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“Did you find your flight into LAX alright, Mrs. E–?”

“That’s Doctor to you, young lady.”

“Yes, sorry ma’am.”

“Good, now, what can you tell me about this beautifully interesting…project you have?”


“Oh, this will be good. I know just the subject, too!”

“Ma’am, you’re starting to worry me.”

“If I am, Ms. Hernandez, please forgive me. I never intend to instill fear. Just know that this is what I’ve been looking for my whole life. Why, yes, I might even have some myself, someday!”

“We’ve got chairs open–”

“Someday is not yet, Ms. Hernandez, though I admire your enthusiasm. Yes, I think the Fenrir Group will be most pleased with the outcomes here. Tell me, what does your experimental clinic make from NSF grants?”

“Five hundred th–”

“I thought as much. Impressive for a grant, though it seems it can only buy a makeshift lab in your alma mater’s basement. But, the Fenrir Group’s friends at B.W.L.F. and co. well, they are offering substantial funding, as long as they, as co-researchers on this project, get access to samples to do some lab testing.”

“We’re not in this for the profit, ma’am.”

“Five billion. And the infrastructure, research, personnel, and tools to do it. We’ll even get you through phase two clinicals as fast as the speed of our emails to our friends in the government!”


“I’m glad we’ve reached an agreement, Ms. Hernandez. Excuse my insistence, but I am a lady who wants very specific things, and must get those very specific things. And you have one of them!”

“Is that a threat?”

“No, not as long as you collaborate by letting us co-test samples!”

“I see. I have one more condition before I can agree, then.”

“I like you, Ms. Hernandez. An intelligent young lady always knows when to negotiate. I hope someday you’ll join us. I’ll entertain your proposal.”

“I don’t want this funding any damn wars or being sold on supermarket shelves. This belongs to the people.”

“Oh, rest assured, we intend it to be used for the people, only and always! Now come, Ms. Hernandez! Work to be done!”