Chapter 29: Mocking Humanity (Spook)
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Discussion somewhere in the Tainted Forest on Eklipses...


Appears you can no longer wield your sword after so much battle,

Appears you can no longer move, for your legs cannot carry you any further afield,

Appears you cannot escape my questions and inquiries as I need an answer to some,

After all, it doesn't appear you will be going anywhere soon, we have all the time right now.~


Oh, you have somewhere to go, then at least do the respect to answer me this,

After all, if need be, you don't need your limbs in pristine condition to survive,

You just need your vital organs in good adequate condition,


No need to worry, I care not about the value of your life, the threat is simply a warning is all,

If anything, I'll be healing you once my questions have gotten their value,

So relax...and answer as honestly, you can, as you will be doing.~


What is this so-called humanity, this so-called concept you outworlders love to spread around?

A promise of kindness and justice to whoever you decide earns it if I recall right?

A view born upon a foundation of righteousness, of justice and politeness to those around?


Please tell me is this some kind of joke designed by your kind and your gods to spread worship or something?


It is not? It is something pure and precious to hold onto?

Something to maintain despite whatever form one takes?

Something to hold up as a virtue in its pristine form?


...Such a thing is so strange to taste and to hear from the lips of your ilk,

It's such a strange concept, especially heard by one of your folk.

after all, most of your ilk were not sent here on "humanity", you were sent here for war.


An outsider to our realm, bringing forth ideas that have no grounding in our reality,

In the truth of this world and what it is built upon,

Though it has such a sweet appeal, its nothing but hubris in the end, 


Hm? You desire to hear further and know just why it's "hubris"?

Well, it's not hard to state after all, despite what you would like to hear,

You killed every single one of those men who held a sword, and for what?


An ideal is what you killed those men for,

Those men who had family, friends, and acquaintances back home,

Those men who were just doing their duty at this border guard, inspecting any suspicious travelers.


You slaughtered every single one down to the youngest recruit,

Oh, they were mindless monsters, speaking in a mockery of the prime language?

Just because they were not to the taste of your race, you decided they were mindless and free to kill?


Even ogre's and goblins have their own families, or are you so full on their propaganda to realize?

I am not scolding you oh so "chosen human", I just feel so deeply disturbed by your thoughts of justice,

Oh, for I have no right to judge, for I am below any regard by your kind? such harsh words by such a fool.


This is my view on the topic, from an outside perspective by another race from beyond your veil,

Though do not be mistaken, I am not particularly angry, sad, vengeful, agitated, or full of fury, though I am deeply disappointed by the answers given,

As though this idea is nice, great even, one should still keep one appendage in reality,


And realize, that despite whatever lofty ideal you speak, if your actions don't line up, it means nothing in the end.

After all, you humans seem to continuously think that they were the ones who created the concept of kindness.

No, in this world, many races have come long before them, and many will after they are gone.


This idea of humanity is not a poor idea, but not all races will need it,

And some couldn't imitate this idea, to begin with, but does that mean that race is "evil"? not really.

This concept in this world is unnecessary as it will just get many innocents killed because they can't understand or would conform.


...I'm Arrogant? Ohhh.~ What such sewage spilled at my statements,

Isn't this the height of arrogance being placed on full display?

After all, you are not even trying to disprove my claims, or even trying to hold back emotions.


All you are doing is stirring yourself into a frenzy, and for what?

An ideal that will only garner bloodshed when whatever the holder decides is "Evil", appears?

They do not need this pain, they don't need this mockery of kindness, of hospitality in this world.


I might have accepted your answers if you actually chose to accept or even make-up for its shortcomings,

But instead, you mock, belittle, and threaten me but not once offer any counterargument,

I never entirely understood this fascination with these all-encompassing ideals,


Especially expressed by you humans and human Outworlders,

Your race is so devout to your beliefs, to your justice, to your kindness, and what is the result?

Bloodshed, slaughter, and privilege are sowed throughout your conquered territories.


...You know what? I am tired of this pointless discussion that only I'm partaking in,

Instead of taking criticism with grace, you just spew sewage from your face,

I have no more patience for this, nor do I think you are even thinking of the other races.


As such, I won't be healing you, oh Champion of the humans, Slayer of the evil races,

Butcher of the races of chaos, such silly names, and now I see, belonging to a much sillier person,

Let it be known, that your wounds are indeed fatal without the necessary treatment,


Regardless of your teammate's attempts at seeking you out, they will not be able to,

For this forest will be your grave, Cindy and it keeps its secrets well-hidden,

And this will be the last conversation you will be having in this life.


I pray you will be much more collected in your next life and much more tolerant of others, goodbye.


The tirade by, Spook, the Poet Extraordinaire