Chapter 6 – Entering the Dungeon (part2)
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Chapter 6 – Entering the Dungeon(part2)

I heard Silvet's scream from the meeting tent, as I walked towards the stairs to the previous level.

“Silvet will definitely scold you later. “, said Walter, who was waiting for me by the stairs, while still looking at the meeting camp accompanied by Rag and Jil's party.

“Let Bent explain to him. I feel like we missed something on the second level. "

"Yugo accompanied by Jin is on guard duty, they will not come this time. "

“Alright, we'll look around for a bit and come back later. "

We went back through the second level, only a few beasts that we encountered this time. Naturally, considering the previous fighting squad cleared this place when we headed to level three.

What made me suspicious was, not a single treasure chest we came across, after going through two floors of the dungeon. That's why I'm trying to re-check and all, this also could be an opportunity for them to gain experience.

Sica as a scout was suitable to be brought in for a mission like this, and Yun had magic, it would be useful to escape, if needed.

Sica walked and checked the surroundings, at a glance the path on this second level, just like an ordinary passage, one would feel natural if no treasure chest was found. However, considering that in the first level, there are several secret rooms, where the beasts came out to surround us, so, it's possible that something like that exists here as well.

“ Hyuga-nii, what are you doing? “

Rag who saw me touching the floor while kneeling on one leg, looked curious as to what I was doing. I use a magic tool that is still in this experimental stage, it applies the principle of sonar waves.

To be precise, this tool used mana that was made to spread out like a wave, with a current range of 10 meters. Using it on the surface of the floor or wall can tell us, whether there is a hidden space behind it.

“I'm using this tool to check, is there any space behind this surface. Remember what happened before. "

“Oh!? It's my first time hearing of such a magic tool? “, Yun responded to my words with enthusiasm, I felt like I could see his eyes shining with enthusiasm.

“I have another one, do you want to try it? Maybe you can use it better than me. "

I gave the device to him, for now, I call it proto1 sonar. After teaching him the principle use in this tool and how to use it, Yun was able to use it with a scope of about 15 meters.

“Oh! I did it!! I can feel from a distance over there, there is space behind the wall…”

“Yes! The experiment was successful! Sica check if there is a trigger to open it. The rest would be on guard if there were beasts hiding there. "

After Sica checked it, she managed to open the secret door and found a treasure chest. After confirming that there are no beasts in the room as well as traps in the vicinity, I coded for Sica to check the treasure chest, to see if there were traps or not,

( dungeon treasure box. Trap : none )

I also use appraisal to check the treasure box and found out that I can tell if there is a trap or not in that treasure box. But I keep silence so Sica can train her skill to look out for traps.

Once we felt safe, Sica opened it and we managed to find something inside. After that, we still continued to explore this level and several times faced beasts along the way, we also found some other secret rooms.

Unfortunately, unlike before, not all rooms have treasure chests, instead traps await for us. Not only in the room, when we opened the chests (and it's a dud) we had to try to remove the traps to open the treasure chests.

When finished, we returned to the main group. Silvet and the others were waiting for me, as soon as they saw me, Silvet immediately dragged me to the meeting tent and Walter followed us from behind, sighing seeing me.