Hunt by the dream.
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I recommend reading the respective passages with music.

For who wants:

Noora Noor - Forget what I said

Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning




A bar in the center of a city. A man dressed in his suit sheds his bitterness in the whiskey glass. In the background a Two Feet song, I Feel Like I'm Drowning. The music was perfect for Alexander's condition.

-No! No! it is that bitch's fault! I could go to jail because of her!

The barman didn't tell Alexander anything. He was accustomed to such people. Many people choose the bar after a break.

After a few minutes of staring sharp and drinking. Alexander takes his hand over the phone. Then go into the gallery.
He couldn't kill the man, but he was sure with that could kill him.

[Whoever comes to the bitch, with his work at him]

There were photos in the gallery. Every photo provided names, locations, pictures, and different writings.

[I suspect this man is not just a rich man. I hope he likes the BDSM ]
A vague smile appeared on Alexander's face.

With his eyes on the phone, Alexander saw a location that caught his attention. It was very close to where it was. More specifically, an abandoned house.

[Curiosity can kill you. But, if he took my women, at least I could win something.]

Curiosity along with alcohol made Xavier make the decision quite quickly.

-Keep the change.

-What chan ...
Of course, before the bartender finished his words, Alexander was already out of the bar.

Alexander goes out quite often at night, but this time it was different.
Everything manifested, darker. Every shadow was a man even where he wasn't. It was as if the universe was trying to scare him not to go in the direction he chose.
But none of this could keep Alexander away from his choice.
It's the kind of stubborn man who chooses to die rather than deviate from his own choice. Once devoted it, is there until it dies or ends. That's what it was all about. That's his nature.
The kind of man you want the friend and not an enemy.

After 20 minutes of travel, he arrived at the destination.
He checked that there was no one nearby and went through a fissure.
The notebook was very detailed, specifying the exact location of what was to be found, at that location. In a vent in the living room.

Once Alexander put his hand in the vent he took out a bag.
With a firm look, open the bag. But after looking at it, one farm has changed to one of unbelief.
There was more money than he could count. Or more money than he could do in two lives.
And that's just one place. There are hundreds in the notebook.
All of them are the same?

Alexander did not want to stay in this place. He was a rich man. Who needs that woman? He can have as much as he can!

After putting everything down as he found. Headed for the fissure.

You know how I said, life is not right. Definitely, not with Alexander.

After he got out, was hit on his head.
Thrown, into a car. All this in less than a minute.

When Alexander recovered his consciousness, he could smell blood.
The smell of mold. The pain felt on the head.
When he wanted to take his hand to his head, he realized he was tied.
His heart started to beat stronger and stronger.
Looking around, he couldn't see anyone. Tried to release himself, but was too tight.

-Hey! Are you gonna leave me here until I die? If so, I'm disappointed.

Immediately after had finished talking, a female voice:

-So do I..

Once the woman saw, in his mind was the song: Forget what I said.
A beautiful woman, green eyes, long hair. Only the fact that he does not die by the man's hand has made it easier to accept.

- It is obvious the luck didn't hit you. So how do you know the place?

-From the guy who fucks with my girlfriend to room 202 Continental Hotel.
Quite specific? Can you do me a favor?

The woman turned back to him.
-Who do you think You Are?

-The guy that has 20 pictures that can shut your business, anytime.

Once the woman heard him pick up the phone on the table.

-These pictures?

- You know? Even though I do not seem to be, I'm a lawyer. Do you think I can not find ways to protect myself?

The woman was quiet.

- Now that you are willing to negotiate.
Alexander raised his head and stared at the beauty in his eyes.

-I want to take his place.

-Do you want .. what?
The woman was expecting, asking to be able to get out alive.

-Take his place! Let's be serious, that guy kept the notebook in the hotel.
Besides, if you kill me, it's the same thing as killing yourself.
The woman put a serious face.

-I do not like men who think smart.

-I like beautiful women. And I'm not doing that. I'm smart.

-If you were smart, you asked to leave this place.

-That you let me get out of here?

The woman did not answer. She just made a sign to untie.
-Come on!


-Didn't you say you wanted his place?
You have to deserve it.

Alexander stood up. But at that moment he received a blow to his head.
[Not again]


-This is the second time! I have to stop this!

- My lord, is everything okay?

-Yes! You can leave!

Xavier was accustomed to remembering all the unpleasant things in hell. But there they were like remorse. This is like watching your life in front of a TV.

Who wants to see his whole life when he's asleep?