Chapter – Interlude
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So I don't usually do this but I don't want to leave this story unfinished. The truth is, this sort of style was hard to write. It was a fun thing to do; but I did this novel more for myself than for others and the headspace, the way I have to feel to write these chapters, can be pretty hard to remain in.

I'm looking at trying to write longer chapters, up to 3-5k words every few weeks-month or if people would like, I could go longer than that, but it might take multiple months per chapter. I do not see this novel updating frequently however due to the above reason.

What sort of chapters should I aim for when I continue this?
  • 3-5k words every 2-6 weeks
  • 12k+ words every few months
Total voters: 1 · This poll was closed on Jan 14, 2023 01:23 AM.