Chapter 2 – Edgar Jr Harvey’s 30 day log (Part 2)
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Day 16:

Arab "Insurgents"(Terrorists) have pissed off the Aliens.

The Arab terrorist groups worldwide used human shield tactics and scattering to prevent the aliens from targeting and killing them, so the aliens decided to let go for once and just demanded that they surrender and hand over all their high explosives and let bygones be bygones. The terrorists "agreed."

When the aliens went to recover all the explosives located in the respective terrorist organizations, the terrorists probably thought it was a "brilliant" idea to blow them up, killing dozens of aliens and even two of those "Chosen" in suicidal explosions, quite an achievement considering their comparatively low military power and that nobody else managed to do that thus far.

However, by doing so, they sealed their fates. The aliens went ballistic, literally.

The aliens declared that they(The terrorist groups) broke the Galactic warfare code of surrender(Due to false surrendering, AKA, Prefidity)1Terrorist groups do that a lot, especially Hamas in the Gaza strip, and that the local civilians had temporarily lost their human right to live until all the insurgents(Terrorists) are "Pacified"(AKA, In literal pieces).

Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Gaza, Syria, Mali, etc, were all subjected to an eight-hour-long indiscriminate bombardment, and hundreds of thousands of terrorists were blown to pieces or vaporized. Millions of innocent civilians were in unmarked graves.

When they finished their bombardment, they declared that those countries/areas were now marked as Insurgent elements and that citizenship rights shall be revoked until all insurgent elements were removed and corrected via a long period of re-education and conversion of faith(Basically hard-core alien-style indoctrination).2I can honestly see aliens with over a million worlds doing that. How else would they keep their vast empire with quadrillions of citizens in check? Sure as hell not with kindness.

I have learned three valuable lessons today. One, don't break the Galactic warfare code, or you will piss off the aliens, two, the aliens don't care about human shield tactics when they are pissed off, and three, DON'T PISS THEM OFF. PERIOD.3Remeber, kids, don't piss off your local alien overlord, or you are FUCKED.


Day 17:

Today I learned that the aliens also have favoritism.

Most of Europe has been conquered, save for England, Germany, and France. In a rare show of generosity, the aliens didn't kill the two leaders that voted against fighting against them and surrendered immediately(Namely, the Czech president and the Dutch president), giving them the rare privilege to not only keep their lives but keep their office until the day that they are deemed inadequate(Basically too old or poor in performance).

Also, the rather small Czech and Netherlands armies were spared from the massacre on day 5, saving many people from losing their loved ones. Of course, all high explosives and large-caliber ammunition and guns were taken away.

The occupying aliens also declared that they will give a very soft-hand approach to the local populace and declared that they have the right to self-governance, something that we in California didn't have.


Day 18-25:

During these days, the entire world has been officially conquered. The aliens began to send dignitaries to all the corners of the world. Some of them were holy men who came to convey the message of the holy emperor of mankind, the so-called god-emperor. Their holy-men replaced the god-emperor with a combination of God and Jesus. In a nutshell, they taught us that it is the God Emperor who brought the seeds of human life to the galaxy and that it is he who allowed the spread and prosperity of humanity in these hundreds of thousands of solar years. He is also the bulwark against what they call "The alien menace", and there are non-human aliens that are hell-bent on destroying and conquering our galaxy. There are even actual battlefields on some planets.

Well, in short, the message they brought was, "The universe is scary, the God-Emperor protects us, so believe in the God-Emperor."

Well, as a light protestant believer who skips mass, I kind of find it hard to believe in this so-called God-Emperor all of a sudden, but then again, I guess believing in an actual living God-Like entity is better than believing in a god I can't see or hear whose existence is still questioned and debated today.

On the other hand, Alex who is a half-Hispanic Catholic found it rather easy to believe in this new God-Emperor.

All hail the God-Emperor, I guess.


Day 26:

Welp, it is official. Alex is the protagonist.


Alex and I were playing some video games with his siblings at his house when we heard a loud sound from outside like someone was vacuum cleaning. We didn't pay attention to it at first, but Alex's parents called us and Alex's siblings to come downstairs. Begrudgingly, we paused the game and came downstairs, only to find the door ajar, and in front of the house was some sort of flying alien air shuttle.

We stood with our mouths agape as the air shuttle landed on the road, cracking the asphalt beneath it under its weight. Then, the front rampart of the ship opened and five aliens stepped out.

The first four were menacing giants wearing white-painted full-body power armors with a golden eye symbol on the shoulder, each around 2.5m tall and as wide as a refrigerator. The guns they held in their hands looked like a large version of our assault rifles, just that they looked more like cannons than guns, being about the size of my torso, and they had "knives" the length of a bastard sword strapped to their hips, just thicker.

They were four alien "Chosen", and they looked different than the regular "Chosen" based on their paint-job.

As for the last alien, he was an old and bald man wearing what I could only describe as loose white clerical robes. He had a golden tattoo of an eye on his bald forehead, and there was a gold insignia of an eye on his chest.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that the four "Chosen" were this old man's bodyguards, signifying his importance.

The old man lightly swept his gaze on us and then locked on Alex. He then said using the alien translator, "Child, come with us."

Alex was shocked and involuntarily took a step back and said in an understandable panic, "W-What? Why?! I didn't do anything bad, I swear!"

The old man said in a calm and oddly soothing voice, "Calm down, child. There is no need to panic. We are taking you because you are 'gifted'."

Alex's father, Mr. Fletcher, a large and muscular caucasian man that works as a gym instructor got agitated, "Wait a minute, what do you mean 'gifted'?! What the hell do you want from my son?!"

Immediately after he said that one of the "Chosen" suddenly aimed his giant gun at Mr, Fletcher, right at his forehead, and said in a thunderous voice through his cold and unfeeling helmet while locking onto him with glowing red eye visors.

"SILENCE, MORTAL! How dare you blaspheme the holy Lord Magus in our presence! It is your honor that he has spoken to you!"

The "Lord Magus" in question raised his hand and stopped the "Chosen" from blowing Mr. Fletcher's head off.

"Calm down, sir Corval. They are ignorant of our ways. Show some patience." - The "Lord Magus" said kindly.

The giant man didn't respond for a moment before lowering his gun back down.

The "Lord Magus" turned to us and then apologized to Mr. Fletcher.

"I apologize for Sir Corval's zeal. He is quite protective of me, you see."

"I-I, No, sorry for being rude, Sir." - Mr. Fletcher meekly apologized and backed away while looking fearfully at "Sir Corval".

"It is fine. Most would be agitated when their son is suddenly taken away by strangers, let alone alien oppressors, no?" - The "Lord Magus" said with a kind and elderly smile, trying to calm down the situation.

Mr. Fletcher didn't say anything but just meekly nodded.

The "Lord Magus" then turned to Alex and said, "Let me re-introduce myself. I am High Magus Dythe du Carcaal, canonized by the God-Emperor himself. A Magus is someone with special and magical powers, like those wizards and mages in video games and movies in your culture, just that it is an inborn and mutated ability that cannot be taught or learned, and is awakened naturally or by an accident or trauma. They can also be called Espers or Psychics. Being called a Magus is just a term for all special power holders, whatever their power may be. You see, Magi are rare, very rare, rare enough that a life-planet with billions of residents such as yours might not hold a single one that awakened by natural means. However, Magi's powers tend to be unstable, and are prone to cause harm to themselves and others. Hence, the wise and magnificent Emperor of Mankind has instructed that all Magi are to be brought to him to be taught to help control their powers. And, as a powerful Magi, I can detect other Magi."

After he finished speaking, he silently looked at Alex and smiled.

At that moment, I had a bad feeling. Alex was the same.

"You're saying that I am..." - Alex said hesitantly.

"Yes, you are an uninitiated Magus, and I have detected it already. I have seen thousands of Magi, and I must say, your potential is one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen in my 500 years of life." - Magus Dythe said with a deep look.

"I-I don't believe... That can't be true... You must have made a mistake, your lordship." - Alex started to deny it while shaking his head.

I also didn't believe it, and I was also afraid that "Sir Corval" will lash out again. To my surprise, he stood still, like a bronzed statue. He seemed to be more tolerant toward Alex.

"Now, now, child. Relax and think. Have you experienced weird things that others have never experienced before? Do you have powers that others don't? Anything anomalous that your peers do not possess?"

As the Magus mentioned it, I suddenly widened my eyes and shuddered, and so did Alex and his two parents and four siblings. We all cast strange looks at the slightly handsome half-Hispanic young man with short black hair and rimmed glasses.

Alex has always been plagued by rare life-threatening disasters, and they were solved just as easily as they appeared, only leaving Alex with some temporary emotional trauma. It all began when we were eight when on a stormy day he was struck by lightning twice. The first time, it stopped his heart, the second time, it revived him, with no lasting damage. Since then, all sorts of weird stuff and crazy accidents that could be explained by bad luck happened to him(Often dragging me into them), and we survived by what could be described as pure good luck.

We always attributed it to chance, but now that this Magus says that...

"Okay, we believe you, sir." - Mrs. Fletcher, a slightly chubby and pretty Hispanic woman, said.

"Yep, we believe you, sir." - The Fletcher family and I agreed, readily selling out Alex the Protagonist to the aliens.

I wasn't the only one who suffered from Alex's bad luck. His whole family suffered from it as well. Even my parents got involved once or twice.

"Guys?!" - Alex looked at us with a sad look, like a betrayed puppy.

"Alex, relax. I am sure the aliens won't do anything bad to you. Isn't that right, sir High Magus?" - I said while patting Alex's shoulder and asked the so-called High Magus subserviently.

"Eddy?!" - Alex said while looking even more betrayed.

The high-magus nodded, "Indeed, that is the case. Young man, listen to your wise friend and come with us, I need to help you control your powers as soon as possible."

Alex was about to cry as he shakily asked, "I-If I go with you, can I ever come back? Can I call my family?"

"Of course, child. Within a year or two, you can visit your parents again, and even bring unimaginable glory and wealth to them. We will even provide Warp communication devices to allow you to talk to them even from the other side of the Galaxy."

It took a bit more convincing, but finally, Alex reluctantly agreed and went together with the aliens. Before he left, however, he asked a question that made me feel constipated.

"I... Can I bring my best friend with me, please?" - Alex pleaded.

"I am afraid not, child. Your road will part with his, now." - The old magus shook his head and said, making me feel slightly relieved inside.

"I... See..." - Alex said dejectedly and boarded the alien shuttle.

As the Fletcher family and I watched the alien shuttle fly off and disappear into the blue sky, I did a retake on the situation.

I already got the message that no matter what I say or do, Alex would have been taken away. I doubted that I even had an iota of chance to take on even one of these "Chosen", let alone four of them along with an Emperor-Damn "High Magus" or whatever he is.

Besides, it could be beneficial to Alex. I am doing it for his sake. I'm DEFINATELY not ratting him out because I am having trouble surviving his ridiculous Protagonist Aura. Nope, not at all. No sir.