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Ayaaa how are you readers ? Fine ? (This announcement was edited on the 16th of Juanuary 2023)

Sooo, bad news and BAD news! Bad for me and really bad news for you *ahem*


-First(bad news): This story (The First SAI) as all my other works will be put on hiatus for a good while, buuut, it WILL have other chapters cuz it is too f*cking interesting for me and for you too, I hope.

Some f*cked up situation I have that became better or worse I still don't know right now...

-Second(a little good news, always end on the good one): I'm still alive *hehe*


 Well if I am, you can expect a chapter some time in the future...


Well, thanks for reading and hope you're all doing well!


-God IronGamer