; ‘It’s ok to have a snake in the room as long as you have the lights on.’

We know Nelson Royale is a snake even if we don’t know him fully. We know that he’s arrogant, and he lost half a squadron of frigates.

Whether or not he’s a noble doesn’t matter. If he’s in the navy and under my command, he is bound to the rules of the Marines.”

After he said this, he turned to Ricky and Sasha and continued to speak: “One good point you both have brought up is that he may try to use his status to manipulate others. This isn’t something I’ll overlook.”

When he said this, the four of them knew his decision but he spoke it anyways: “We will be taking Nelson Royale under our command. He will spend his time on ships where I am present. However, as commanding Lieutenants it’s also your responsibility to keep in him line when I am not around.”

Seeing the four of them nod their head, Bill continued and gave orders.

“Ranse you will take a team of engineers and head to the galleon. Check the damage, estimate repair costs, and go around with the engineers to decide how best to refurbish the ship.”

Then leaning back in his seat, Bill continued: “Do not just figure designs for housing people, remember that after this is all done the galleon will be our largest ship for hauling cargo.

Ricky, go to the shipyard and sell the ships at the negotiated price. Tell the foreman the ships will be delivered in two days.

While Sasha and I turn over the Trump Pirates. Fia, you will go to the grocer and put in the order. You can tell the man he will receive payment by the end of the day.”

Standing up, Bill asked if they had any questions before ending the meeting. Walking out of the office he called for Borodo and told him the plan and had him to go inform the people on the caravels.

Bringing Bear King up from the holding cell, Bill saw that Yoko and Akisu were running around and told them that they could follow him and Sasha – which they were eager to do.

The group of four made a spectacular site for the townspeople as Bill walked with the massive Bear King over his shoulder and Sasha dragged along Pin Joker and Stunk One.

Even though these pirates weren’t well known, seeing Marines hauling such vicious looking criminals to jail raised the residents’ spirits. Boo Jack and Honey Queen were still on the ship and Bill would have Sasha handle them and collect the bounties later.

As for him, after dropping off Bear King and the others he went to Captain Smoker and agreed to conscript Nelson. For the first time Bill saw the man smile and Smoker didn’t even seem to mind when Bill said it would take a few days until he could collect the fat noble.

Reaching for the paperwork, Smoker handed Bill the title of ownership for the galleon and filling out the documents Bill renamed the ship ‘M.S.S Victory’.

The name was simple, M.S.S standing for ‘Marine Science Division Ship’, and Bill thought that Victory was a suitable name because it was the ship that Horatio Nelson had died on.

Walking down the hall before he left the Marine branch Bill looked into the room where Nelson was and found him eating a huge piece of meat. Locking eyes, this time the fat Marine didn’t scream but Bill saw the rage in his eyes.

“Enjoy these next few days, it’s been decided that you’ll be joining my crew.” With that said he left the 2nd Mate who began choking on his food.

Of course, Bill wouldn't torture the man. In fact, he planned to try and greatly help him.

Only, sometimes help can only be given by a boot in the ass. That was surely what Nelson Royale would come to find out.

With that done, Bill collected Yoko and Akisu and left the Marine office. Seeing that it was now late in the afternoon he decided to go back to the ship and organize with his team made from Clockwork Island engineers.

On their way back to the ship Yoko asked Bill if he could ‘fly’ them and with a laugh he obliged and scooped the two kids up. Akisu closed his eyes while Yoko laughed the entire way back, and Bill was happy she could do so.

Kids adapted fast, but in unhealthy situations the way they adjusted could be harmful. Bill knew that no one would replace Ryudo but hoped to help the girl grow up to be a good person.

That night there were no changes to the situation. They hadn’t delivered excess food onto the caravels since it was decided to start offloading the refugees the next morning. That news was music to those peoples’ ears as they were ready to get land under their feet.

When Ranse had returned with the engineering team, he had a outlined a plan to refit the Victory. Their first plan was to remove the ships excess guns and then build temporary lodgings that would be possible with the offset weight.

“The hull seems intact” said Ranse as he then listed the several problems – most of which were the result of the giant cannon misfiring.

All in all, he and the team estimated it to cost 15m Beli to fully repair the ship and that included much of the mechanical parts that had been broken. This didn’t include redesigning the gargoyle figurehead, which Bill had wanted, because according to Ranse it would just take too much time.

One great piece of news from them was that in addition to the temporary shelters, removing the cannons would allow for hundreds of more people to stay on board.

Having this in mind the next morning, Bill met with Masterson and the other recruits in his office. One by one, to his surprise, all sixteen had come back and were eager to sign up.

He signed them all on to six-year contracts with the starting pay of 10,000 Beli per month, the going rate for a 3rd Mate. They were all Carpenters, Sailmakers, Helmsmen, and Cooks but that was fine. What he needed most was just experienced sailors.

Then he met with Danny, Denny, and Donny who were still enthusiastically proclaiming their desire to join.

Bill had asked around and none of former Clockwork Island residents knew them so he reluctantly agreed offered them the full pay. Deciding even though he wouldn't dock their pay, he would treat them similar to how he planned to treat Nelson.

Finally, it was time for his meeting with Masterson. Bill had made it his last due to the knowledge it would take the longest.

Bill: “Come on in and take a seat.”

Walking into the office together, Bill sat at his desk and started talking first: “Have you considered what I said yesterday?”

Nodding his head, Masterson began talking: “Yeah most definitely, my friend. I like what you said and I’m open to joining your department, but I have my conditions.”

Bill had known this to be the case, and because Masterson had the experience they needed and also a young child, Bill was willing to hear him out: “Alright, what is it that you need to sign on?”

Putting his hands in his lap, Masterson was respectful but also matter of fact when he spoke: “Firstly, I just need to tell you that I’m only interested because I figure by joining the Science Division my Carol can get a first-rate education. Is this correct?”

Nodding his head, Bill explained how the Science Division worked for those who signed up and told him they would be setting up schools but the situation on their home base made it so that would take several months at least.

Apparently, Masterson had heard from Ranse about Little East Blue island and found Bill’s answer acceptable. So, he continued: “That’s fine, my next condition is that I need a house provided to me. My daughter is old enough to stay home alone, but I can’t have her living in a navy barracks.”

This was a large request, one had to know that a cheap house on an island associated with the World Government cost on average 2-4m Beli.

In fact, the pay Seaman and Mates received was largely determined so that a retired sailor could purchase a home after their six-year service contract, so long as they moderately saved a part of their income.

For an island like what Little East Blue would turn into, Masterson was asking for a home that would cost 10-20m Beli at a minimum.

After going over plans with the Clockwork Engineers, Bill had reckoned the maximum sustainable carrying capacity for the island to be around ten thousand. That was fully utilizing the knowledge he had gained from Vegapunk in addition to the civil engineers who designed and constructed the huge gear tower that lifted an entire island into the clouds.

Needless to say, that capacity would take years to build and also made the island premium real estate.

Tapping his finger on his desk, Bill thought about it. As he did so, Masterson just looked forward unperturbed and waited until Bill spoke.

“The price of a home on our home island is too much to just give away as a normal signing bonus.”

Bill said this and still tapping the deck thought, and Masterson seeing this didn’t get up and leave.

As Bill thought, he remembered something Captain Trapano had told him before he left Vallipo on Frontier Run and a smile appeared on his face.

“I think there is a way I can justify an expense so large.

When you sign up, you will learn one of the Six Powers and guarantee that you will stay with the Science Division for the life of the twenty-year service contract.”

Holding up his hand before Masterson could speak Bill continued: “If you agree to this, the home will be registered as your property. You will have the deed in your name, and if you die, it will naturally be inherited by Carol.”

Shaking his head slowly, Bill saw that Masterson was torn. This offer was incredible for a ‘Lower Blue’ Ensign but for a man who was more or less content with capturing small-time bounties for penny’s it wasn’t so simple.

Thinking this, the former sniper asked: “Most of your operations will happen in the Grand Line?”

Bill nodded and Masterson spoke again: “I’m sorry, but I just can’t take the risk. Since that girl’s mom died, she’s had it bad enough. She doesn’t need to lose her dad…”

After that the two sat there for what seemed like a long time until Bill spoke again: “Well, how about this. If you learn to use multiple Six Powers, I’ll make you our departments Instructor for Special Operators and Gunners.”

Hearing this, Masterson unconsciously swallowed and was momentarily lost in thought.

“I’ll get the promotion as soon as I can demonstrate each of the Six Powers?” asked he, to which Bill nodded again. After all, it was not necessary for Instructors to have mastered each ability.

With a grin starting to form, the dark hatted cowboy said: “Well that’s fine, sign me up Captain Ox.”

After signing the papers, Bill asked which of the Six Powers he wanted to learn first, Masterson replied with a suave tone: “It’s most important ability for a sniper, we’ll start with Shave.”

Hearing this Bill was relieved, because it was a good choice.

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In this chapter we see a bit how Bill reaches his decisions, how much Seaman and Mates are paid (I'm keeping track of the money), and a little about how the island will be developed.

At this point it's been less than six months since Bill got his Commission (he's almost 19). Canonically, Luffy is just about to reach Lougetown and leave the East Blue to enter the Grand Line along with most of the Worst Generation. Again the timeline is stretched out but the sequence of events are not.

Lastly, even though Ranse is an expert Gunner+Special Operator, who's much stronger than Masterson (while not quite as good of a shot), he wouldn't be able to be a full time Instructor.