Do you ever wonder what the gods, the half-divine, and other assorted higher powers feel about the world they live in? Are you interested in short tales of such entities, or unusual styles and formats that some of these deities may think or speak in? Enter and let the collection of poems, epics, short inserts, and all manner of miscellaneous stories detailing these myths spread out before you.~
Any major and minor characters will be tracked in the glossary, I will be updating it monthly.
The novel will be updating weekly on Tuesday, though it may also update a day or two late, so check by then as well.
(As a kind of warning, there isn't any specific order you have to read by, so you can choose which character you wish to read up on, as chapters for each are many. Though quite a few poems will take place in specific settings, so keep that in mind. )
(This is a project I am doing as writing practice, so any advice or criticism is appreciated.)