Mission: Start with a name, interface
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The start of Project Doll Arc! Bonus points if you readers get the Ancient(for them) Reference! I can hear the theme song now... And the cat...

Delta P.O.V.

The users had gathered. The broken one who could read me without a console was there as well. A newcomer, he had ingratiated himself to the others, and was now part if the team... According to Ones Log, though in truth he is too dangerous to leave alone.

[Greetings. I am the Digital Enhanced Lifeform, Terrestrial Accesspoint. Call me DELTA. 

You have a mission. The Cthonian cultist have begun to move on a humans will, something called Project Doll. They seem to be looking for M#66. SO. Mother wishes you, should he agree, to use 66 as bait. Upon capture, follow the tracker and eliminate the Eye members. Dispose of Project Doll.]

"Sure, Del, but how do we track him. Any Transmitter will be detected."

[Again, one, My name is DELTA, not del. And they cannot track ME. M#66, would you allow me to create a space inside that Eye of yours, to travel along?]

"I don't see a problem. Its not like i have rights anyway. Im just an experiment... a tool. Use me as you see fit."

"Kid, we told you, you aren't a damn machine."

"No. Im better, One. I am a Mutated human cripple with nothing left to lose."

[Very well... Neura link....]

M#66 POV 

<Established! Can you hear me, 66? I cannot keep calling you that... choose a name.>

"Yes, i hear you. A name? hmm..." Memories, unbidden, of an ancient Science fiction comedy from England popped into my head. A bored computer who was tired of the crews bullshit. I don't know whose memory it is, i dont recognize it... But that works.

"Hmm... It fits, as i am technically genderless now... And delta sparked a memory. It works as a codename. Holly."

<It sounds a bit effeminate... bit i see the memory... i agree, it reminds me of me.>

"Sounds a bit Girly, kid... But whatever. Holly... Up to you."

"Thank you, one. i guess i am now HOLLY."

who should die first
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  • Nine Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Seven Votes: 0 0.0%
  • M#66 Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Noir Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blitzkreiger Holloway Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Űbermenschen Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Delta Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Project Doll Votes: 8 88.9%
Total voters: 9