don’t worry
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The dinner was unceremonious and full of laughter. The steak, as expected, was delicious. As they walked out of the restaurant door, Katie next to Laura, holding her hand close, the night seemed almost magical.

“Hey Laura?” Katie asked as they entered the car.

“Yeah, sweetpea?”

“Do you think I could stay at your place tonight? I don’t mean to impose too much, I just–”

“Katie, I understand. I don’t want you going back to your dad’s place tonight, not after all you told me about him,” Laura replied, “and please, don’t feel obligated to do anything in return. It’s the least I can do.”

“Okay!” Katie replied, suddenly very relieved. Then she remembered, her dad would probably be worried about her. She began to text him.

Hey dad, dw about me coming home, I got a date tonight

She breathed a sigh of relief, hoping he’d just do what he usually did and leave it on read.

Dad: What Does dw Mean? Wear Protection.

Dad, I’m not about to get anyone pregnant. ‘dw’ means ‘don’t worry’

Dad: O.K. Young Man. ‘dw’ About Mowing The Lawn Tomorrow. Neighbor Did It.

She laughed a little at her father’s sense of humor. His typing style certainly helped accentuate the humor. She put her phone away and leaned back into the seat. She felt Laura’s paw drift over to her head and begin to scratch. She felt her troubles and worries melt away as she leaned into it.

As she began to doze off, they arrived at Laura’s apartment. Laura gently shook Katie awake, and the two of them grabbed the bags of clothing and walked inside.

Laura’s apartment was certainly not rented because of the spacious rooms. In fact, Katie was rather unsure if the bathroom should even be considered a half bath, given the size, and the rest of the space was probably the size of her dad’s garage. She couldn’t help but feel guilty, as a nobody alcoholic who just happened to be in the body of a vulnerable young wolfess right now, that she was almost taking advantage of Laura’s kindness.

“Hey puppy,” Laura said gently, sensing the mood, “it’s okay, I know. It’s okay for you to be here, really. I know it’s been hard for you.”

“You’re being so nice to me and all I’ve done is spend your money and your time. I don’t deserve this,” Katie whispered as she remained frozen in place at the door.

“Hey,” Laura spoke firmly as she leaned down to look Katie in the eyes, “I don’t give a damn if you deserve it or not. I invited you. That’s all that matters, really. Besides, I did ask you out on a date, and you said yes. And you helped me at the bar last night. Both of those would count for something, if we were counting.”

“I guess it’s just scary,” Katie replied, “I haven’t had a drink all night and I don’t crave it like I usually do, and that’s been the only constant for years and–”

“Shhhh, Katie, you’re tired and overthinking, and it’s stressing you out,” Laura said as she pulled her into a hug, “now, let’s get you to bed.”

Katie nodded as she tried to find a way to get comfortable on the sole recliner in the room, snuggling up into it. It was surprisingly comfy, thanks to her new fur, and it actually wasn’t as bad as the motel bed. She could probably fall asleep in a few–

“Katie?” Laura asked, sitting on the end of the bed in the middle of the room, looking confused.


“Aren’t you coming to bed?”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m on the recliner, I’m going to bed,” Katie replied, confused, “I mean, it’s not like you want me in the bed.”

“You don’t have to, I guess, but I really have no problem with it. In fact, I’d be delighted,” Laura said with a smile, “I know it’s a lot after what you’ve been through, but it’s okay.”

“But I’m going to be a guy in the morning,” Katie replied, “I just don’t want to freak you out.”

“Remember what I asked earlier, Katie?” Laura asked as she walked up to the chair and knelt down next to it. “Do you want to be a woman?”

“Yes. I want to be like this forever,” Katie replied emphatically.

“Then you are one, even when you don’t look exactly like this,” Laura replied with a smile as she returned to bed, “if that’s your only hangup, you’re a woman, and women get to sleep in my bed. Okay?”

“O..okay,” Katie nervously spoke as she tumbled out of the chair and into the bed.

Laura rummaged through her dresser and pulled out a nightgown. She smiled at Katie before beginning to change. Katie, meanwhile, was thoroughly flustered. Laura knew what she was doing, and Katie just kind of…gah! She looked down at her own clothing, to distract herself, until she realized, she probably would be asleep when she changed back and…

“What’s the matter, is there a ghost in here?” Laura asked, finished undressing but not nearly finished dressing.

“I’m gonna have to take my clothes off, aren’t I? I mean, I’ll probably turn back during the night,” Katie said, nervous.

“Well, it’s nothing I haven’t seen,” Laura replied, pulling her nightgown over top of her head.

“T–but I’ll be–”

“Nothing I haven’t seen. I work at a bar,” Laura said gently, “if you’re that worried, I can wake you up before the sun rises, and you can sleep in your current clothes.”

Katie was thoroughly worried now. She didn’t want to be a bother, but she also didn’t want to just sleep naked. She was starting to get anxious, and as she started to whimper and cry, she found herself drawn down into the bed by Laura’s strong arms. She felt safe and at home in those arms, as if all her troubles were being washed away.

“I’m sorry, I don’t normally get like this. It’s been a long night,” Katie whimpered as she sniffled.

“Don’t apologize for being sad, please,” Laura reassured her, “it sounds like it’s been a lot longer than a night.”

“It has, really. I just, things feel so fresh and new and alive, and god, I’m so scared, but you make me feel safe whenever I’m next to you. I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow or next full moon or with the rest of my life. I had honestly planned to give life a shot for another year and just call it quits if I didn’t make it,” Katie said, “but now I can’t imagine doing that.”

“And I’m privileged to have been witness to your first day of your new life, Katie,” Laura quietly responded. “I know it’s hard, I really do know, but I know you can make it.”

“How are you so sure?” Katie asked as she looked into Laura’s rich amber eyes.

“I see the hope and wonder in your eyes that I saw almost snuffed out in your eyes last night,” Laura replied. “I know you’re worried you’re a charity case, but you really aren’t. I can’t pretend to know everything about you, but I know you’re sweet and caring, and that you deserve, at the very least, what you’ve got today.”

“Okay,” Katie said with a wavering smile as she hugged Laura tight. The two embraced for a few moments before Katie released her hold.

“I think I’m gonna undress, if that’s okay,” Katie meekly announced. Respecting that she most likely wasn’t comfortable with her looking, Laura nodded and turned around.

Katie sighed in relief as she undressed methodically, until she got to the bra. She didn’t want to underestimate their sensitivity, having heard from women she’d dated before about that. So, just pulling it off was not an option. She remembered there were latches on the bra she’d managed to just barely clip together, and so she made an attempt to undo her work. She struggled at first with the latches, but eventually got the hang of it, pulling it off and setting it neatly on the floor next to her other clothes.

Next to her, Laura had fallen fast asleep in the meantime. Had it really taken her that long to undo a bra? She sighed as she curled up underneath the sheets next to Laura. She realized: she hadn’t really had a drop to drink all night. Was it really that easy? Well, becoming a wolf and a woman wasn’t super easy, she was sure, but…this was really promising. She smiled as she began to doze off, eventually falling asleep with an expression of serenity on her face.