Chapter 21: A Stroll in the Park
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Over the week, Tifara and David's friendship grew as he hung out with her friends at school and she was no longer grounded;he also protected her from rude people despite his lustful personality. The more he got to know her and her friends the more he started to like them. 

And Tifara and her friends visited David's uncle in the hospital for his recovery from the car crash. They prayed for David's uncle's recovery during his hospital stay. During David's uncle's recovery though, after Tifara and her friends finished their ministry work on a Friday morning, they said their good-byes individually and went on to their separate ways.

Once Sam was out of the picture, May dashed towards Tifara and tapped on Tifara's shoulder. "Wait here for me. I'm gonna go get Dalila, so we can go to the new park together, remember?"

Tifara's memories reminded her heart of going to the park with her best friend and Dalila in her P.E. class last week. She shook her head. "Okay."

Tifara stood there and waited silently, watching May run after Dalila. Man, I can't wait to go to the new park with my girlfriends. So exciting! She thought with her widened eyes and an excited smile. People passed by her in opposite directions on the sidewalk.

Once May returned to Tifara with Dalila, she exclaimed, "Alright, let's go to the new park then!"

"Great! What are we waitin' for?!" Tifara exclaimed.

"Right?!" Dalila questioned excitedly. 

As soon as May led Tifara and Dalila to the park, Tifara and Dalila followed her. Their hearts beated whenever they ran. The cool, morning breeze blew into the young women's faces. Alright, new park. Here we come! Tifara thought while she continued to run with May and Dalila.


Once those young ladies arrived though, they panted and bended forward, placing their hands on their knees. People walked past them in opposite directions. After cooling off from all that running, they stood up straight and examined their surroundings with their broadened eyes.

There they saw people either walking or running-by themselves or with others. Some people sat on benches and watched children play on the big, orange playground set. Others were doing some exercise in the athletic area.

Wow! May was totally right 'bout that, Tifara thought excitedly. This place really is amazing after all.

May raised her fists up underneath her chin when her amazed eyes moved sideways, then aimed at the athletic area. "Oh, yea! There's the athletic area! Hold on, baby. I'm comin'!"

"Ah!" Tifara put her hand out forward when she watched May run after the athletic area.

Dalila grinned and shook her head sideways. "Oh, there goes May as usual. Always the athletic type."

When Tifara thought about that, she smiled and agreed with Dalila's statement. She turned to Dalila once Dalila walked past her in a couple steps. 

"C'mon, Tifara," Dalila said. "Let's go!"

Tifara shook her head. "Mhn. I'm coming."

Once Tifara and Dalila made it to the athletic area, they watched May pull herself up and down on the bar. 

"Oh, yea! Whooo-hooo!" May exclaimed while she exercised.

"Hmm…" Tifara grinned at May with her hands crossed and moved sideways a little bit. 

Dalila took a look around to see if anyone was finished with their equipment. She saw a romantic couple get off of the sit ups one and walked away from it, dashing towards it. She even turned to her friends and pointed at the sit ups equipment. "I'll be doin' the sit ups over there!"

Tifara turned to Dalila and watched Dalila go. "Okay!" 

"Okay!" May responded while she continued her exercise.

Yet Tifara wasn't interested in exercising with her friends. She was only interested in swinging the swings behind her. 

Turning around though, she broadened her eyes when she saw something, gasping quietly. No way! She thought out of shock. There she saw David sitting on the bench. David's here! I wonder what he's doin' here. Well, this is where I'll find out, she continuously thought.

Tifara turned around to her friends. "I'll go hang out with David near the playground set."

May and Dalila stopped exercising for a minute and looked out at David, gasping. 

"No way! David's here?!" May asked while she and Dalila took a couple steps forward and stopped near Tifara. 

"Yep, he sure is," Tifara answered. 

"What's he doin' here?" Dalila asked, crossing her arms. 

"I don't know," Tifara replied. "But I'm willin' to find out." She walked forward. 

"Maybe we'll go with you," Dalila suggested, following Tifara with May.

"Yea, me too," May said.

"Yea, sure. Go ahead," Tifara said.

Once Tifara and her friends almost made it to David, Tifara's voice called out David's name. 

"Huh?!" David curiously asked, turning to Tifara and her friends. He saw them waving at him before they stood near him. "Oh, hi, Tifara, May, Dalila. How are you guys?" He noticed Sam's absence from them. "And where's Sam?"

"We're doin' fine, but…" Tifara answered.

"Sam went home to help out his parents with community service," Dalila replied. 

"Plus…" May added, "We're supposed to have our girls only day together anyway."

"O-Oh! I'm sorry!" David broadened his eyes when he heard what came out of May's mouth. "I didn't mean to ruin your girls only day! I'll jus' go elsewhere." He stood up from the bench and began to exit the park.

Ah! Tifara thought, widening her eyes, raising her fists underneath her chin, with her serious, determined look on her face. Okay, I can't allow David to go home alone, feeling guilty like this. I jus' can't-

"H-Hey, wait! Don't go!" Tifara put her hand out forward.

"Huh?!" David stopped moving and turned around, watching Tifara grab his shirt. "Wh-What are ya doin', Tifara?! I'm fine bein' alone, okay?"

Tifara shook her head and put it down. "No, please stay." She lifted her head. "At least for a while…"

"Yea! We would like to hang out with ya!" Dalila and May agreed.

"O-Oh, okay. Well if you guys say so," David said.

Tifara gasped and smiled at David out of joy. "Oh, yea! Let's go to the athletic area!" 

"Oh, 'bout that…" David got Tifara's hand away from his shirt and put his head down. "You see…I hate doin' anythin' athletic."

"Oh…we'll, what do ya wanna do then, David?" May asked.

"Yea…" Dalila agreed.

"Ummm…uhhh…" David studied his surroundings for something to do when he couldn't figure out what he wanted to do in the new park. Then he spotted the four empty swings slowly moving back and forth a little. He returned his head to the young women. "Maybe we can go hit the swings then?"

After Tifara and her friends searched their eyes around and spotted the swings, they turned to David with their eyes closed and a couple of grins on their faces. "Sure, why not!"

Running towards the swings however, a couple of children started occupying two out of four empty swings. "Uhhh…" Their eyes widened when they watched those children's parents assist the children to swing the swings. 

"Ohhh, great! There's now only two unoccupied swings," May complained with a frown.

"Yea…" Dalila also agreed with a frown.

Tifara expressed her determined look on her face and walked towards the swings. "Looks like David and I will swing the swings."

"Huh?!" May, Dalila and David questioned with their eyes widened. 

"B-B-But, Tifara! What are ya-" May questioned, putting her hand out forward.

Tifara turned around. "David and I aren't interested in exercising in the athletic area. Trust me, David and I will be on the swings for a while;once we're done, we head over there and let y'all know 'bout it, okay?"

Then May and Dalila shook their heads, getting ready to leave the area. "Okay! See ya later!"

"Bye!" Tifara and David waved back at May and Dalila, watching them dash towards the athletic area. Then they turned toward the swings and rushed their way towards them before the two other kids grabbed hold of them. 

Sitting on the swings, they turned to one another and just slowly moved back and forth. 

"So…" Tifara began to speak with her head down, then turning to David. "How was your presidential run so far?"

David sighed with his head down, then turned to Tifara. "It wasn't good. People aren't even accepting my pamphlets." 

"Oh…" Tifara turned right and put her head down. "I'm sorry to hear that…"

David turned left and took a look around. "But I'm glad my uncle funded my presidential run. I jus' want people to respect me and take me seriously including my own parents despite being a late bloomer."

"I see…I'm sorry to hear you aren't loved by your parents, David."

"Oh, don't worry. It's alright. Anyway, how was your ministry work? Did it go so well?"

Tifara sighed and turned back to David. "No…not at all. Only a few people accepted the Gospel."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure it'll get better."

"Yea, it will. I'm sure of it. Have you heard any news of your uncle lately?"

"No, not yet."

"I see…"

After Tifara and David chatted for a while on the swing, they got off of them and took turns with May and Dalila. Tifara's friends swung on the swings while Tifara and David chatted with one another, strolling in the park. It was their only beginning.