Chapter 6: Questions and answers
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Hellooo! The chapter today is somewhat longer. Editing it was sooo tiring! It took me almost 2 hours. All this table making for status and descriptions and every time I did them I had to write an additional reaction of the MC. What tempted me to do something so bothersome as first person view!? Anyway, please enjoy...

Caligo agreed with me after a moment of silence. Her voice was a little sad.

{Well that's to be expected, it isn't to farfetched to say that every god is a monster to mortals. And you have formed contract with such a 'monster'. It would be wrong for you, who is favoured by me, one of the strongest gods there are, to not be strong yourself. That's within expectations. What's unexpected, on the other hand, is your status of reincarnator, which not only raises your statistics, but also enhances the speed of your growth. Another unforseen surprise is your personal innate skill that wasn't given by me. Try using it.}

My innate skill, Analyzing Eye. I can somehow guess what will it be but there's one question.

(How do I use a skill?)

{In the case of this skill, focus on something around you and think of the name of the skill.}

I did as Caligo said. I focused on the baby bed I was lying in.

(Analyzing Eye.)

Almost immediately after I thought that, the same kind of transparent window as with the status appeared.

Ornamented comforting baby bed

Richly decorated with gold, this magic item offers the one sleeping in it a comfortable sleep and helps to regenerate lost energy.

Wow, that's convienient. I would never notice that it had such effect. Then an idea come to my head.

Name Christopher Vasquez Strenght 1(25)
Race Human Agility 1(30)
Age 2 days Dexterity 1(20)
Level 1 Inteligence 75
HP 10 Perception 10(50)
MP 750 Vitality 1(20)
Affinities [Light][Fire][Abyss][Void][Darkness][Neutral]
Innate skills [Analyzing Eye][Concealment-EX]

[Reincarnator][Divine Child of Primodial Goddess Caligo]

I focused on the skill Analyzing Eye. A familiar window appeared.

Analyzing Eye(innate skill)

A skill that allows the user to appraise the surroundings, giving him detailed information. You can appraise living beings and objects. When appraising people, you can ommite lower to middle levels of appraisal block. Unlike with normal appraisal, you can check the detailed information of skills and titles.

It worked! It seems plain, being only a higher grade of a standard skill, but the difference is tremendous! I imagine knowing your opponent's skills, strenghths and weaknesses would give quite an advantage in battle. As the famous quote goes, 'Know your enemy etc.' It will definitely be a huge help. The ommiting of appraisal block also seems useful. Appraisal block sounds like something you would use to hide something suspicious from others.

{How is it?}

(It's amazing! I appraised the skill itself and it gave me really useful information.)

{Yes, it's a rare and amazing skill. You are lucky to get something this good.}

(I agree. Caligo, I wanna ask you something. Can my Analizing Eye ignore the Concealment skill?)

When I was in Caligo's domain, while chatting she told me a little about the Concealment skill. According to her it not only allows to hide ones presence and fool the senses of other people, but you can also use it to tinker with your status so it shows different values and skills when appraised.

{Normally, yes, after all Concealment provides a medium level protection and is a skill you can learn. Commonly only a high grade magic tool that is very hard to acquire can offer higher level appraisal block. But I, who gave you this skill as an innate skill, am one of the gods that rule over darkness. Thanks to that your concealment abilities are boosted up one level, which means that you don't have to worry about someone perceiveing the hidden changes in your status. Well, unless they are a god. Assuming one wants to see your status, you have no way to stop them if you aren't a god yourself.}

(Good to know, thanks.)

{Everyting for you, my lovely Chris.}

T-that came out of nowhere. I feel my cheeks warming up.

(A-anyway, one last question for today.)

{Is it about the brackets next to your statitics?}

(Yeah, how did you know?)

{When you looked at your status for the first time, you spent some time wondering about something. When you told me about your status, I took a peek at it and figured out that this was what confused you.}

(So, what are the numbers in those bracket's? Some kind of sealed stats of something.)

{Not exactly. They show your statistics for your current level but because you have the body of the newborn baby they don't reflect your actual abilities. Your statistics will rise while you get older and your body grows. The same thing can happen when one is old, badly injured or loses a limb. One's psysical ability will fall sharply and the brackets will appear showing the statistic he or she should normally have.}

That's interesting. Now, should I check the rest of skills and title's. I'm also interested in the Perception stat.

Then, let's start with the Titles.


This title is granted as an achievement to those crossed the worlds after death and reincarnated with their memories intact. As a bonus, the achiever has all statistics raised by 10 and with level up their statistics will rise with growth multiplier 1.2 instead of 1.1. 

Wow, that's a great diffence. But wait what is this about growth multiplier? Wouldn't the growth at early stages be painstakingly slow? I asked Caligo about it.

{Oh, the level system takes care of it. Until one of the statistics hits the 20 value, they are all rising by 2 while leveling up. When it happens then that's when the growth multiplier is applied.}

So that's how it works. It also determines the direction in which someone will grow because the first stat to hit 20 will grow faster. 


Divine Child of Primodial Goddess Caligo

The symbol of contract between the primodial goddess Caligo and the Reincarnator Larry Smith(Christopher Vasquez). The receiver is granted:

+10 strength

+15 agility

+5 dexterity

+50 inteligence

+30 perception

+5 vitality

The contract grants the affinities of Abyss, Void and Darkness it the receiver and makes it easier for him to learn magic of all affinities.

Amazing. This title combined with the 'Reincarnator title gives me a really solid ground for future growth.

I know anout concealment, so I will skip it. I'm more interested in the Abyss affinity and Perception skill.

Oh god, I was sooo tired here already. Sentences are getting shorter and shorter.

Affinity: Abyss

It's a rare affinity that has no standard properties as they vary from one user to another. User must find it's own abyss, something that will greatly terrify his foes when they confront him. After all, this affinity is all about fear. You stare in the abyss and the abyss stares back.



Statistic responsible for senses of the user. The higher it's value is, the sharper the senses. Perception statistic is the only one that can be manipulated. It can be lowered down to the value of user's level 1 Perception.

Abyss seems very interesting and useful for incapacitating oponents but it looks hard to use and it's pretty disturbing. My only thought about Perception is that it's very user-friendly.

Well, my questions were answered so I guess I will now go to sleep. We talked for quite a long time and I'm still a baby. My body won't grow without sleep.

(Thanks for the answer. I'm quite tired. I'll sleep now. Good night, Caligo.}

{Good night. Sweet dreams.}

With these words I drifted into dreamland.