Appendix 2 – Characters of Arc 1
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Post 2 of 4 for this update

Yes, Serenity is on the list four times.

In the future, I'll be combining some of these between-chapter posts together.

This list does not include people who are unnamed or who appear in only one scene.

Blaze - Instructor and Healer. Grumpy with people who don’t follow his advice, completely unsympathetic with people who try to make things worse

Doyle - ally, helped people through trials. Former military

Echo - Cheerful girl, “tutorial mascot”. 16 years old, hard life previously but knows how to deal with people. The Sound of Silence Path

Ekari - Head Administrator of Earth’s Tutorials, instructor. Heretic (or apostate?) because she did not choose to be Lykandeon’s Slave. Wants to be Serenity’s ally but prohibited from telling him so. Shrouded Hope Path

Entherys - Trial instructor. Leader (in his mind) of the conspiracy to kill Serenity. Sent back to his home in disgrace by Order’s Voice

Kerr (Aardya a’Kerinth) - Weapons instructor who knows Sterath. Looking to have Serenity as an ally. Possible friend

LaCroix - undead student

Lancaster - Police officer who takes Thomas and Rissa’s statements about Macho. Serenity’s friend and ally

Liuyedao - ally, helped people through trials. College student, martial artist

Lykandeon - God of Ekari’s homeworld; ascended mortal

Macho - Man who “originally” killed Rissa. Attempts to kill Serenity (twice?). Current status unknown

Margrethe - Cleanser for Earth’s Tutorials. Saved Moira. Attempted to kill Serenity twice. Forgiven(?)

Moira - Ambitious mage, wanted to learn “all elements”. Thought Raymond was a friend until he tricked her into attacking Serenity while she was loopy from a misguided attempt to gain Death affinity. Saved by Serenity and Margrethe. Sworn follower to Serenity. Shares emotions with him when they are close enough

Nightwitch - ally, helped people through trials. Pilot. Former (or maybe current?) military

Order’s Voice - Somewhere between an interface and a person. Sometimes speaks to Serenity

Raymond - Lancaster’s partner before the Tutorial. Attacks Serenity twice. Dead

Rissa - Thomas’s girlfriend

Serenity - Main character

Sillon - Trial instructor. Friend of Serenity

The Final Reaper - Thomas’s final name the first time around

Thomas - Serenity’s name before everything started

Vengeance - Thomas after Rissa’s death the first time around