The Shadowed Trees: Chapter 21
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 After Lilia got caught sleeping on the roof, she went to class instead of having her sister track her down and force her to go.

I might as well give Stella a break today.

To be honest, Lilia needed the distraction. Too many things were happening, and she had no desire to deal with anything. She would sooner go to class and not think at all. Lilia knew it was immature of her. However, she didn't have the energy to worry about it.

She brushed her blond hair out of her eyes and quickly strode into what she hoped was her first class. Lilia felt the stares instantly, but she ignored them. At this point, she was used to a few looks here and there.

Or was it because Lilia broke down at one of her concerts as a child, and they were waiting for the crazy to return?

Lilia shrugged. It didn't matter because she'd stopped caring what other people thought of her long ago.

At least, that was what I like to tell myself.

Lilia had some temporary headphones, which were not as good as her old pair. It was taking all her energy not to read her classmates' thoughts. And she couldn't help but groan; headaches are a bitch.

After sitting in the back, Lilia took a couple of pills and a sip of water and closed her eyes, trying to stave off the pain. After a while, she bore and fiddled around with her arm brace. Some people assumed that she was hiding her Vine markings. Of course, Lilia was hiding something, but it certainly wasn't Vine markings. Her falcon and leopard were not just tattoos. They emit a faint glow and move around. It was bizarre to see, and it pretty much screamed Lumeye.

There were many things I didn't like about the Headmistress. Still, her suggestion for Lilia to hide her tattoos from everyone on the Compound and the other Lumeye wasn't one of them.

The only documented Lumeye with a tattoo like hers was Ayden, the Lumeye resistance leader. Had he had live mediums like she did? Was Lilia somehow related to him? Although she certainly wasn't going to go up to the man and ask. She didn't have a death wish.

Wait! I came to class not to think about anything. She laid her head in her arms, moping. See, why think of things that don't even matter?

"Thank God," Lilia whispered, watching a sharp-eyed older woman with graying hair walk in. She, too, had a brace covering her forearm.

"Why are we here?" asked the teacher, Mrs. Cray. At least Lilia thought her name was Mrs. Cray.

"The government forced us here," piped up one student.

Everyone broke out in laughter.

"No, Donald… I mean, why are we here in the Wastelands?" Mrs. Cray continued. "How are we even surviving and, in some places, thriving? How is that even possible?" She paused, then continued. "After the war with the Lumeye, they were blamed for the Ripples. Some say with the charged force of power the Lumeye created during the war, forcing changes that twisted our world into something unrecognizable, something alien."

Lilia sighed and burrowed further into her arms. It was going to be one of these days. She regretted ditching and finding a place to sleep. But now, she was stuck.

Mrs. Cray asked, "How can we survive when the rules we used to live by don't work anymore?"

"We adapt?" said another student.

"Yes, humanity was known for its ability to adapt and thrive in various situations and environments. But remember that we were still suffering from the war's aftereffects. We needed time to recover, process, and rebuild." Her gaze swept the whole classroom. "What was the government's answer to this unfortunate development?"

"The Cities."

"Yes, quarantining hundreds of cities, hiding behind their technology and leaving the rest of the world to rot. Their solution, even from the beginning, was only a temporary one. Even now, they suffer from overcrowding and food shortages. Sooner rather than later, there will be more of us than of them…But we are getting off-topic. How are we here? How are we surviving?"

She wrote one word in capital letters and underlined it. "An ACCIDENT happened," she lectured. "Accidents that result in big discoveries happen all the time. For example, Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head, and, more recently, the discovery of the Lumeye. In this instance, many kids wanted a thrill they couldn't find inside the city and decided to escape into the Wastelands. Only one boy made it back alive…What was different about this seemingly ordinary boy from those who didn't survive?"

"I know some of you already know the answer, but let one of the newer students answer. So, are there any takers?"

"Luck?" Another student answered.

"Not entirely, but it was a factor. This boy was in a brass band; he played the French horn. Why is that relevant? My answer is Very. Tell me why that is?"

"The Wasteland has its own song," whispered Lilia.

Mrs. Cray nodded in agreement. "And like any song, the Wasteland could swiftly shift from a happy tone to a dangerous one. Then there are the distortions." Mrs. Cray shuddered. "If you hear those. Run. Good Lilia," she complimented her. Lilia hunched down in her seat, feeling the stares of her classmates, hating the attention. Attention meant that minds focused on her, making it harder for her to stop their thoughts from invading her mind.

"Washout wannabe."

Lila winced. It was true that she was a washout. Even now, Lilia had difficulty taking her flute out of its case, let alone playing it. But a wannabe? No.

Mrs. Cray continued, "So that's why Musical Intelligence is an essential survival tool in the Wasteland." Taking a sip of water, she said, "Each of you has a fair bit of Musical Intelligence. If honed, it will make you better trackers and scouts, allowing you to secure the safest path for the rest of us to follow. You are all the key that allows us to travel safely through the Wastelands."

Mrs. Cray turned to her tablet. "Now, let's go back to page 243...."


Lilia stumbled outside the class and followed the masses to the next one. But she was soon stopped by Ms. Andres.

"Lilia, the Headmistress has a message for you." It wasn't odd to see Miss Andres deliver notes to staff members and students alike, especially if she wanted their contents to be kept secret. No one stole anything from Ms. Andres unless they liked pain.

Lilia received the note and quickly said, "Thank you," before entering a darkened corner to read it.

              Lilia, your presence is required at 16:30. At the usual place.

              Headmistress Weatherly

It was short and sweet, but Lilly got the gist.

This must be about the Marshalls; knowing the Headmistress, she'd already found a use for them.

Sighing, she didn't want the hassle, and she didn't want to face Rachel again.

Lilia yawned. Now, it's an excellent time to get that nap.