Chapter 5
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Here's another chapter. I hope you all like it. It's not going to be as long the last ones, but still feel free to tell me your opinion

(Altheria March 27 580 Imperial Calander time unknown)

(Rina POV)


Mmm, I slept like a log. {Mmm, what's up?} Oh, right you're here too.

{Hey that's mean.}

Well, I mean you are literally a mental illness turned into a skill so yeah, I mean I have nothing against you or something just weird talking to myself and getting a reply.

{Hmph, you're so mean me.}

Ok now it's just getting weird being called me.

{Then, what should I call you? It's not like we have a way to distinct each other from one another.}

Well, I have a name. But you're ri-


System announcement
Hello people of Altheria, Avil, and Cinith. It is the system administrator. Good news the system got its first ever update. Yay. I've added new features and made a simpler skill layout for all of you to use. I also changed its background color to red so that's nice. Those with telepathy get a new feature to contact anyone they are on good terms with. A few things I want to say. First, is those who have done something they should not have. Pray for mercy for those who have committed atrocity have awakened something they should not have. For those who have been wronged I wish you good luck in your endeavors of retribution.

What the hell is this? What is happening?

"A system overhaul. What else?"(?)


"W-What. Who's there? Come out!?"(Rina)

"You're not going to find anyone in that tiny burrow you took over. Too small and you blocked the entrance."(?)

"What? Then, who are you and how are you talking to me!?"(Rina)

"Haha, like mother, like daughter. Such, balls while talking to me."(?)

"You know my mom?"(Rina)

"I'll save that for when you get your memories back at that time, you'll be able to call me. For now, a few things first I'll give you this."(?)


[Unique skill: Mini Map acquired]

"Hold on who are you and how come you can give unique skills?"(Rina)

"Right. We've met once before but you wouldn't remember. I'm Blaze the creator and administrator of the system. Just call me Blaze. As for your other questions there is two for the unique and one for the talking. We can talk because you have [Telepathy] and I used that part to talk to you. Now for the Unique skills I can do that because I made the system and it's easier to give them to people from other worlds."(Blaze)

"Ok. Then why did you give me this skill exactly?"(Rina)

"Simple so I can do this.


[travel point set]

This is a good place for you to go to. Though you're going to have to be in human form to get in. So, I recommend getting used to human form. Also, you are going to want to start using space attribute magic it's very convenient to use. So, I'll teach you a spell for it you just need to use your magic to do it."(Blaze)

"Ok, what do I do first."(Rina)

"That's the spirit. The spell I'll teach you is [dimensional storage] or as some call it [Inventory]."(Blaze)

"What does it do?"(Rina)

"Right memories are sealed. What it does is open a rift in space-time and allows you to put anything that isn't living in it. What you put in there will be in the same condition it was in when put in there. Now first try coating your claw with space attribute mana. While you do that, I'll do other things just call my name once you're done with the first step."(Blaze)


The connection cut after that. {So should we trust him?} Do we even have a choice? I mean we don't know anything about literally anything. We don't know where our parents are or anything else. We can only hear him out. {I guess you're right. But can we finish what we were talking about before everything else happened?} Sure. Uh, what was that again?


{Haa, you have some bad memory. It was only like 4 or 5 minutes ago and you forgot already. Whatever, we were talking about distincting one another other.}

Right. So, as I was saying I have a name so should I give you one?

{That does not sound like a bad idea.}

Hmm. How about Snow?

{Why, Snow?}

I don't know. It just felt right when I saw you.

{Rina. I don't look any different from you. You do know that, right?}

Ya but it just felt right. So, do you accept the name or not?

{I mean it's not a bad name so sure.}


[Skill Spilt Personality level 1 has evolved to Alter Ego through the naming of a Split Personality. +2 skill points]

{(Huh!?)} Wait a minute. It's that easy to evolve a skill?!

{I don't think so, but I could be wrong.}

Whatever let's just practice coating our claw in space attribute mana.

(Same time. Demon king of Fluff's castle)

(Demon King Ella POV)

What the hell is going on? In my 70,000 years as demon king this has never happened.


"Who's there?!"(Ella)

"Are you ok Ella?"(Storm)

"What? You can't hear it?"(Ella)

"Hear what? All I hear is people screaming from confusion and fear from what that message said."(Storm)

"There is a male voice that just said "Yo"." (Ella)

"Nope. I didn't hear anything like that. Are you sure you're, ok?"(Storm)

"Ya, I must be hearing things from all this confusion."(Ella)

"You're not hearing things. I'm real it's just that I'm using the call function in the system. So, no one but you could hear me."(?)

{Then, who and why are you calling me.} (Ella)

"Simple I have some time until she figures out how to use space attribute well enough to imbue her claws with spatial attribute mana."(?)

{Ok, but that only leaves more questions.} (Ella)

"Well, you're not getting a lot of answer anyway. So, why I called. You know that little wolf you had your eye on?"(?)

{What about the little wolf? If you try to take it from me, I will destroy you.} (Ella)

"Bahahaha, what's a kid like you going to do to me? Tickle me? Anyway, stop calling her an it. She is a girl and also has a name. And even if you were to get your hands on her you wouldn't be able to contract with her."

"What?! Ahem. {What the hell are you talking about?!} (Ella)

"Simple that wolf isn't so simple. That "little wolf" is a True Fenrir the last living one in fact. And they aren't nearly as easy as other creatures. They have intelligence equal to or greater than other races. So, making anything below an equal's contract is a no, for them. I suggest you become a friend and not an enemy as she will become a monster to her enemy and great hero to allies."(Blaze)

{And why should I believe you?} (Ella)

"You don't have to but do know a wolf girl that looks to be the age of twelve will arrive at the city closest to the Alefria forest in your territory. If the collar on her neck is taken off well the whole city will be turned into a waste land of death and ice. So, I recommend taking what I said to heart because if she goes on a rampage, she will stop at nothing to kill her target. And that girl also just so happens to be that wolf you blessed."(Blaze)

{So, if your words are to be believed then that means the warning in that system message was for those who wronged her.} (Ella)

"Ding ding ding we have a winner. You are correct. They have unleashed a power that should never be unleashed as if a being in Altheria would have power of a being in Cinith with it but, they can use their power on Altheria unlike you who has to suppress it to that of only a demon rank. So, do with it what you want but don't release the collar and just let grow strong enough to break it."(Blaze)

{Can I meet her?} (Ella)

"Ya, if you go down to Altheria. But don't force yourself on her she is only 6 months old or in terms of humanoids 12 years old."(Blaze)

{Hmph, of course I wouldn't. The demon race hates those who do that.} (Ella)

"You know that's not what I meant. I mean don't just try to pet her without her consent. I know you know she is the [10nth supreme fluff]. So, ask her first. Then if she agrees then you can."(Blaze)

{Fine. I'll ask first.}

"Good then bye she is calling also tell her that her parents aren't dead and when she gets her memories back. Tell her to call Blaze."(Blaze)

(Rina POV)

Finally! It took like 3 hours, but I did it. I can now coat my claws in space attribute mana.

At first, I couldn't figure out how to make space attribute but, then I thought about my ice magic and how that works then I tried thinking about doing the same thing with space and it worked then I tried to coat my claws, but the mana just disappeared when they hit my claws. So, I then thought about containing it and it worked but, I couldn't do anything else as it took all my focus to do.

So, I trained on doing it till I could do it without thinking much.

Then Snow said only after all the training, so that I could do it without thinking much about it that she could have done it while I use our body.

I then yelled at her from frustration of having to do all that work for nothing. All she said in response was {Well being able to do it could be useful later on if you could coat yourself in mana while I use spells.} and I couldn't refute her with that point. Then I called out to Blaze and-

"Yo, miss me."(Blaze)

Is what he said.

"No, I don't even know you."(Rina)

"Ouch, you know that hurts a lot."(Blaze)

"Whatever, what's the next step to use the spell?"(Rina)

"Sniff, fine it's not like I care anyway. You just slash in any direction and think or say the words [Inventory] or [Dimensional storage] and a rift will appear where you can put stuff in and take stuff out."(Blaze)

I do as he said and

"Wooow! That's so cool! How does it work?!"(Rina)

"As I said earlier you just put something in it, and it will go in. Well as long as it's not alive."(Blaze)

"Then, what should I do now?"(Rina)

"You should go to the city I marked. It'll take a week, but you should be fine if you follow the map. Also, there is a few skills you should get. Those are [Fear immunity], [Mental attack Immunity], [Serene Mind], and [Sense presence] the first three you should get before breaking the collar and the last is, so you don't get surprised attacked again."(Blaze)

"How do I do that?"(Rina)

"Why do I keep forgetting she doesn't have her memories. You can use the skill shop and say search for certain skills. Simply put you can just buy them with skill points. You can also level skills with skill points."(Blaze)

"That sounds so simple and easy. Is there anything else I need to know?"(Rina)

"Make sure to get those skills and go to the Adventurer's Guild there you can register as an adventurer and level up and train skills."(Blaze)

"Anything else?"(Rina)

"Oh, right I blocked all incoming calls, but you can make calls to others like your past life friend and those that blessed you. Also, I don't recommend calling Mithreil."(Blaze)

"Why shouldn't I call him?"(Rina)

"Just don't."(Blaze)


"Ok that should be all call me when you get your memories."(Blaze)


And the connection was cut I guess I'll start with my status.

Here is another skill description.


[Agility up level 2: Increases agility stat by 10%.]
