Chapter 6. Coffee Shop
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After I returned to the estate, I gave Ruby my gift. It seemed that she really liked this teddy bear. The girl did not part with him even during dinner.

When we were sitting at the table, I grinned at the fact that Ruby was still holding it in her hands.

— Do you like it that way? I asked.

— Very much! I really like it! — The girl answered joyfully, — No one has ever given me gifts before!

I was embarrassed.

— Even your mom…?

Ruby's expression dimmed for a second.

— Mom… — she faltered, — Mom doesn't even remember when my birthday is. Why would she do such a thing…

I sighed heavily. As expected: Magrit didn't care about her daughter at all. I really felt sorry for this child. But at the same time, I am glad that it fell into my hands. Now, in this new life, I will definitely try to make her childhood happier.

— Now you will receive gifts every year, — I promised, — And if you need anything, you can tell me about it at any time.

Since our first meeting, Ruby has become more cheerful. Then the girl literally had no face — but now she was smiling with might and main. I was glad to see that she got used to the new environment so quickly.

— Of course! Thank you, Aunt!

I laughed, looking at how she was so genuinely happy. Ruby and I had dinner together for the first time, but there was no awkward atmosphere in the air. We were really lucky that we found a common language so soon.

I cleared my throat when I decided to talk to her about it.

— Ahem… Ruby… Do you mind going out with me this week?

The girl immediately nodded.

«You won't even ask where exactly?» I was surprised.

— If it's with my aunt, then I'm willing to go anywhere! Ruby smiled back at me.

That's a good kid! I stroked her hair while Ruby cuddled up to my hand like a little puppy. My niece is really just lovely.

«That's great,» I said, «Don't worry, it won't be long.

— What are we going to do? — the girl asked.

— We… ahem… Let's have coffee with an uncle.

— «Uncle»?

I nodded at Ruby's puzzled expression.

— My casual acquaintance… He invited me and I didn't refuse.

I didn't go into details, but she didn't ask either.

— That's how, — Ruby smiled, — If this is my aunt's friend, then it means mine too!

— Ha-ah… I wouldn't say «friend»,» I joked.

In any case, I did not insist. It's good that Ruby took it so easily. I was afraid that the girl might worry before meeting a stranger. But surprisingly, despite the environment in which she grew up, Ruby is quite a friendly child.

We continued to have dinner and I felt complete peace of mind. My wonderful niece was still smiling brightly at me. I thought it wasn't so bad to be reborn as a villain's aunt.


As agreed in advance, Rubiella and I approached the right cafe at three o'clock in the afternoon. Roger was already waiting for us inside and waved. I smiled and we joined him at the table.

The guy got up to say hello.

«This is my niece, Ruby,» I said, «and this.». My friend Roger.

— Nice to meet you.

They shook hands and we sat down. Considering that we all barely knew each other, it was pretty awkward. First of all, I decided to dilute the atmosphere and make an order.

— Ruby, what do you want? I smiled, showing her the menu.

— Um-m… — the girl thought.

«You can order whatever you want,» Roger explained, «I'll pay for everything.»

— Ha-ah… It's not worth it,» I was embarrassed, but deep down I wouldn't refuse such an offer. The prices in this cafe involuntarily made my eyes pop out. And in the current situation, to save money, I had every cent in my account.

Fortunately, Roger Dickens turned out to be a decent gentleman, and insisted. It was a sin to refuse. The guy and I ordered two cups of coffee, while Ruby chose ice cream. For the first time in my life I met such an expensive ice cream. Is it made of gold?

Oh, how hard it is to be a poor aristocrat…

We chatted a little, and in between, the heroine's love interest asked:

— So you're from the Weinstein family?

— Heh… All right. You must have heard a lot about us.

The unfavorable reputation of the current ducal family was known throughout the empire. And if Magrit was somehow trying to improve the situation, then I'm unlikely to be able to do it. The real Grace did her best to make people whisper about me and point at me even on the street. «The fallen woman of the whole Empire» was the opinion of all commoners and aristocrats.

Of course Roger couldn't help but hear about it. But I just pretended that I didn't know.

— They say that now you have a difficult financial situation.

I didn't deny it.

— It really is…

«You must have a problem with the servants, too.

I sighed.

«If there aren't even guards on your estate.». Have you ever thought how dangerous it is?

— «Dangerous»? I asked.

— Criminals or robbers can descend at any moment, — said the guy, — It's not safe for a young lady like you to live alone.

When Roger told me that, I grinned. Robbers…? I wonder what they can rob us of? Perhaps there is even more wealth in the house of a tiny baron.

Meanwhile, Roger brought up this topic for a reason. I decided to ask him about it.

— If you don't mind… — He cleared his throat, — I can send my people to guard you.

I choked on my coffee.

— What?!

— I mean… You seem like a good person. I'm going to be a knight in the future, so I'll be glad if my first task is to ensure your safety.

This offer came too suddenly. I didn't even know how to react. Who knew that in his youth Roger Dickens was so pious! He's going to protect an aristocrat he knows nothing about.

And yet I couldn't agree so immediately. After all, the heroine's love interest. I have to be careful with each of these four, so as not to get into trouble…

«I… I have to think about it,» I said as gently as I could.

The guy nodded.

— of course. You can let us know as soon as you decide.

— Ahem…

Out of surprise, I did not notice how the drink spilled on my dress. Damn it… And why am I so unlucky?

I sighed.

«I need to go to the ladies' room,» I said awkwardly, «wait here, please.»

The two nodded.

«Ruby, behave yourself while I'm gone,» I reminded her.

— Yes, Aunt!

I smiled and left them. At the same moment, there was a pause at the table. Ruby was eating ice cream and hadn't gotten into the conversation before. She behaved like an obedient girl and did not interfere with adults. Roger coughed uncomfortably.

Grace stayed in the bathroom and didn't come back for a long time.

The young man was going to say at least something, and turned to the child:

— Do you like ice cream…?

Ruby didn't answer him. Maybe I didn't hear you?

Roger decided to try again and lightly touch her shoulder. The girl strangely recoiled from him and looked at him with a look full of hatred.

— Don't touch me.