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Sarge gets in the driver, Simmons in the gunner and Ash in the passenger.

"Alright, hit it."

Sarge drives the Warthog past the tank. Sarge drives over a hill and the Warthog becomes airborne. 

"Yeehaw! That a cowboy!" Sarge yells.

The Warthog lands.

"Hey, Sarge! Hold on a sec!" Simmons yells and Sarge stops the Warthog. Simmons hops out.

Ash and Sarge hop out the Warthog.

"Did you see something weird, Sarge? Ash?"

Sarge turns to Simmons. "Yes, I did. Once when I was a small child, I saw a man who claimed to be my uncle do this thing with a garden hose that still haunts me to this very day."

Ash turns to Simmons. "I have these visions when I sleep of me being on some operation table and these people looking down onto me while I'm in undesirable pain and there's this girl-"

Simmons interrupts Ash. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I meant, did you see something weird just now? Like five seconds ago."

"Oh." Sarge and Ash say. "Then no."

"What was all that stuff about your uncle? And weird surgery stuff?"

"I keep telling everyone, he wasn't my uncle!" Sarge yells. "He wasn't!"

"It's not important." Ash says.

Simmons looks between the two. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Just get back in the damn jeep." Sarge orders Simmons.

Sarge climbs in the driver and Ash hops in the passenger and they drive off.

The group spots Church? Tucker and Caboose in the distance. Simmons aims the gun at the Blues.

"Hold your fire, there, Simmons!" Sarge orders. "This is payback time."

"Go for it, sir!" Simmons says.

"Time to kill some blues!" Ash cheers.

Sarge hits the gas and Tucker and Caboose run away.

"Aim for that guy right in the middle, Sarge!" Simmons says.

"Way ahead of you, Simmons!" Sarge yells.

Ash cheers. The Warthog nears Church. 

"We've got you now, you blue bastard!" Simmons yells.

But the Warthog starts to beep. 

"Does anyone hear that?" Ash asks.

Suddenly the Warthog blows up sending the three flying.

"Not cool!" Ash yells as he flies through the air and he lands on the ground. He groans as he stands back up. "I'm okay! My right shoulder hurts though." Ash looks around. "Guys?"

