Volume 1—Bone Monster—Ch05
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Skeletons in a dungeon meant one or two things. Either they were dealing with an undead Licht or someone could raise skeletons.

Zin would like to hope that it's the second option considering a Licht would be dangerous undead beings with large amounts of mana.

Rosha and Yudian took care of the skeletons using hand-to-hand combat.

Zin stood there and watched with his arms crossed, he had to admit that the two could take care of this easily.

There was no need for him to step in.

Though if he wants to get stronger he'll have to take on higher-leveled monsters.

"Lord Zin it's done," Rosha says looking back at him.

Both stood there among a pile of defeated skeletons, they hardly put up a sweat.

"Alright, let's move forward, the longer we stand here the possibilities of running into more of those things," Zin told them.

Moments later the three of them were fighting centipedes bigger than humans.

Even Zin had to put some work in.

After they took down the centipedes, Zin had gone up two levels.

It's because the centipedes' levels exceeded his by double.

Yudian was crouched before the centipedes collecting their cores, "why are they so strong?" He wondered aloud.

Rosha looked just as confused, "I agree, it's really strange. There's no way normal centipedes would be this strong." 

Zin wondered why they thought so, could it be that it's as he thought?

The three continued deeper into the dungeon, each time they had to face monsters whose levels were unnatural.

"I suddenly have a bad feeling," Zin muttered while Yudian and Rosha were hacking up monsters.

Yudian held up a medium-sized rat like it was nothing, "these Dark Rats are quite pesky, but why are they bigger than usual?" 

They were finally able to take a quick break.

"This dungeon may be higher than C Rank," Rosha says with a serious expression.

Originally they weren't certain of the dungeon's rank, to think they'd be this unlucky.

"It may even be an A Rank dungeon, we should stay on our toes, "Yudian says.

If the rank of the dungeon was as they said, would they be able to survive?


Dungeon Master's Perspective


A dark shadow was looking through a magical viewing orb, "they're strong. What do you say, my minion?"

The dark shadow chuckles, "Well, I hope they exceed my expectations. That child....he may be just what I'm looking for." 

The magical orb focused on the youngest of the group, "he looks weak, but thanks to my ability to see mana, I would have made a mistake." The shadow says.

That boy had unlimited mana pouring out of him, it was such a rare occasion for the shadow. 

"They're getting close Master, how do you wish to proceed?" The minion next to him asked.

"If that human defeats the strongest boss of this dungeon then he is useful." the dark shadow says.


Zin's Perspective


"This must be the boss's chamber, seems bigger than the average," Rosha says glancing around.

The three had stumbled upon a large open space with the debris of collapsed building pieces lying around.

"Welcome!" The voice boomed shaking the entire cave.

"Shit!" Yudian grabs Zin by the arm and yanks him back in time.

A huge boulder falls from the ceiling and lands where he stood a moment ago.

"Who goes there!?" Rosha calls out.

This situation was not in their favor.

While they did gain a few weapons after taking down some skeleton soldiers, the weapons could hardly be called durable.

A black cloud formed and what looked like a dog-faced human emerged from it.

"I am Roofas, the minion of the Dungeon Master of this dungeon." The dog-faced human bows slightly and then straighten.

Zin narrows his gaze, something about this creature showing up like this did not sit right with him.

"Are you the boss here?" Yudian asked.

Zin frowned, there was no way that was the case.

That minion was weaker than them, Zin had this feeling.

"Not I, Master prepared something special for the one that has caught Master's eye," the dogface's gaze slightly lowered to where Zin stood.

Was that human the one Master found interesting?

He sure didn't look like much.

Is what it felt like that damned mutt was thinking right now.

"Why don't you're Master show themself?" Rosha asked.

The dog-face gave a glare, "my master doesn't need to worry about human scum such as you, why should master bother?" He asked with distaste.

Zin was getting irritated by the speech of this dog.

"Ah, sorry master!" The mutt suddenly calls out before speaking to them.

Telepathy? Zin tilted his head to the side while staring at the dog.

So, it's able to communicate with the dungeon master this way.

"If you're able to pass this test then Master will come directly to meet you, human." The dog says.

Zin could feel the heat of that dog's eyes directly, so it was him he was talking to.

The dog turns its attention elsewhere and used a magic circle.

"That's summoning magic!" Yudian yells out.

He must have witnessed it before, but his gaze didn't look too good.

Zin's bad feeling grew, and the feel of the ground shaking got his attention.

"Look over there, Lord Zin!" Yudian calls out pointing towards what was left of the building standing.

Both Lord Zin and Rosha looked in the direction Yudian pointed.

"What the hell is that thing!?" Rosha yells out with a panicked expression.

Zin stared up at it, a monster corpse stood before him with glowing red eye sockets.

There was nothing but bone, and the shape tells me that it was once some kind of ancient monster.


Just its war cry alone made the cave shake even more.

"This is worst than I thought," Rosha muttered with an expression that said that this was not a great situation for them.

But Zin felt this a moment ago.

"It's at least an A Rank Bone Monster," Yudian says.

This may just result in their deaths, "Is this a test, or is your master just a lunatic?" Rosha asked the dog.

The dog glared maliciously, "just be glad master does not come himself!" The dog yells.

It disappears through a cloud of black smoke, and Zin sighs.

Being sent to a world like this, can't he have any peace?