Chapter 23: Getting back to Alexei
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Chapter 23: Getting back to Alexei

After Orion paid the damaged that Alexei had caused, he picked up his things, and went back to the younger vampire with the safe pass. Deciding to arrange his stall in Lute village on his second visit.

Alexei was glad to see him back so soon. Marble slabs were waiting shipment, and Orion noted that there was nothing wrong with them, as far as he could see. Granted, he was no masonry expert, but he knew enough to see that the goblins had not slouched.

"You paid my debts?" Alexei asked. "I can't have that."

"Yes, you can," Orion told him in a clipped tone. "You are my heir. I should take care of you, from time to time. Just don't make it a habit."

"I will return you the money, I insist," Alexei said. Orion pocked him on the forehead.

"Look here, you need to take care of Ivan. He won't be let back in Lute village to work, anytime soon. Although now, he can visit. You need an income, boy. For two people," Orion then sighed, and placed his arms around Alexei, bringing him into a hug. "I don't mind covering for you. I was just like you, once."

"You were?" Alexei could hardly believe that. For all the time he had known Orion, the man had been peaceful.

"I was. Most of my gold was made from stealing," Orion admitted. "It is gold I need to get rid of. Granted, the people I took it from asked for it, by waving pitchforks at me, but the things still stand as they are."

"And how is that?" Alexei asked.

"I can't be peaceful, if I use and acquire bloody gold. You can't be, either," Orion told him, as he released the younger vampire from the hug. "Times are changing. Soon, the forests won't be off limits to the villagers. It won't happen tomorrow, or the day after that, but they will find a way to tame the land that usually belongs to us."

"And you won't stop them?" Alexei asked. He didn't want to share his forest with humans. He just needed and wanted access to their village.

"Stop them how? Alexie, humans outnumber us five to one," Orion told him slowly. "Sure, we, vampires, are as strong as a hundred of them each, but that doesn't mean we can't get mobbed."

"So, you are saying that we should either adapt, or die?" Alexei asked.

"That is precisely it. I will buy the forest I own from the king. Make it official. First, I will need to send him a letter, but I am certain that I have enough gold for all of the land. If you'd like, I can make sure that you can buy your forest as well," Orion suggested, and Alexei looked down at his feet.

"How am I ever going to repay you?" Alexei asked, and Orion shrugged.

"It is not the duty of the child to repay their parent with anything but love and respect," Orion said, and then clapped Alexei on the shoulder. "How is Ivan? Has immortality been good for him?"

"He told me yesterday that he was not hungry, and he skipped dinner. Was that because of the golden apple?" Alexei asked.

"It is a side effect, yes. You should still get him to eat. He won't die if he gets sick, but it would still be unpleasant," Orion told him, and looked at Ethinir. Ossilo was still putting away eating the apple, for one reason or the other. Orion kept his in a different compartment in his bottomless bag, and cleaned it every day.

"Are Ossilo and Ethinir under any side effects?" Alexei asked.

"Only Ethinir ate the apple," Orion said. He pulled out the golden apple that he was keeping for Ossilo. "But I am hopeful that Ossilo will eat someday soon."

"You worry that he will die on you?" Alexei asked.

"He has many years ahead of him. Still, I don't want him to age," Orion would still love Ossilo, even if he ended up old and wrinkled. But, if Ossilo was young forever, then he could be happier. Orion was certain of it.

"Well, I think Ivan is going to become as red as a tomato, if we leave him with those two any longer," Alexei mused, and then headed to the trio.

Orion followed him, and caught the tail ends of a conversation.

"And, you know, vampire bites during sex are exciting, or so I've heard. Care to confirm?" Ossilo asked with a sly smile.

"They are a nice touch," Ivan mumbled. When he saw his lover moving towards him, he looked relieved.

"Alexei, don't leave me with those two ever again. They have so many questions," Ivan muttered, as Alexei took a hold of him. The blonde vampire brought his lover closer, and kissed his hair.

"Well, can you blame them? My father is not likely to take them to bed anytime soon," Alexei retorted, a smirk aimed for Orion.

"I will tan your hide, brat. I am warning you," Orion said, but he felt warm inside at being referred to as the younger vampire's father. Orion was not Alexei's maker, so he felt that the honor was something he didn't deserve. Still, he felt touched.

"If the goblins could manage themselves, you can come and visit our forest," Ossilo offered to the two. Alexei turned to Ivan with a pleading look.

"Sweetling..." he began, but Ivan scrunched up his nose at him.

"You whip the forest into shape, and then make social calls. Orion can come to visit instead. It seems like he is going to travel a lot. Right, Orion?" Ivan asked, and Orion nodded.

"This forest lies on the way to the seaside. I will need to cross it often," Orion told them, and then turned to Ethinir.

"My love, I have something to ask of you," Ethinir smiled then, still, the smile was strained. He loved being referred to as Orion's love, but he didn't want to sing right now.

"Yes, Orion?" Still, Ethinir was going to sing, if it was asked of him.

"Can you look over Alexei's books? I am not good with numbers," Orion asked, and Ethinir beamed at him.

"Sure, I can. Alexei, lead the way," Ethinir was smiling for true now. Orion placed a hand on Ossilo's shoulder, and the Naga turned to him.

"And you, my Brightest Star, would you mind sewing them something? I have silk and wool in my bottomless bag," Orion asked, and he patted the bag.

"No problem. Ivan, come over here," Ossilo then pulled out the measuring meter from his own bag, and began to take Ivan's measurements.